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The Timeless Power Of Spreadsheets

September 23rd, 2024 No comments

Part of me can’t believe I’m writing this article. Applying the insights of Leonardo da Vinci or Saul Bass to web design is more my groove, but sometimes you simply have to write about spreadsheets. You have to advocate for them. Because someone should.

In a checkered career spanning copywriting, journalism, engineering, and teaching, I’ve seen time and time again how powerful and useful spreadsheets are in all walks of life. The cold, hard truth is that you — yes, you — likely have an enormous amount to gain by understanding how spreadsheets work. And, more importantly, how they can work for you.

That’s what this piece is about. It’s a rallying cry, with examples of spreadsheets’ myriad uses and how they can actually, in the right circumstances, be the bedrock of altogether inspiring, lovely things.

Cellular Organisms

Spreadsheets have been around for thousands of years. Papyrus remnants have been discovered from as far back as 4,600 BC. Their going digital in the late ‘70s was a major factor in the rise of personal computing. Much is (rightly) made of the cultural transformation brought about by the printing press. The digital spreadsheet, not so much.

For as long as people have had projects and data to organize, spreadsheets have been indispensable. They were the original databases.

Spreadsheets don’t always get a lot of attention these days. For organization and workflow, we usually find ourselves in the worlds of Trello, Jira, or GitHub Projects. Datasets live in Oracle, MongoDB, and the like. There are good reasons for these services emerging — everything has its place — but

I do get the sense that specialized tooling causes us to skip over the flexibility and power that today’s spreadsheet editors provide.

This is especially true for smaller projects and ones in their early stages. Yes, sometimes only a huge database will do, but often spreadsheets are more than fit for purpose.


What makes spreadsheets so great? We’ll get into a few real-world examples in a second, but several qualities hold true. They include the following:

  • Collaboration
    Cloud-based editors like Google Sheets give groups of people a space in which to collaborate on data. They can serve as a middle ground for people working on different parts of the same project.
  • Structure
    It’s inherent to spreadsheets that they’ll get you thinking about the ‘shape’ of the information you’re dealing with. In the same way that a blank piece of paper invites fluidity of thought, tables coax out frameworks — and both have their place
  • Flexibility
    Spreadsheets can evolve in real time, which is especially useful during the formative stages of a project when the shape of the ‘data’ is still being established. Adding a field is as simple as naming a column, and the ability to weave in formulas makes it easy to infer other values from the ones you have. With stuff like the Google Sheets API, you can even scrape data directly from the spreadsheet
  • Power
    You’d be surprised how much you can do in spreadsheets. Sometimes, you don’t even need bespoke dashboards; you can do it all in the editor. From data visualization to pivot tables, spreadsheet editors come with a bunch of powerful out-of-the-box features.
  • They translate into other data formats
    Spreadsheets are one small jump from the mighty CSV. When the time is right, spreadsheets can still become raw data if you want them to.

Such is the flexibility and power of spreadsheets, and what’s listed here is scratching the surface. Their fundamental strength of organizing data has made them useful for thousands of years, while contemporary enhancements have taken them to the next level.

Case Studies

Below are a few examples from my own experiences that showcase these benefits in the real world. They’re obviously slanted towards my interests, but hopefully, they illustrate the usefulness of spreadsheets in different contexts.

Galaxies (Of The Guardian)

I work as a software engineer at Guardian News & Media, a place where 10% of the time, i.e., one work day every two weeks, is yours to spend on independent learning, side projects, and so on, is part of the working culture. An ongoing project of mine has been Galaxies (of the Guardian), a D3-powered org chart that represents departments as a series of interrelated people, teams, and streams.

What you see above is powered by information stored and edited in spreadsheets. A lambda scraps departmental information using the aforementioned Google Sheets API, then reformats into a shape Galaxies plays nicely with.

This approach has had several benefits. The earliest iterations of Galaxies were only possible because there was already a spreadsheet being maintained by those who needed to keep track of who worked where. Techies and non-techies alike are able to update information easily, and it is transparent to anyone who works inside the organization.

For anyone interested, I wrote a piece about how Galaxies works on the Guardian engineering blog. Suffice it to say here, spreadsheets were — and remain — the engine of the whole thing.

Food Bank Britain

My background is in journalism, and I still freelance in my own time. As my coding skills have improved, I’ve naturally gravitated towards data journalism, even teaching it for a year at my old journalism school.

Spreadsheets are inseparable from a lot of modern journalism — and, indeed, copyrighting in general. The digital world is awash with data, and good luck making sense of it without a working knowledge of spreadsheets.

For example, a piece I wrote for the Byline Times about foodbanks earlier this year simply wouldn’t have been possible without spreadsheets. It was by collating data from the Trussell Trust, the Independent Food Aid Network, and national census reports that I was able to map out the sheer scale of the UK’s food bank network.

Granted, the map is more visually engaging. But then that’s the idea. It’s the same information, just presented more pointedly.

