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How to Get Qualified Leads With Zero Party Data (No 3rd Party Data)

In today’s digital world, privacy is a hot topic, and businesses are rethinking how they collect and use customer information. That’s where zero party data comes in. It’s a powerful tool that allows businesses to gather valuable insights from customers who willingly share their preferences and information. 

In this blog post, we’ll explain what zero party data is and why it’s essential for generating qualified leads. We’ll also explore seven effective tools that can help you collect zero party data and provide real-world examples and tips along the way. Let’s get started!

What Is Zero Party Data?

As privacy became a growing concern across the globe, zero party data emerged as a valuable asset for businesses seeking to generate qualified leads. Zero party data refers to information that customers willingly and intentionally provide to businesses. 

This data is voluntarily shared through quizzes, surveys, assessments, and other interactive experiences. By actively participating, customers provide insights into their preferences, needs, and interests, giving businesses a better understanding of their target audience.

What Is Third-Party Data?

On the other hand, third-party data is obtained from external sources without the explicit consent of users. It often comes from various websites, apps, and data brokers, making it less reliable and raising privacy concerns. 

With the rise of data regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), businesses are shifting away from third-party data and turning to more transparent and privacy-friendly alternatives.

Why Should You Ditch 3rd Party for Zero-Party Data?

There are several compelling reasons to embrace zero party data for lead generation:

  1. Enhanced Personalization

Zero party data provides deeper insights into customer preferences, allowing businesses to personalize their marketing efforts and deliver targeted content that resonates with their audience. By understanding customer needs and preferences, businesses can create more relevant and engaging experiences, increasing the likelihood of capturing qualified leads.

  1. Improved Trust and Transparency

By collecting data directly from customers, you establish a transparent relationship based on consent, which builds trust and strengthens your brand reputation. When customers willingly share their information with you, they are more likely to perceive your business as trustworthy and value-driven.

  1. Compliance with Data Regulations

Zero party data collection aligns with the evolving privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). By leveraging zero party data, businesses can ensure they are compliant with these regulations, avoiding potential legal consequences and safeguarding customer trust.

  1. Higher Quality Leads

Since zero party data is voluntarily shared by customers, it tends to be more accurate, relevant, and valuable for generating qualified leads. By leveraging the insights gained from zero party data, businesses can focus their marketing efforts on individuals who have expressed genuine interest in their products or services, increasing the chances of conversion.

7 Tools to Collect Zero-Party Data & Leads

To effectively collect zero party data and engage your audience, consider utilizing the following interactive tools:

  1. Engage and Educate With Quizzes & Assessments

Interactive content types like quizzes and assessments allow you to capture valuable data while providing an engaging and educational experience for your audience. These interactive experiences prompt users to actively participate and share their preferences or opinions, resulting in valuable zero party data and qualified leads. To get started, choose no-code tools that allow you to make a quiz effortlessly within minutes. Look for platforms that offer powerful analytics, automation, and integration features too.

For example, a fitness brand can create a quiz that helps users discover their ideal workout routine based on their goals and fitness level. This type of content attracts users as they provide outcomes tailored to their needs in exchange for a few questions. 


Tip: Make the quizzes look fun to encourage participation and information sharing. Design an appealing welcome page to catch attention. Moreover, the results page is very important and should offer fun and custom outcomes for increasing shareability. 

  1. Provide Value With Calculators

Next up is an interactive calculator to provide personalized insights and help your audience make informed decisions. It may seem overwhelming, but creating a website calculator is not a complex task. With no code tools, it’s easy to create dynamic calculators to capture zero party data. 

For example, a financial institution can create a mortgage calculator that gathers data on a user’s desired loan amount, interest rate preferences, and repayment period and offer tailored mortgage solutions to their users.


  1. Collect Feedback With Surveys & Forms

Another set of potent tools to generate zero party data is surveys and forms. These interactive content types collect feedback from your users on your products, services, or overall customer experience. This data can provide valuable insights and help you refine your marketing strategies.   

For example, a software company can use a survey to gather feedback on user experience and identify areas for improvement.


Tip: Offer incentives such as discounts or exclusive content to increase survey completion rates. 

