Home > Others > ENTREPRENEURS are the new ARTISTS


November 13th, 2019 Leave a comment Go to comments

Collaboration of the century; ART x ENTREPRENEURSHIP

When we scan the web, we will come up with different definitions of entrepreneurship. However, the phenomena of entrepreneurship is not a new term or it is not necessarily should be linked with “mobile applications” or “technology.”

Entrepreneurship is an elastic term which adapts, transforms and changes with accordance with time and space.

Just like Art.”

An entrepreneur is a sophisticated rebel. One ignores the limits of world. Rather expands the limits of world and there is no one definition how he/she can do it.

Just like an “Artist.”

But there is only 2 main key elements which differ old-time entrepreneurship from the new 21st-century entrepreneurship.

Globalisation & Social Media

“Globalization is collaborating and integrating on an international scale while social media reinforces this process through global networking.”

Wikipedia defines entrepreneurship as “the capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks to make a profit” yet our generation has manipulated this definition through a creative lens. In other words, modern entrepreneurial thinkers are rebels who aspire to rebuild their realities. I have learned this, especially from my own experiences.

As a newly emerging entrepreneur, I am trying to reflect every stage of my life in my product and my services.

As if I’m an artist, splashing color onto this black and white world

Just like an artist, I have major turning points in my life which directly affects how I approach my products and services. Some are personal some are professional.

Let me tell you about my professional experiences first and personal later and you can decide which affected my life the most.

First of all, I and my team were selected as the first runner in Axe Unilever. I was awarded 6 months’ personal and professional consultancy from Unilever HQ.

Another great turning point in my life is that I have co-founded a women empowerment platform and we have been selected as the 2nd most effective P2P project of 2018 in the world.

Or I give digital marketing consultancy to leading companies and NGO’s in the world and in Turkey like Urtim Scaffolding.

The other bright side of entrepreneurship career is my personal life. I was blessed to meet with lots of amazing women in my life. My mother and grandma instilled the characteristics of resilience, determination, and conviction which greatly complement my business aspirations.

She was this super beautiful in our high school. I have always taught she was out of my league but then in college, we dated for more than 2 years.

Or as a frat kid at State University of New York / Binghamton, I failed more than 2 courses.

When these experiences sum up, I can see my products as a reflection of my own self and experiences I had.

When you look at my 3 years entrepreneurship journey, there are points that are directly related to my own life.

Just like an “Artist.”

Another direct line with 21st-century entrepreneurs and artists is that they attempt to explain their products, that are influenced by their lives, with feeling. For example, when you go to MoMa or any modern art museum, you can see artistic statements.

I see them as simple at the same time a more complex versions of a canvas business models.

Artist trying to explain to him or herself in just 1000 characters.

Just like an entrepreneur trying to sell his/her product.

We entrepreneurs around the world working on the same goal.

Being an entrepreneur today is just as complex as being an artist.

Because we are trying to change the world for good but there is no science behind it.

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