There are plenty of other instances of spreadsheets being instrumental at the Guardian alone. Typerighter, the newspaper’s automated house style checker, began life as a subeditor’s spreadsheet. User research and bug tracking for the new Feast cooking app, which I worked on during its formative stages, was tracked and discussed in spreadsheets.

And, of course, countless pieces of quality journalism at the Guardian and beyond continue to be powered by them.

Another Cell In The Table

If this piece has got you to at least consider learning more about spreadsheets and spreadsheet editors, you’re in luck. There are countless free learning resources available on the web. Here are a few excellent beginner videos to help you on your way:

As for spreadsheet editors, the big three these days are probably Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, and LibreOffice Calc (for the open source devotees out there). They all work much the same way. And as you get comfortable with their functionality, new avenues will open.

Data is the lifeblood of the modern web, and spreadsheets remain one of the most accessible, flexible ways to organize, analyze, and share it. As I hope the examples I’ve shared with you show, spreadsheets aren’t inherently boring. They can be, but when used in the right ways, they become the engines of dynamic, impactful work.

The way they go is up to you.

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Quick Hit #21

September 20th, 2024 No comments

Seeing a lot more headlines decrying JavaScript and pumping up PHP. Always interesting to see which direction the front-end zeitgeist is leaning.

Quick Hit #21 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

CSSWG Minutes Telecon (2024-09-18)

September 20th, 2024 No comments

For the past two months, all my livelihood has gone towards reading, researching, understanding, writing, and editing about Anchor Positioning, and with many Almanac entries published and a full Guide guide on the way, I thought I was ready to tie a bow on it all and call it done. I know that Anchor Positioning is still new and settling in. The speed at which it’s moved, though, is amazing. And there’s more and more coming from the CSSWG!

That all said, I was perusing the last CSSWG minutes telecon and knew I was in for more Anchor Positioning when I came to the following resolution:

Whenever you are comparing names, and at least one is tree scoped, then both are tree scoped, and the scoping has to be exact (not subtree) (Issue #10526: When does anchor-scope “match” a name?)

Resolutions aren’t part of the specification or anything, but the strongest of indications about where they’re headed. So, I thought this was a good opportunity not only to take a peek at what we might get in anchor-scope and touch on other interesting bits from the telecon.

Remember that you can subscribe and read the full minutes on 🙂

What’s anchor-scope?

To register an anchor, we can give it a distinctive anchor-name and then absolutely positioned elements with a matching position-anchor are attached to it. Even though it may look like it, anchor-name doesn’t have to be unique — we may reuse an anchor element inside a component with the same anchor-name.

	<div class="anchor">Anchor 1</div>
	<div class="target">Target 1</div>
	<div class="anchor">Anchor 2</div>
	<div class="target">Target 2</div>
	<div class="anchor">Anchor 3</div>
	<div class="target">Target 3</div>

However, if we try to connect them with CSS,

.anchor {
  anchor-name: --my-anchor;

.target {
  position: absolute;
  position-anchor: --my-anchor;
  position-area: top right;

We get an unpleasant surprise where instead of each .anchor have their .target positioned at its top-right edge, meaning they all pile up on the last .anchor instance. We can see it better by rotating each target a little. You’ll want to check out the next demo in Chrome 125+ to see the behavior:

CodePen Embed Fallback

The anchor-scope property should make an anchor element only discoverable by targets in their individual subtree. So, the prior example would be fixed in the future like this:

.anchor {
  anchor-name: --my-anchor;
  anchor-scope: --my-anchor;

This is fairly straightforward — anchor-scope makes the anchor element available only in that specific subtree. But then we have to ask another question: What should the anchor-scope own scope be? We can’t have an anchor-scope-scope property and then an anchor-scope-scope-scope and so on… so which behavior should it be?

This is what started the conversation, initially from a GitHub issue:

When an anchor-scope is specified with a , it scopes the name to that subtree when the anchor name is “matching”. The problem is that this matching can be interpreted in at least three ways: (Assuming that anchor-scope is a tree-scoped reference, which is also not clear in the spec):

  1. It matches by the ident part of the name only, ignoring any tree-scope that would be associated with the name, or
  2. It matches by exact match of the ident part and the associated tree-scope, or
  3. It matches by some mechanism similar to dereferencing of tree-scoped references, where it’s a match when the tree-scope of the anchor-scope-name is an inclusive ancestor of the tree-scope of the anchor query.

And then onto the CSSWG Minutes:

TabAtkins: In anchor positioning, anchor names and references are tree scoped. The anchor-scope property that scopes, does not say whether the names are tree scoped or not. Question to decide: should they be?

