Hands-On: Build a Node.js-powered Chatroom Web App (Part Five)
This Node.js tutorial series will help you build a Node.js powered real-time chatroom web app fully deployed in the cloud. Throughout the series, you will learn how to setup Node.js on your Windows machine, how to develop a web frontend with Express, how to deploy a Node Express-based app to Microsoft Azure, how to use Socket.IO to add a real-time layer, and how to deploy it all together. Level: Beginner to Intermediate–you are expected to know HTML5 and JavaScript Part 5 – Connecting the Chatroom with WebSockets Welcome to Part 5 of the hands-on Node.js tutorial series: Build a Node.js-powered chatroom web app. In this installment, I will show you how to connect the front-end chatroom to the node chatroom backend that you built in Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4. Adding jQuery, SocketIO and index.js The first thing we want to do before we start writing our frontend JavaScript code is to ensure the files and dependencies we need are going to be delivered by the node server. Let’s add jQuery and Socket.IO first to the layout.jade file which is extended by all the other jade files in our project. Replace the single link to bootstrap.min.js with a link […]
- Hands-On: Build a Node.js-powered Chatroom Web App (Part Three)
- Hands-On: Build a Node.js-powered Chatroom Web App (Part One)
Hands-On: Build a Node.js-powered Chatroom Web App (Part Two)
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