
Archive for the ‘Designing’ Category

How Everything We Know About SEO Is Full of Lies

February 5th, 2025 No comments

SEO is riddled with myths like overvaluing keywords, backlinks, and content length. Success lies in focusing on user intent, creating valuable content, and adapting to changes. Stop chasing shortcuts and diversify your strategy, as Google prioritizes its own interests over yours. Build genuine authority and deliver what users need for lasting results.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Why Customers Hate Chatbots (And Why You Should Too)

February 3rd, 2025 No comments

Chatbots, once hailed as a revolutionary tool, have become a major source of frustration for customers who crave empathy and real human interaction. By relying solely on automated systems and even removing traditional contact methods, businesses risk alienating their audience and losing credibility.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Chrome 133 Goodies

January 31st, 2025 No comments

I often wonder what it’s like working for the Chrome team. You must get issued some sort of government-level security clearance for the latest browser builds that grants you permission to bash on them ahead of everyone else and come up with these rad demos showing off the latest features. No, I’m, not jealous, why are you asking?

Totally unrelated, did you see the release notes for Chrome 133? It’s currently in beta, but the Chrome team has been publishing a slew of new articles with pretty incredible demos that are tough to ignore. I figured I’d round those up in one place.

attr() for the masses!

We’ve been able to use HTML attributes in CSS for some time now, but it’s been relegated to the content property and only parsed strings.

<h1 data-color="orange">Some text</h1>
h1::before {
  content: ' (Color: ' attr(data-color) ') ';

Bramus demonstrates how we can now use it on any CSS property, including custom properties, in Chrome 133. So, for example, we can take the attribute’s value and put it to use on the element’s color property:

h1 {
  color: attr(data-color type(<color>), #fff)

This is a trite example, of course. But it helps illustrate that there are three moving pieces here:

  1. the attribute (data-color)
  2. the type (type())
  3. the fallback value (#fff)

We make up the attribute. It’s nice to have a wildcard we can insert into the markup and hook into for styling. The type() is a new deal that helps CSS know what sort of value it’s working with. If we had been working with a numeric value instead, we could ditch that in favor of something less verbose. For example, let’s say we’re using an attribute for the element’s font size:

<div data-size="20">Some text</div>

Now we can hook into the data-size attribute and use the assigned value to set the element’s font-size property, based in px units:

h1 {
  color: attr(data-size px, 16);
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The fallback value is optional and might not be necessary depending on your use case.

Scroll states in container queries!

This is a mind-blowing one. If you’ve ever wanted a way to style a sticky element when it’s in a “stuck” state, then you already know how cool it is to have something like this. Adam Argyle takes the classic pattern of an alphabetical list and applies styles to the letter heading when it sticks to the top of the viewport. The same is true of elements with scroll snapping and elements that are scrolling containers.

In other words, we can style elements when they are “stuck”, when they are “snapped”, and when they are “scrollable”.

Quick little example that you’ll want to open in a Chromium browser:

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The general idea (and that’s all I know for now) is that we register a container… you know, a container that we can query. We give that container a container-type that is set to the type of scrolling we’re working with. In this case, we’re working with sticky positioning where the element “sticks” to the top of the page.

.sticky-nav {
  container-type: scroll-state;

A container can’t query itself, so that basically has to be a wrapper around the element we want to stick. Menus are a little funny because we have the

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Blast from the Past: The Blue Screen of Death

January 31st, 2025 No comments

The Blue Screen of Death (BSOD), once a dreaded hallmark of early Windows systems, symbolized critical system failures that halted work and often left users puzzled by cryptic error codes. Though far less common today, it remains a nostalgic icon of computing’s chaotic early days and the challenges of technological progress.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

The Mistakes of CSS

January 30th, 2025 No comments

Surely you have seen a CSS property and thought “Why?” For example:

Why doesn’t z-index work on all elements, and why is it “-index” anyways?


Why do we need interpolate-size to animate to auto?