TabAtkins: I think the answer should be yes. If you have an anchor in a shadow tree with a part involved, then problems result if anchor scopes are not tree scoped. This is bad, so I think it should be tree scoped sounds pretty reasonable makes sense to me as far as I can understand it 🙂

This solution of the scope of scoping properties expanded towards View Transitions, which also rely on tree scoping to work:

khush: Thinking about this in the context of view transitions: in that API you give names and the tree scope has to be the same for them to match. There is another view transitions feature where I’m not sure if the spec says it’s tree scoped

khush: Want to make sure that feature is covered by the more general resolution

TabAtkins: Proposed more general resolution: whenever you are comparing names, and at least one is tree scoped, then both are tree scoped, and the scoping has to be exact (not subtree)

So the scope of anchor-scope is tree-scoped. Say that five times fast!

RESOLVED: whenever you are comparing names, and at least one is tree scoped, then both are tree scoped, and the scoping has to be exact (not subtree)

The next resolution was pretty straightforward. Besides allowing a , the anchor-scope property can take an all keyword, which means that all anchors are tree-scoped, while the says that specific anchor is three-scoped. So, the question was if all is also a tree-scoped value.

TabAtkins: anchor-scope, in addition to idents, can take the keyword ‘all‘, which scopes all names. Should this be a tree-scoped ‘all‘? (i.e. only applies to the current tree scope)

TabAtkins: Proposed resolution: the ‘all‘ keyword is also tree-scoped in the same way sgtm +1, again same pattern with view-transition-group

RESOLVED: the ‘all‘ keyword is tree-scoped

The conversation switched gears toward new properties coming in the CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 2 draft, which is all about changing the user’s initial scroll with CSS. Taking anexample directly from the spec, say we have an image carousel:

<div class="carousel">
  <img src="img1.jpg">
  <img src="img2.jpg">
  <img src="img3.jpg" class="origin">
  <img src="img4.jpg">
  <img src="img5.jpg">

We could start our scroll to show another image by setting it’s scroll-start-targe to auto:

.carousel {
  overflow-inline: auto;

.carousel .origin {
  scroll-start-target: auto;

As of right now, the only way to complete this is using JavaScript to scroll an element into view:

  behavior: "auto",
  block: "center",
  inline: "center"

The last example is probably a carousel that is only scrollable in the inline direction. Still, there are doubts as far when the container is scrollable in both the inline and block directions. As seen in the initial GitHub issue:

The scroll snap 2 spec says that when there are multiple elements that could be scroll-start-targets for a scroll container “user-agents should select the one which comes first in tree order“.

Selecting the first element in tree-order seems like a natural way to resolve competition between multiple targets which would be scrolled to in one particular axis but is perhaps not as flexible as might be needed for the 2d case where an author wants to scroll to one item in one axis and another item in the other axis.

And back to the CSSWG minutes:

DavidA: We have a property we’re adding called scroll-start-target that indicates if an element within a scroll container, then the scroll should start with that element onscreen. Question is what happens if there are multiple targets?
DavidA: Propose to do it in reverse-DOM order, this would result in the first one applied last and then be on screen. Also, should only change the scroll position if you have to.

After discussing why we have to define scroll-start-target when we have scroll-snap-align, the discussion went on discuss the reverse-DOM order:

fantasai: There was a bunch of discussion about regular vs reverse-DOM order. Where did we end up and why?
flackr: Currently, we expect that it scrolls to the first item in DOM order. We probably want that to still happen. That is why the proposal is to scroll to each item in sequence in reverse-DOM order.

So we are coming in reverse to scroll the element, but only as required so the following elements are showing as much as possible:

flackr: There is also the issue of nearest…
fantasai: Can you explain nearest?
flackr: Same as scroll into view
fantasai: ?
flackr: This is needed with you scroll multiple things into view and want to find a good position (?)
fantasai: You scroll in reverse-DOM order…when you add the spec can you make it really clear that this is the end result of the algorithm?
flackr: Yes absolutely
fantasai: Otherwise it seems to make sense

And so it was resolved:

Proposed resolution 2: When scroll-start-target targets multiple elements, scroll to each in reverse DOM order with text to specify priority is the first item

Lastly, there was the debate about the text-underline-position, that when set to auto says, “The user agent may use any algorithm to determine the underline’s position; however it must be placed at or under the alphabetic baseline.” The discussion was about whether the auto value should automatically adjust the underlined position to match specific language rules, for example, at the right of the text for vertical writing modes, like Japanese and Mongolian.

fantasai: The initial value of text-underline-position is auto, which is defined as “find a good place to put the underline”.
Three options there: (1) under alphabetical baseline, (2) fully below text (good for lots-of-descenders cases), (3) for vertical text on the RHS
fantasai: auto value is defined in the spec about ‘how far down below the text’, but doesn’t say things about flipping. The current spec says “at or below”. In order to handle language-specific aspects, there is a default UA style sheet that for Chinese and Japanese and Korean there are differences for those languages. A couple of implementations do this
fantasai: Should we change the spec to mention these things?
fantasai: Or should we stick with the UA stylesheet approach?

The thing is that Chrome and Firefox already place the underline on the right in vertical Japanese when text-underline-position is auto.

