Home > Others > The New Smashing Mystery Riddle: Have You Figured It Out Yet?

The New Smashing Mystery Riddle: Have You Figured It Out Yet?

January 26th, 2016 Leave a comment Go to comments

Yep, one of those mystery riddles again? To celebrate the launch of SmashingConf NYC, we’ve prepared yet another riddle, and this time it will be a matter of patience and following clues. As usual, we’ve hidden secret keys in a series of animated GIFs.

Smashing Book Mystery
Seek out the place — it will lead you to the key. Watch out for file names. (View large version)

Below you’ll find the first animated GIF, containing a location clue. To move to the next level, you have to find a hidden hash tag and follow a link in a tweet containing it. Once you’ve reached the last level (you’ll know when), just tweet all of the keys in one single hash tag (or a screenshot if there isn’t enough characters left!) to @smashingmag on Twitter! Not that difficult, right?

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