You are not alone. CSS was born in 1996 (it can legally order a beer, you know!) and was initially considered a way to style documents; I don’t think anyone imagined everything CSS would be expected to do nearly 30 years later. If we had a time machine, many things would be done differently to match conventions or to make more sense. Heck, even the CSS Working Group admits to wanting a time-traveling contraption… in the specifications!

NOTE: If we had a time machine, this property wouldn’t need to exist.

CSS Values and Units Module Level 5, Section 10.4

If by some stroke of opportunity, I was given free rein to rename some things in CSS, a couple of ideas come to mind, but if you want more, you can find an ongoing list of mistakes made in CSS… by the CSS Working Group! Take, for example, background-repeat:

Not quite a mistake, because it was a reasonable default for the 90s, but it would be more helpful since then if background-repeat defaulted to no-repeat.

Right now, people are questioning if CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid should share more syntax in light of the upcoming CSS Masonry layout specifications.

Why not fix them? Sadly, it isn’t as easy as fixing something. People already built their websites with these quirks in mind, and changing them would break those sites. Consider it technical debt.

This is why I think the CSS Working Group deserves an onslaught of praise. Designing new features that are immutable once shipped has to be a nerve-wracking experience that involves inexact science. It’s not that we haven’t seen the specifications change or evolve in the past — they most certainly have — but the value of getting things right the first time is a beast of burden.

The Mistakes of CSS originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

What on Earth is the `types` Descriptor in View Transitions?

January 29th, 2025 No comments

Have you ever stumbled upon something new and went to research it just to find that there is little-to-no information about it? It’s a mixed feeling: confusing and discouraging because there is no apparent direction, but also exciting because it’s probably new to lots of people, not just you. Something like that happened to me while writing an Almanac’s entry for the @view-transition at-rule and its types descriptor.

You may already know about Cross-Document View Transitions: With a few lines of CSS, they allow for transitions between two pages, something that in the past required a single-app framework with a side of animation library. In other words, lots of JavaScript.

To start a transition between two pages, we have to set the @view-transition at-rule’s navigation descriptor to auto on both pages, and that gives us a smooth cross-fade transition between the two pages. So, as the old page fades out, the new page fades in.

@view-transition {
  navigation: auto;

That’s it! And navigation is the only descriptor we need. In fact, it’s the only descriptor available for the @view-transition at-rule, right? Well, turns out there is another descriptor, a lesser-known brother, and one that probably envies how much attention navigation gets: the types descriptor.

What do people say about types?

Cross-Documents View Transitions are still fresh from the oven, so it’s normal that people haven’t fully dissected every aspect of them, especially since they introduce a lot of new stuff: a new at-rule, a couple of new properties and tons of pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes. However, it still surprises me the little mention of types. Some documentation fails to even name it among the valid  @view-transition descriptors. Luckily, though, the CSS specification does offer a little clarification about it:

The types descriptor sets the active types for the transition when capturing or performing the transition.

To be more precise, types can take a space-separated list with the names of the active types (as ), or none if there aren’t valid active types for that page.

  • Name: types
  • For: @view-transition
  • Value: none | +
  • Initial: none

So the following values would work inside types:

@view-transition {
  navigation: auto;
  types: bounce;

/* or a list */

@view-transition {
  navigation: auto;
  types: bounce fade rotate;

Yes, but what exactly are “active” types? That word “active” seems to be doing a lot of heavy lifting in the CSS specification’s definition and I want to unpack that to better understand what it means.

Active types in view transitions

The problem: A cross-fade animation for every page is good, but a common thing we need to do is change the transition depending on the pages we are navigating between. For example, on paginated content, we could slide the content to the right when navigating forward and to the left when navigating backward. In a social media app, clicking a user’s profile picture could persist the picture throughout the transition. All this would mean defining several transitions in our CSS, but doing so would make them conflict with each other in one big slop. What we need is a way to define several transitions, but only pick one depending on how the user navigates the page.