CodePen Embed Fallback

The group was left wiuth three options:

A) Keep spec as-is, update Gecko + Blink to match (using UA stylesheet for language switch)
B) Introduce auto to text-emphasis-position and use it in both text-emphasis-position and text-underline-position to effect language switches
C) Adopt inconsistent behavior: text-underline-position uses ‘auto‘ and text-emphasis-position uses UA stylesheet

Many CSSWG members like Emilio Cobos, TabAtkins, Miriam Suzanne, Rachel Andrew and fantasai casted their votes, resulting in the following resolution:

RESOLVED: add auto value for text-emphasis-position, and change the meaning of text-underline-position: auto to care about left vs right in vertical text

I definitely encourage you to read at the full minutes! Or if you don’t have the time, you can there’s a list just of resolutions.

CSSWG Minutes Telecon (2024-09-18) originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Staying Relevant: A Guide for Brands in the Era of Gen Z Trends

September 20th, 2024 No comments

In today’s fast-paced digital world, brands constantly face the challenge of staying relevant to younger consumers. For Gen Z, traditional marketing strategies often fall flat. This age group are as brand-savvy as any top marketer and members of this generation engage in a personal branding project by building online personas that are as integral to their identity as any offline habits.

Gen Z is a switched-on, brand-cynical generation. To connect with this age group, you must understand them, and the unstable world they’ve built their identity in. A life online and unstable social, political and economic boundaries have led this generation to be drawn to short-term trends and memes that resonate with their sense of nostalgia, often not for distant decades, but for more recent times.

The exploding “brat summer” trend, with its early-naughties low-fi aesthetic, is the perfect example of this. This viral trend has quickly reached every corner of our culture and even initiated a high-profile ‘rebrand’ for the Kamala Harris presidential campaign.

If it’s good enough for a presidential contender, it should be good enough for your brand. But as the aesthetic of ‘Brat Summer’ compresses a nostalgic ache for simpler times with the accelerated trend-slash-meme production of the internet machine, it’s tough for brands to keep up.

Nostalgia branding might be about looking backward, but Gen Z is creating short-term nostalgic trends in a very forward-thinking way. Let’s find out how your brand can leverage the what’s trending treadmill to engage with a younger audience.

Why Nostalgia Branding is so Powerful for a Gen Z Audience

Nostalgia branding taps into powerful emotions, making it an effective strategy for connecting with any age group: 77% of consumers call this evergreen branding trend interesting. By evoking fond memories and a sense of comfort, consumers build a strong connection to the brand in question. This has traditionally been done by leaning on older eras: the ‘70s, ’80s or ’90s, and by targeting a time that your target audience remembers.

However, nostalgia hits different for Gen Z, a generation raised online with a mismatched set of cultural references at their fingertips. Despite being born long after ‘80s beach culture exemplified by sunglasses brand Vacation, the visual aesthetic is instantly understood. But Gen Z aren’t just drawn to long-term nostalgic vision: they’re also nostalgic for elements of their own formative years, and even the very recent past.

A Shorter Cycle of Nostalgia Trends

The internet has accelerated the cycle of trends and the present turns into the past quicker than ever, making it ripe for nostalgia, and nostalgia branding. What used to take decades to become nostalgic now takes just a few years. Social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter have created environments where trends can go viral and fade away in the blink of an eye. This creates opportunities for brands to quickly adapt and leverage these trends.

“Nostalgia” can be for anything now: while previous efforts to implement nostalgia in branding have been casting back decades for eras where different value systems seemed more prominent (eg family, freedom, etc), now, Gen Z (and to an extent Millennials) will lean into an almost immediate nostalgia for things that happened in the recent past: Brat’s aesthetic is for an early-internet era, a simpler time.

Brat: A Case Study in Recent Nostalgia

“Brat” is a trend that encapsulates Gen Z’s unique take on nostalgia. It draws inspiration from early 2000s pop culture, particularly the rebellious and carefree attitudes seen in movies, TV shows, and music from that era. Think mini skirts, chunky highlights, and a vibe of spirited defiance.

Nobody expects it to last forever, with 80% of 18-25s anticipating this trend sticking around for fewer than a few months, but that’s part of the point. This should guide brand strategy: be fun, carefree and colorful, but be ready to move on to keep up with your audience.

Brands can take a leaf out of the “brat summer” playbook by understanding what resonates with Gen Z. They appreciate the irony and humor in looking back at trends from a decade ago as if they were ancient history. By tapping into this recent nostalgia, brands can create content that feels both familiar and fresh.

How Brands Can Leverage Online Trends to Engage Audiences

An accelerated cycle of memes and trends feeds into a potent nostalgic cocktail that can create highly effecting, and effective, marketing strategies, but it’s also overwhelming for brands trying to keep up.

Nevertheless, the opportunity for engagement, as well as creating a sense of authenticity, is huge when you successfully tap into short-term cycles of internet nostalgia. Here’s how….

1. Stay on Top of Trends

Keep an eye on social media platforms where trends emerge. Tools like Google Trends, Twitter’s trending topics, and TikTok’s Discover page can help you stay up to date.

