Home > Others > Upcoming Web Design Conferences (January–June 2016)

Upcoming Web Design Conferences (January–June 2016)

January 6th, 2016 Leave a comment Go to comments

2016 will introduce new conferences and be host to most of your favorite conferences from the past years. IoT will probably be as prominent as wearables. And the budding virtual reality topic may very well become a hot topic with the release of two major VR headsets in the last quarter of 2015 and the first of 2016.

JS Remote Conf

Conferences are about gathering information and knowledge, but also opportunities to get to know other like-minded folks in the web design community. Keep in mind that there’s always a benefit to attending any event, and a strong chance that you’ll be exposed to a large amount of new information, so be prepared to absorb the latest techniques brought to you by distinguished authors and speakers!

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