The solution: Active types define which transition gets used and which elements should be included in it. In CSS, they are used through :active-view-transition-type(), a pseudo-class that matches an element if it has a specific active type. Going back to our last example, we defined the document’s active type as bounce. We could enclose that bounce animation behind an :active-view-transition-type(bounce), such that it only triggers on that page.

/* This one will be used! */
html:active-view-transition-type(bounce) {
  &::view-transition-old(page) {
    /* Custom Animation */

  &::view-transition-new(page) {
    /* Custom Animation */

This prevents other view transitions from running if they don’t match any active type:

/* This one won't be used! */
html:active-view-transition-type(slide) {
  &::view-transition-old(page) {
    /* Custom Animation */

  &::view-transition-new(page) {
    /* Custom Animation */

I asked myself whether this triggers the transition when going to the page, when out of the page, or in both instances. Turns out it only limits the transition when going to the page, so the last bounce animation is only triggered when navigating toward a page with a bounce value on its types descriptor, but not when leaving that page. This allows for custom transitions depending on which page we are going to.

The following demo has two pages that share a stylesheet with the bounce and slide view transitions, both respectively enclosed behind an :active-view-transition-type(bounce) and :active-view-transition-type(slide) like the last example. We can control which page uses which view transition through the types descriptor.

The first page uses the bounce animation:

@view-transition {
  navigation: auto;
  types: bounce;

The second page uses the slide animation:

@view-transition {
  navigation: auto;
  types: slide;

You can visit the demo here and see the full code over at GitHub.

The types descriptor is used more in JavaScript

The main problem is that we can only control the transition depending on the page we’re navigating to, which puts a major cap on how much we can customize our transitions. For instance, the pagination and social media examples we looked at aren’t possible just using CSS, since we need to know where the user is coming from. Luckily, using the types descriptor is just one of three ways that active types can be populated. Per spec, they can be:

  1. Passed as part of the arguments to startViewTransition(callbackOptions)
  2. Mutated at any time, using the transition’s types
  3. Declared for a cross-document view transition, using the types descriptor.

The first option is when starting a view transition from JavaScript, but we want to trigger them when the user navigates to the page by themselves (like when clicking a link). The third option is using the types descriptor which we already covered. The second option is the right one for this case! Why? It lets us set the active transition type on demand, and we can perform that change just before the transition happens using the pagereveal event. That means we can get the user’s start and end page from JavaScript and then set the correct active type for that case.

I must admit, I am not the most experienced guy to talk about this option, so once I demo the heck out of different transitions with active types I’ll come back with my findings! In the meantime, I encourage you to read about active types here if you are like me and want more on view transitions:

What on Earth is the `types` Descriptor in View Transitions? originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Are Logos Becoming Irrelevant in Modern Branding?

January 29th, 2025 No comments

Logos are no longer the sole defining element of a brand, as dynamic branding, AI personalization, and social media dominance challenge their relevance. While still valuable as anchors of identity, logos must evolve into adaptable, integrated tools to thrive in today’s fluid and experience-driven branding landscape.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Revisiting CSS Multi-Column Layout

January 27th, 2025 No comments

Honestly, it’s difficult for me to come to terms with, but almost 20 years have passed since I wrote my first book, Transcending CSS. In it, I explained how and why to use what was the then-emerging Multi-Column Layout module.

Hint: I published an updated version, Transcending CSS Revisited, which is free to read online.

Perhaps because, before the web, I’d worked in print, I was over-excited at the prospect of dividing content into columns without needing extra markup purely there for presentation. I’ve used Multi-Column Layout regularly ever since. Yet, CSS Columns remains one of the most underused CSS layout tools. I wonder why that is?