While the specifics of a trend can’t be anticipated — nobody expected the neon tones and lower-case typography of Brat — the “something” summer is now a well-established template. Hot girl summer and hot vax summer are in the rearview mirror, and Brat summer is turning up the heat this July. Brands should be aware of wider trends and be ready to leverage memes and microtrends that fit.

2. Be Authentic

Faced with an increasingly superficial online world, Gen Z values authenticity: both in the brands they love and in their own lives. When leveraging nostalgia, it’s important to do so in a way that feels genuine. Avoid pandering, and instead, create content that creates relevance between your brand and a nostalgic trend, like Old Spice’s old-timey barber shop.

3. Collaborate with Influencers

Influencers who resonate with Gen Z can help amplify your message. Partner with influencers who align with the trend to create sponsored content that feels organic and relatable. A collaboration between luxury fashion brand Marc Jacobs and a TikTok account recreating soap opera drama with Sylvanian Families was one recent hit among a Gen Z audience.

4. Use Visual Storytelling

Visual platforms like Instagram and TikTok are perfect for nostalgia branding where past aesthetics can be used to create arresting visual content, such as Vacation’s consistent, sun-kissed ‘70s look. Nostalgia is about evoking an emotional response to times gone by, but given that half our brain’s processing power is devoted to the visual, this is best done with powerful imagery.

5. Engage in Conversations

By hitching your wagon to the latest trends, your brand is joining the conversation. Don’t forget to comment on posts, share user-generated content, and use hashtags to make your brand part of the community. By engaging in a meaningful way, you’ll ensure you’re not just responding to the latest trends, but playing your part in creating the next one.


Brands must be careful when leveraging short-term trends to build long-term engagement. While younger consumers see the Brat aesthetic everywhere, we found that less than 6% of over-45s are familiar with the trend. Know your audience before you lean into a meme otherwise, your efforts could fall flat.

For younger consumers, however, tapping into timely trends creates a perception of authenticity in the brands they see online. Connecting with Gen Z requires an understanding of their unique relationship with trends and nostalgia. Short-term trends like “brat summer” offer a glimpse into how recent nostalgia can be a powerful tool for engagement.

By staying ahead of trends, being authentic, collaborating with influencers, creating interactive content, using visual storytelling, and engaging in conversations, brands can build meaningful connections with younger consumers.

Featured image by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

The post Staying Relevant: A Guide for Brands in the Era of Gen Z Trends appeared first on noupe.

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Quick Hit #20

September 19th, 2024 No comments

Having fun with Bramus’ new Caniuse CLI tool. This’ll save lots of trips to the Caniuse site!

Quick Hit #20 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Quick Hit #19

September 19th, 2024 No comments

Two possible syntaxes for CSS masonry, one draft specification, and you get to share your opinions.

Quick Hit #19 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

A Beginner’s Guide to Using BlueSky for Business Success

September 19th, 2024 No comments

In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses are always on the lookout for new ways to connect with their audience. BlueSky, a decentralized social media platform, is quickly gaining attention as a fresh alternative to traditional platforms like Twitter and Instagram. While it’s still early days for BlueSky, its unique structure offers a big opportunity for businesses to build communities and engage with users in a more transparent, user-focused way.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

SVG Coding Examples: Useful Recipes For Writing Vectors By Hand

September 18th, 2024 No comments

Even though I am the kind of front-end engineer who manually cleans up SVG files when they are a mess, I never expected to become one of those people. You know, those crazy people that draw with code.

But here we are.

I dove deep into SVG specs last winter when I created a project to draw Calligraphy Grids, and even though I knew the basic structures and rules of SVG, it was only then that I fully tried to figure out and understand what all of those numbers meant and how they interacted with each other.

And, once you get the hang of it, it is actually very interesting and quite fun to code SVG by hand.

No ahead

We won’t go into more complex SVG shapes like paths in this article, this is more about practical information for simple SVGs. When it comes to drawing curves, I still recommend using a tool like Illustrator or Affinity. However, if you are super into compounding your lines, a path is useful. Maybe we’ll do that in Part 2.

Also, this guide focuses mostly on practical examples that illustrate some of the math involved when drawing SVGs. There is a wonderful article here that goes a bit deeper into the specs, which I recommend reading if you’re more interested in that: “A Practical Guide To SVG And Design Tools.”

Drawing With Math. Remember Coordinate Systems?

Illustrator, Affinity, and all other vector programs are basically just helping you draw on a coordinate system, and then those paths and shapes are stored in SVG files.

If you open up these files in an editor, you’ll see that they are just a bunch of paths that contain lots of numbers, which are coordinates in that coordinate system that make up the lines.

But, there is a difference between the all-powerful and the other, more semantic elements like , , , , , and .

These elements are not that hard to read and write by hand, and they open up a lot of possibilities to add animation and other fun stuff. So, while most people might only think of SVGs as never-pixelated, infinitely scaling images, they can also be quite comprehensive pieces of code.