  1. Personalize With Product Recommendations

Leverage machine learning algorithms to offer personalized product recommendations based on customer preferences and behavior. This is especially very helpful for all ecommerce companies to help your users in decision-making. By asking them a few questions about their choices, needs, budgets, etc., you can provide customized product recommendations that suit them the best. This tool not just generates ecommerce leads but also enhances the customer experience and drives conversions.

For example, a skincare brand website can create a recommendation tool like “Which Skin Cream Suits You the Best”. It can have questions related to the user’s skin type, issues, budget, etc. to suggest an apt skin cream for them. This would generate qualified leads and key customer insights the zero party way. 


Tip: On the results page, add item descriptions, prices, and buying links along with your recommended products to improve the chances of purchase. 

  1. Get First-Hand Opinion With Polls

Conduct polls and surveys to gather real-time opinions and preferences from your audience. These are quick, usually single-click content types, that help collect public votes and predict trends. It’s super easy to create polls for your website or social media to gain valuable insights into customer preferences and market trends.

For example, Dunkin’ Donuts created an Instagram poll that asked their community to vote for their favorite classic snacks.


Tip: Keep polls short and focused to maximize participation and gather specific insights.

  1. Create Excitement With Giveaways & Contests

Who doesn’t like free stuff? Utilize this opportunity by creating contests or giveaways that require participants to provide their information willingly. This approach not only encourages data collection but also generates excitement and fosters brand loyalty. By designing interactive experiences like these, you can capture leads and zero party data while creating buzz around your brand.

For example, a travel agency can organize a contest where participants share their dream destinations and travel preferences for a chance to win a vacation package.


Tip: Leverage social media platforms to promote giveaways and contests, increasing reach and participation.

  1. Provide Support With Chatbots

Chatbots are not a new thing! But AI chatbots have taken over the world by storm! So leverage the power of technologies like ChatGPT and create chatbots that engage with customers in human language. By offering personalized assistance, you can collect zero party data while enhancing customer satisfaction. 

For example, an e-commerce website like H&M uses chatbots efficiently to provide personalized product recommendations and assistance during the shopping process.


5 Ways to Collect Leads the Zero Party Way

Now that you have the tools, here are five effective methods for collecting leads using zero party data:

  1. Embed on Website

One of the best ways to showcase your tools is on your website. So start by embedding interactive quizzes, calculators, or surveys directly into your website to capture leads from engaged visitors. By strategically placing these interactive elements on your website, you can prompt visitors to provide their information willingly and generate qualified leads.

  1. Share on Social Media

The second best place for promoting your tools could be your social media platforms. So showcase your interactive content on social media platforms to attract a wider audience and drive lead generation. Encourage social media followers to participate in quizzes, surveys, or contests, creating an opportunity to collect zero party data while expanding your brand’s reach.

  1. Display on Ad Landing Pages

Another effective way for promotions is running ads. So use interactive content as the centerpiece of your ad landing pages to capture leads while providing value and engaging experiences. By creating compelling and interactive landing pages with tools like Unbounce or Instapage, you can encourage ad click-throughs and gather valuable zero party data.

  1. Send in Email Newsletters

Don’t underestimate the power of your newsletters, especially when they can be made interactive! Embed interactive elements such as quizzes or surveys directly in your email newsletters to encourage user participation and collect valuable zero party data. Make interaction easier for your users by allowing them to take the survey or quiz with one click within their inbox. 

  1.  Personalize in Live Chat

Utilize live chat functionality on your website to engage with visitors in real time. By personalizing the chat experience with useful quizzes and surveys, you can collect zero party data while assisting potential leads. Requesting relevant information during chat interactions can help you tailor your messaging and offer customized solutions to drive lead conversion.

Are You Ready to Try Zero Party Tools?

In the era of data privacy and consent-driven marketing, zero party data emerges as a reliable and effective method for generating qualified leads. 

By utilizing interactive tools like quizzes, calculators, and surveys, powered by no-code platforms such as Outgrow, businesses can collect valuable data. And this could be done while providing personalized experiences and enhancing customer engagement. 

Embrace the power of zero party data and leverage the recommended tools and strategies to drive meaningful results for your business. Start building trust, delivering value, and obtaining high-quality leads today! 


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