Holes in the specification

For a long time, there were, and still are, plenty of holes in Multi-Column Layout. As Rachel Andrew — now a specification editor — noted in her article five years ago:

“The column boxes created when you use one of the column properties can’t be targeted. You can’t address them with JavaScript, nor can you style an individual box to give it a background colour or adjust the padding and margins. All of the column boxes will be the same size. The only thing you can do is add a rule between columns.”

She’s right. And that’s still true. You can’t style columns, for example, by alternating background colours using some sort of :nth-column() pseudo-class selector. You can add a column-rule between columns using border-style values like dashed, dotted, and solid, and who can forget those evergreen groove and ridge styles? But you can’t apply border-image values to a column-rule, which seems odd as they were introduced at roughly the same time. The Multi-Column Layout is imperfect, and there’s plenty I wish it could do in the future, but that doesn’t explain why most people ignore what it can do today.

Patchy browser implementation for a long time

Legacy browsers simply ignored the column properties they couldn’t process. But, when Multi-Column Layout was first launched, most designers and developers had yet to accept that websites needn’t look the same in every browser.

Early on, support for Multi-Column Layout was patchy. However, browsers caught up over time, and although there are still discrepancies — especially in controlling content breaks — Multi-Column Layout has now been implemented widely. Yet, for some reason, many designers and developers I speak to feel that CSS Columns remain broken. Yes, there’s plenty that browser makers should do to improve their implementations, but that shouldn’t prevent people from using the solid parts today.

Readability and usability with scrolling

Maybe the main reason designers and developers haven’t embraced Multi-Column Layout as they have CSS Grid and Flexbox isn’t in the specification or its implementation but in its usability. Rachel pointed this out in her article:

“One reason we don’t see multicol used much on the web is that it would be very easy to end up with a reading experience which made the reader scroll in the block dimension. That would mean scrolling up and down vertically for those of us using English or another vertical writing mode. This is not a good reading experience!”

That’s true. No one would enjoy repeatedly scrolling up and down to read a long passage of content set in columns. She went on:

“Neither of these things is ideal, and using multicol on the web is something we need to think about very carefully in terms of the amount of content we might be aiming to flow into our columns.”

But, let’s face it, thinking very carefully is what designers and developers should always be doing.

Sure, if you’re dumb enough to dump a large amount of content into columns without thinking about its design, you’ll end up serving readers a poor experience. But why would you do that when headlines, images, and quotes can span columns and reset the column flow, instantly improving readability? Add to that container queries and newer unit values for text sizing, and there really isn’t a reason to avoid using Multi-Column Layout any longer.

A brief refresher on properties and values

Let’s run through a refresher. There are two ways to flow content into multiple columns; first, by defining the number of columns you need using the column-count property:

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Second, and often best, is specifying the column width, leaving a browser to decide how many columns will fit along the inline axis. For example, I’m using column-width to specify that my columns are over 18rem. A browser creates as many 18rem columns as possible to fit and then shares any remaining space between them.

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Then, there is the gutter (or column-gap) between columns, which you can specify using any length unit. I prefer using rem units to maintain the gutters’ relationship to the text size, but if your gutters need to be 1em, you can leave this out, as that’s a browser’s default gap.

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The final column property is that divider (or column-rule) to the gutters, which adds visual separation between columns. Again, you can set a thickness and use border-style values like dashed, dotted, and solid.

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These examples will be seen whenever you encounter a Multi-Column Layout tutorial, including CSS-Tricks’ own Almanac. The Multi-Column Layout syntax is one of the simplest in the suite of CSS layout tools, which is another reason why there are few reasons not to use it.

Multi-Column Layout is even more relevant today

When I wrote Transcending CSS and first explained the emerging Multi-Column Layout, there were no rem or viewport units, no :has() or other advanced selectors, no container queries, and no routine use of media queries because responsive design hadn’t been invented.

We didn’t have calc() or clamp() for adjusting text sizes, and there was no CSS Grid or Flexible Box Layout for precise control over a layout. Now we do, and all these properties help to make Multi-Column Layout even more relevant today.