How Does SVG Work? unit != unit

Before we get started on how SVG elements are drawn, let’s talk about the ways units work in SVG because they might be a bit confusing when you first get started.

The beauty of SVG is that it’s a vector format, which means that the units are somewhat detached from the browser and are instead just relative to the coordinate system you’re working in.

That means you would not use a unit within SVG but rather just use numbers and then define the size of the document you’re working with.

So, your width and height might be using CSS rem units, but in your viewBox, units become just a concept that helps you in establishing sizing relationships.

What Is The viewBox?

The viewBox works a little bit like the CSS aspect-ratio property. It helps you establish a relationship between the width and the height of your coordinate system and sets up the box you’re working in. I tend to think of the viewBox as my “document” size.

Any element that is placed within the SVG with bigger dimensions than the viewBox will not be visible. So, the viewBox is the cutout of the coordinate system we’re looking through. The width and height attributes are unnecessary if there is a viewBox attribute.

So, in short, having an SVG with a viewBox makes it behave a lot like a regular image. And just like with images, it’s usually easiest to just set either a width or a height and let the other dimension be automatically sized based on the intrinsic aspect ratio dimensions.

So, if we were to create a function that draws an SVG, we might store three separate variables and fill them in like this:

  viewBox="0 0 ${documentWidth} ${documentHeight}" 

SVG Things Of Note

There is a lot to know about SVG: When you want to reuse an image a lot, you may want to turn it into a symbol that can then be referenced with a use tag, you can create sprites, and there are some best practices when using them for icons, and so on.

Unfortunately, this is a bit out of the scope of this article. Here, we’re mainly focusing on designing SVG files and not on how we can optimize and use them.

However, one thing of note that is easier to implement from the start is accessibility.

SVGs can be used in an tag, where alt tags are available, but then you lose the ability to interact with your SVG code, so inlining might be your preference.

