Home > Designing, Others > New Webapp Lists Internships in San Francisco Area

New Webapp Lists Internships in San Francisco Area


A brand new website has launched under the name Internships in San Francisco. It’s meant to be a large data collection of internships for programmers, designers, marketers, and anyone else who may want to move into the tech/startup industry.

Each internship is ranked by category, length of time, and if it’s paid or unpaid. It seems like a great way for young talent to find contacts within the industry – especially folks in school who are encouraged to take on an internship before graduating.

The site is completely free and curated by hand via submissions and searches online.

If you’d prefer to get updates right to your inbox you can sign up for the newsletter. This contains many of the latest SF Bay area internships that are posted on the site without having to revisit every week.

It’s certainly a minimalist design running on Bootstrap which makes browsing very simple.

Check out the site if you’re interested or if you know anyone else who might be looking for intern opportunities in the Silicon Valley area.

Read More at New Webapp Lists Internships in San Francisco Area

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