Now, you can use rem or viewport units combined with calc() and clamp() to adapt the text size inside CSS Columns. You can use :has() to specify when columns are created, depending on the type of content they contain. Or you might use container queries to implement several columns only when a container is large enough to display them. Of course, you can also combine a Multi-Column Layout with CSS Grid or Flexible Box Layout for even more imaginative layout designs.

Using Multi-Column Layout today

Patty Meltt is an up-and-coming country music sensation. She’s not real, but the challenges of designing and developing websites like hers are.

My challenge was to implement a flexible article layout without media queries which adapts not only to screen size but also whether or not a

is present. To improve the readability of running text in what would potentially be too-long lines, it should be set in columns to narrow the measure. And, as a final touch, the text size should adapt to the width of the container, not the viewport.

A two-column layout of text topped with a large heading that spans both columns.
Article with no

element. What would potentially be too-long lines of text are set in columns to improve readability by narrowing the measure.
To column layout with text on the left and a large image on the right.
Article containing a

element. No column text is needed for this narrower measure.

The HTML for this layout is rudimentary. One

, one
, and one

(or not:)

    <h1>About Patty</h1>


I started by adding Multi-Column Layout styles to the

element using the column-width property to set the width of each column to 40ch (characters). The max-width and automatic inline margins reduce the content width and center it in the viewport:

main {
  margin-inline: auto;
  max-width: 100ch;
  column-width: 40ch;
  column-gap: 3rem;
  column-rule: .5px solid #98838F;

Next, I applied a flexible box layout to the

only if it :has() a direct descendant which is a


section:has(> figure) {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  gap: 0 3rem;

This next min-width: min(100%, 30rem) — applied to both the


— is a combination of the min-width property and the min() CSS function. The min() function allows you to specify two or more values, and a browser will choose the smallest value from them. This is incredibly useful for responsive layouts where you want to control the size of an element based on different conditions:

section:has(> figure) main {
  flex: 1;
  margin-inline: 0;
  min-width: min(100%, 30rem);

section:has(> figure) figure {
  flex: 4;
  min-width: min(100%, 30rem);

What’s efficient about this implementation is that Multi-Column Layout styles are applied throughout, with no need for media queries to switch them on or off.

Adjusting text size in relation to column width helps improve readability. This has only recently become easy to implement with the introduction of container queries, their associated values including cqi, cqw, cqmin, and cqmax. And the clamp() function. Fortunately, you don’t have to work out these text sizes manually as ClearLeft’s Utopia will do the job for you.

My headlines and paragraph sizes are clamped to their minimum and maximum rem sizes and between them text is fluid depending on their container’s inline size:

h1 { font-size: clamp(5.6526rem, 5.4068rem + 1.2288cqi, 6.3592rem); }

h2 { font-size: clamp(1.9994rem, 1.9125rem + 0.4347cqi, 2.2493rem); }

p { font-size: clamp(1rem, 0.9565rem + 0.2174cqi, 1.125rem); }

So, to specify the

as the container on which those text sizes are based, I applied a container query for its inline size:

main {
  container-type: inline-size;

Open the final result in a desktop browser, when you’re in front of one. It’s a flexible article layout without media queries which adapts to screen size and the presence of a

. Multi-Column Layout sets text in columns to narrow the measure and the text size adapts to the width of its container, not the viewport.

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Modern CSS is solving many prior problems

A two-column layout of text with a large heading above it spanning both columns.
Structure content with spanning elements which will restart the flow of columns and prevent people from scrolling long distances.
Same two-column text layout, including an image in the first column.
Prevent figures from dividing their images and captions between columns.

Almost every article I’ve ever read about Multi-Column Layout focuses on its flaws, especially usability. CSS-Tricks’ own Geoff Graham even mentioned the scrolling up and down issue when he asked, “When Do You Use CSS Columns?”

“But an entire long-form article split into columns? I love it in newspapers but am hesitant to scroll down a webpage to read one column, only to scroll back up to do it again.”