When inlining, it’s easiest to declare role="img" and then add a </code> tag with your image title.</p> <p><strong>Note</strong>: <em>You can check out <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">this article for SVG and Accessibility recommendations</a>.</em></p> <pre><code><svg role="img" [...attr] > <title>An accessible title</title> <!-- design code --> </svg> </code></pre> <p>Drawing SVG With JavaScript</p> <p>There is usually some mathematics involved when drawing SVGs. It’s usually fairly simple arithmetic (except, you know, in case you draw calligraphy grids and then have to dig out trigonometry…), but I think even for simple math, most people don’t write their SVGs in pure HTML and thus would like to use algebra.</p> <p>At least for me, I find it much easier to understand SVG Code when giving meaning to numbers, so I always stick to JavaScript, and by giving my coordinates names, I like them immeasurable times more.</p> <p>So, for the upcoming examples, we’ll look at the list of variables with the simple math and then JSX-style templates for interpolation, as that gives more legible syntax highlighting than string interpolations, and then each example will be available as a CodePen.</p> <p>To keep this Guide framework-agnostic, I wanted to quickly go over drawing SVG elements with just good old vanilla JavaScript.</p> <p>We’ll create a container element in HTML that we can put our SVG into and grab that element with JavaScript.</p> <pre><code><div data-svg-container></div> <script src="template.js"></script> </code></pre> <p>To make it simple, we’ll draw a rectangle <code></code> that covers the entire <code>viewBox</code> and uses a fill.</p> <p><strong>Note</strong>: <em>You can add all valid CSS values as fills, so a fixed color, or something like <code>currentColor</code> to access the site’s text color or a CSS variable would work here if you’re inlining your SVG and want it to interact with the page it’s placed in.</em></p> <p>Let’s first start with our variable setup.</p> <div> <pre><code>// vars const container = document.querySelector("[data-svg-container]"); const svgWidth = "30rem"; // use any value with units here const documentWidth = 100; const documentHeight = 100; const rectWidth = documentWidth; const rectHeight = documentHeight; const rectFill = "currentColor"; // use any color value here const title = "A simple square box"; </code></pre> </div> <h3>Method 1: Create Element and Set Attributes</h3> <p>This method is easier to keep type-safe (if using TypeScript) — uses proper SVG elements and attributes, and so on — but it is less performant and may take a long time if you have many elements.</p> <div> <pre><code>const svg = document.createElementNS("<a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">"</a>, "svg"); const titleElement = document.createElementNS("<a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">"</a>, "title"); const rect = document.createElementNS("<a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">"</a>, "rect"); svg.setAttribute("width", svgWidth); svg.setAttribute("viewBox", <code>0 0 ${documentWidth} ${documentHeight}</code>); svg.setAttribute("xmlns", "<a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">")</a>; svg.setAttribute("role", "img"); titleElement.textContent = title; rect.setAttribute("width", rectWidth); rect.setAttribute("height", rectHeight); rect.setAttribute("fill", rectFill); svg.appendChild(titleElement); svg.appendChild(rect); container.appendChild(svg); </code></pre> </div> <p><img decoding="async" src=""></p> <p>Here, you can see that with the same coordinates, a polyline won’t draw the line between the blue and the red dot, while a polygon will. However, when applying a fill, they take the exact same information as if the shape was closed, which is the right side of the graphic, where the polyline makes it look like a piece of a circle is missing.</p> <p>This is the second time where we have dealt with quite a bit of repetition, and we can have a look at how we could leverage the power of JavaScript logic to render our template faster.</p> <p>But first, we need a basic implementation like we’ve done before. We’re creating objects for the circles, and then we’re chaining the <code>cx</code> and <code>cy</code> values together to create the <code>points</code> attribute. We’re also storing our transforms in variables.</p> <div> <pre><code>const polyDocWidth = 200; const polyDocHeight = 200; const circleOne = { cx: 25, cy: 80, r: 10, fill: "red" }; const circleTwo = { cx: 40, cy: 20, r: 5, fill: "lime" }; const circleThree = { cx: 70, cy: 60, r: 8, fill: "cyan" }; const points = <code>${},${} ${},${} ${},${}</code>; const moveToTopRight = <code>translate(${polyDocWidth / 2}, 0)</code>; const moveToBottomRight = <code>translate(${polyDocWidth / 2}, ${polyDocHeight / 2})</code>; const moveToBottomLeft = <code>translate(0, ${polyDocHeight / 2})</code>; </code></pre> </div> <p>And then, we apply the variables to the template, using either a <code>polyline</code> or <code>polygon</code> element and a <code>fill</code> attribute that is either set to <code>none</code> or a color value.</p> <pre><code> <svg width={svgWidth} viewBox={`0 0 ${polyDocWidth} ${polyDocHeight}`} xmlns="" role="img" > <title>Composite shape comparison</title> <g> <circle cx={} cy={} r={circleOne.r} fill={circleOne.fill} /> <circle cx={} cy={} r={circleTwo.r} fill={circleTwo.fill} /> <circle cx={} cy={} r={circleThree.r} fill={circleThree.fill} /> <polyline points={points} fill="none" stroke="black" /> </g> <g transform={moveToTopRight}> <circle cx={} cy={} r={circleOne.r} fill={circleOne.fill} /> <circle cx={} cy={} r={circleTwo.r} fill={circleTwo.fill} /> <circle cx={} cy={} r={circleThree.r} fill={circleThree.fill} /> <polyline points={points} fill="white" stroke="black" /> </g> <g transform={moveToBottomLeft}> <circle cx={} cy={} r={circleOne.r} fill={circleOne.fill} /> <circle cx={} cy={} r={circleTwo.r} fill={circleTwo.fill} /> <circle cx={} cy={} r={circleThree.r} fill={circleThree.fill} /> <polygon points={points} fill="none" stroke="black" /> </g> <g transform={moveToBottomRight}> <circle cx={} cy={} r={circleOne.r} fill={circleOne.fill} /> <circle cx={} cy={} r={circleTwo.r} fill={circleTwo.fill} /> <circle cx={} cy={} r={circleThree.r} fill={circleThree.fill} /> <polygon points={points} fill="white" stroke="black" /> </g> </svg> </code></pre> <p>And here’s a version of it to play with:</p> <p>See the Pen <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">SVG Polygon / Polyline (simple) [forked]</a> by <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">Myriam</a>.