Home > Others > Lean Mobile UX Lessons To Keep Your App From Sinking Like The Vasa Ship

Lean Mobile UX Lessons To Keep Your App From Sinking Like The Vasa Ship

September 15th, 2015 Leave a comment Go to comments

For many months, your entire team has worked their butts off to create an awesome mobile app. Finally, with your team exhausted and excited, it’s showtime! But then, your dream app turns into the ultimate nightmare: Eager customers download the app, use it once and never return. All the sacrifice and months of hard work — wasted. What went wrong?

Lean Mobile UX Lessons To Keep Your App From Sinking Like The Vasa Shipe

Your app has become another victim of the latest trend, joining a whopping 41% of today’s apps that are abandoned after only a single use. This trend has many parallels with the story of the 400-year-old Vasa ship. The most impressive warship of the day, Vasa floundered and sank just one mile into its maiden voyage due to fundamental design issues.

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