Fortunately, the column-span property — which enables headlines, images, and quotes to span columns, resets the column flow, and instantly improves readability — now has solid support in browsers:

h1, h2, blockquote {
  column-span: all; 

But the solution to the scrolling up and down issue isn’t purely technical. It also requires content design. This means that content creators and designers must think carefully about the frequency and type of spanning elements, dividing a Multi-Column Layout into shallower sections, reducing the need to scroll and improving someone’s reading experience.

Another prior problem was preventing headlines from becoming detached from their content and figures, dividing their images and captions between columns. Thankfully, the break-after property now also has widespread support, so orphaned images and captions are now a thing of the past:

figure {
  break-after: column;

Open this final example in a desktop browser:

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You should take a fresh look at Multi-Column Layout

Multi-Column Layout isn’t a shiny new tool. In fact, it remains one of the most underused layout tools in CSS. It’s had, and still has, plenty of problems, but they haven’t reduced its usefulness or its ability to add an extra level of refinement to a product or website’s design. Whether you haven’t used Multi-Column Layout in a while or maybe have never tried it, now’s the time to take a fresh look at Multi-Column Layout.

Revisiting CSS Multi-Column Layout originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

The Browser Back Button: Hero, Villain, or Outdated Relic?

January 27th, 2025 No comments

The browser back button, once a vital tool for navigating the internet, is now a source of love-hate relationships among users, developers, and designers. While it provides a safety net for users, its unpredictability often disrupts modern web experiences.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Positioning Text Around Elements With CSS Offset

January 24th, 2025 No comments

When it comes to positioning elements on a page, including text, there are many ways to go about it in CSS — the literal position property with corresponding inset-* properties, translate, margin, anchor() (limited browser support at the moment), and so forth. The offset property is another one that belongs in that list.

The offset property is typically used for animating an element along a predetermined path. For instance, the square in the following example traverses a circular path:

<div class="circle">
  <div class="square"></div>
@property --p {
  syntax: '<percentage>';
  inherits: false;
  initial-value: 0%;
.square {
  offset: top 50% right 50% circle(50%) var(--p);
  transition: --p 1s linear;

  /* Equivalent to:
    offset-position: top 50% right 50%;
    offset-path: circle(50%);
    offset-distance: var(--p); */

  /* etc. */

.circle:hover .square{ --p: 100%; }
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A registered CSS custom property (--p) is used to set and animate the offset distance of the square element. The animation is possible because an element can be positioned at any point in a given path using offset. and maybe you didn’t know this, but offset is a shorthand property comprised of the following constituent properties:

  • offset-position: The path’s starting point
  • offset-path: The shape along which the element can be moved
  • offset-distance: A distance along the path on which the element is moved
  • offset-rotate: The rotation angle of an element relative to its anchor point and offset path
  • offset-anchor: A position within the element that’s aligned to the path

The offset-path property is the one that’s important to what we’re trying to achieve. It accepts a shape value — including SVG shapes or CSS shape functions — as well as reference boxes of the containing element to create the path.

Reference boxes? Those are an element’s dimensions according to the CSS Box Model, including content-box, padding-box, border-box, as well as SVG contexts, such as the view-box, fill-box, and stroke-box. These simplify how we position elements along the edges of their containing elements. Here’s an example: all the small squares below are placed in the default top-left corner of their containing elements’ content-box. In contrast, the small circles are positioned along the top-right corner (25% into their containing elements’ square perimeter) of the content-box, border-box, and padding-box, respectively.

