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Eliminating Roundtrips with Preconnect

September 7th, 2015 Leave a comment Go to comments

Last week we wrote about prefetching and preloading but forgot to mention preconnect. Thankfully however, Ilya Grigorik has written a great post about this elusive resource hint:

Preconnect is an important tool in your optimization toolbox. As above examples illustrate, it can eliminate many costly roundtrips from your request path — in some cases reducing the request latency by hundreds and even thousands of milliseconds. That said, use it wisely: each open socket incurs costs both on the client and server, and you want to avoid opening sockets that might go unused. As always, apply, measure real-world impact, and iterate to get the best performance mileage from this feature.

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Eliminating Roundtrips with Preconnect is a post from CSS-Tricks

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