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Mozilla Has Decided to Shut Down Persona

January 13th, 2016 Leave a comment Go to comments

Mozilla has decided to shut down its social login platform, Persona.

Launched in 2012, Persona has served as a social login service, acting as an alternative to Facebook and Twitter social logins. However, amidst the growing popularity of other social logins, Persona has failed to gather popularity, and that is the reason for its shutdown.

The key logic behind Persona was to serve as an API for developers so that they can implement social logins, and also to respect the users’ privacy by not tracking their activities on the web, unlike most other social login services.


Discussing the shutdown of Persona, Mozilla has posted the following:

Our metrics show that usage of persona.org is low, and has not grown over the last two years.

Hosting a service at the level of security and availability required for an authentication system is no small undertaking, and Mozilla can no longer justify dedicating limited resources to this project.

We will do everything we can to shut it down in a graceful and responsible manner.

As of now, Persona will remain functional until November 30 of this year, following which, it will be shutdown. This has been so done to allow existing users to find a relevant or suitable service.

For developers that might be so inclined, Mozilla has already open sourced Persona source code, and you can find it on GitHub.

Were, or are, you an active user of Persona? If so, which service will you now be migrating to? Share your views in the comments below!

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