<div class="big">
  <div class="small circle"></div>
  <div class="small square"></div>
  <p>She sells sea shells by the seashore</p>

<div class="big">
  <div class="small circle"></div>
  <div class="small square"></div>
  <p>She sells sea shells by the seashore</p>

<div class="big">
  <div class="small circle"></div>
  <div class="small square"></div>
  <p>She sells sea shells by the seashore</p>
.small {
  /* etc. */
  position: absolute;

  &.square {
    offset: content-box;
    border-radius: 4px;

  &.circle { border-radius: 50%; }

.big {
  /* etc. */
  contain: layout; /* (or position: relative) */

  &:nth-of-type(1) {
    .circle { offset: content-box 25%; }

  &:nth-of-type(2) {
    border: 20px solid rgb(170 232 251);
    .circle { offset: border-box 25%; }

  &:nth-of-type(3) {
    padding: 20px;
    .circle { offset: padding-box 25%; }
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Note: You can separate the element’s offset-positioned layout context if you don’t want to allocated space for it inside its containing parent element. That’s how I’ve approached it in the example above so that the paragraph text inside can sit flush against the edges. As a result, the offset positioned elements (small squares and circles) are given their own contexts using position: absolute, which removes them from the normal document flow.

This method, positioning relative to reference boxes, makes it easy to place elements like notification dots and ornamental ribbon tips along the periphery of some UI module. It further simplifies the placement of texts along a containing block’s edges, as offset can also rotate elements along the path, thanks to offset-rotate. A simple example shows the date of an article placed at a block’s right edge:

  <h1>The Irreplaceable Value of Human Decision-Making in the Age of AI</h1>
  <!-- paragraphs -->
  <div class="date">Published on 11<sup>th</sup> Dec</div>
  <cite>An excerpt from the HBR article</cite>
article {
  container-type: inline-size;
  /* etc. */

.date {
  offset: padding-box 100cqw 90deg / left 0 bottom -10px;
    Equivalent to:
    offset-path: padding-box;
    offset-distance: 100cqw; (100% of the container element's width)
    offset-rotate: 90deg;
    offset-anchor: left 0 bottom -10px;
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As we just saw, using the offset property with a reference box path and container units is even more efficient — you can easily set the offset distance based on the containing element’s width or height. I’ll include a reference for learning more about container queries and container query units in the “Further Reading” section at the end of this article.

There’s also the offset-anchor property that’s used in that last example. It provides the anchor for the element’s displacement and rotation — for instance, the 90 degree rotation in the example happens from the element’s bottom-left corner. The offset-anchor property can also be used to move the element either inward or outward from the reference box by adjusting inset-* values — for instance, the bottom -10px arguments pull the element’s bottom edge outwards from its containing element’s padding-box. This enhances the precision of placements, also demonstrated below.

  <div class="big">4</div>
  <div class="small">number four</div>
.small {
  width: max-content;
  offset: content-box 90% -54deg / center -3rem;

    Equivalent to:
    offset-path: content-box;
    offset-distance: 90%;
    offset-rotate: -54deg;
    offset-anchor: center -3rem;

  font-size: 1.5rem;
  color: navy;
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As shown at the beginning of the article, offset positioning is animateable, which allows for dynamic design effects, like this:

    <div class="small one">17<sup>th</sup> Jan. 2025</div>
    <span class="big">Seminar<br>on<br>Literature</span>
    <div class="small two">Tickets Available</div>
@property --d {
  syntax: "<percentage>";
  inherits: false;
  initial-value: 0%;

.small {
  /* other style rules */
  offset: content-box var(--d) 0deg / left center;

    Equivalent to:
    offset-path: content-box;
    offset-distance: var(--d);
    offset-rotate: 0deg;
    offset-anchor: left center;

  transition: --d .2s linear;

  &.one { --d: 2%; }
  &.two { --d: 70%; }

article:hover figure {
  .one { --d: 15%;  }
  .two { --d: 80%;  }
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Wrapping up

Whether for graphic designs like text along borders, textual annotations, or even dynamic texts like error messaging, CSS offset is an easy-to-use option to achieve all of that. We can position the elements along the reference boxes of their containing parent elements, rotate them, and even add animation if needed.

Further reading

Positioning Text Around Elements With CSS Offset originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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