</p> <p>Dealing With Repetition</p> <p>When it comes to drawing SVGs, you may find that you’ll be repeating a lot of the same code over and over again. This is where JavaScript can come in handy, so let’s look at the composite example again and see how we could optimize it so that there is less repetition.</p> <p><strong>Observations:</strong></p> <ul> <li>We have three circle elements, all following the same pattern.</li> <li>We create one repetition to change the <code>fill</code> style for the element.</li> <li>We repeat those two elements one more time, with either a <code>polyline</code> or a <code>polygon</code>.</li> <li>We have four different <code>transforms</code> (technically, no transform is a transform in this case).</li> </ul> <p>This tells us that we can create nested loops.</p> <p>Let’s go back to just a vanilla implementation for this since the way loops are done is quite different across frameworks.</p> <p>You could make this more generic and write separate generator functions for each type of element, but this is just to give you an idea of what you could do in terms of logic. There are certainly still ways to optimize this.</p> <p>I’ve opted to have arrays for each type of variation that we have and wrote a helper function that goes through the data and builds out an array of objects with all the necessary information for each group. In such a short array, it would certainly be a viable option to just have the data stored in one element, where the values are repeated, but we’re taking the DRY thing seriously in this one.</p> <p>The group array can then be looped over to build our SVG HTML.</p> <div> <pre><code>const container = document.querySelector("[data-svg-container]"); const svgWidth = 200; const documentWidth = 200; const documentHeight = 200; const halfWidth = documentWidth / 2; const halfHeight = documentHeight / 2; const circles = [ { cx: 25, cy: 80, r: 10, fill: "red" }, { cx: 40, cy: 20, r: 5, fill: "lime" }, { cx: 70, cy: 60, r: 8, fill: "cyan" }, ]; const points ={ cx, cy }) => <code>${cx},${cy}</code>).join(" "); const elements = ["polyline", "polygon"]; const fillOptions = ["none", "white"]; const transforms = [ undefined, <code>translate(${halfWidth}, 0)</code>, <code>translate(0, ${halfHeight})</code>, <code>translate(${halfWidth}, ${halfHeight})</code>, ]; const makeGroupsDataObject = () => { let counter = 0; const g = []; elements.forEach((element) => { fillOptions.forEach((fill) => { const transform = transforms[counter++]; g.push({ element, fill, transform }); }); }); return g; }; const groups = makeGroupsDataObject(); // result: // [ // { // element: "polyline", // fill: "none", // }, // { // element: "polyline", // fill: "white", // transform: "translate(100, 0)", // }, // { // element: "polygon", // fill: "none", // transform: "translate(0, 100)", // }, // { // element: "polygon", // fill: "white", // transform: "translate(100, 100)", // } // ] const svg = document.createElementNS("<a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">"</a>, "svg"); svg.setAttribute("width", svgWidth); svg.setAttribute("viewBox", <code>0 0 ${documentWidth} ${documentHeight}</code>); svg.setAttribute("xmlns", "<a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">")</a>; svg.setAttribute("role", "img"); svg.innerHTML = "<title>Composite shape comparison</title>"; groups.forEach((groupData) => { const circlesHTML = circles .map((circle) => { return <code>&lt;circle cx="${}" cy="${}" r="${circle.r}" fill="${circle.fill}" /&gt;</code>; }) .join(""); const polyElementHTML = <code>&lt;${groupData.element} points="${points}" fill="${groupData.fill}" stroke="black" /&gt;</code>; const group = <code>&lt;g ${groupData.transform ?</code>transform="${groupData.transform}"<code>: ""}&gt; ${circlesHTML} ${polyElementHTML} &lt;/g&gt;</code>; svg.innerHTML += group; }); container.appendChild(svg); </code></pre> </div> <p>And here’s the Codepen of that:</p> <p>See the Pen <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">SVG Polygon / Polyline (JS loop version) [forked]</a> by <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">Myriam</a>.</p> <p>More Fun Stuff</p> <p>Now, that’s all the basics I wanted to cover, but there is so much more you can do with SVG. There is more you can do with <code>transform</code>; you can use a <code>mask</code>, you can use a <code>marker</code>, and so on.</p> <p>We don’t have time to dive into all of them today, but since this started for me when making Calligraphy Grids, I wanted to show you the two most satisfying ones, which I, unfortunately, can’t use in the generator since I wanted to be able to open my generated SVGs in Affinity and it doesn’t support <code>pattern</code>.</p> <p>Okay, so <code>pattern</code> is part of the <code>defs</code> section within the SVG, which is where you can define reusable elements that you can then reference in your SVG.</p> <h3>Graph Grid with <code>pattern</code><br /> </h3> <p>If you think about it, a graph is just a bunch of horizontal and vertical lines that repeat across the x- and y-axis.</p> <p>So, <code>pattern</code> can help us with that. We can create a <code></code> and then reference a <code>pattern</code> in the <code>fill</code> attribute of the <code>rect</code>. The pattern then has its own <code>width</code>, <code>height</code>, and <code>viewBox</code>, which defines how the pattern is repeated.</p> <p>So, let’s say we want to perfectly center our graph grid in any given width or height, and we want to be able to define the size of our resulting squares (cells).</p> <p>Once again, let’s start with the JavaScipt variables:</p> <pre><code>const graphDocWidth = 226; const graphDocHeight = 101; const cellSize = 5; const strokeWidth = 0.3; const strokeColor = "currentColor"; const patternHeight = (cellSize / graphDocHeight) * 100; const patternWidth = (cellSize / graphDocWidth) * 100; const gridYStart = (graphDocHeight % cellSize) / 2; const gridXStart = (graphDocWidth % cellSize) / 2; </code></pre> <p>Now, we can apply them to the SVG element:</p> <pre><code><svg width={svgWidth} viewBox={`0 0 ${graphDocWidth} ${graphDocHeight}`} xmlns="" role="img" > <defs> <pattern id="horizontal" viewBox={`0 0 ${graphDocWidth} ${strokeWidth}`} width="100%" height={`${patternHeight}%`} > <line x1="0" x2={graphDocWidth} y1={gridYStart} y2={gridYStart} stroke={strokeColor} stroke-width={strokeWidth} /> </pattern> <pattern id="vertical" viewBox={`0 0 ${strokeWidth} ${graphDocHeight}`} width={`${patternWidth}%`} height="100%" > <line y1={0} y2={graphDocHeight} x1={gridXStart} x2={gridXStart} stroke={strokeColor} stroke-width={strokeWidth} /> </pattern> </defs> <title>A graph grid</title> <rect width={graphDocWidth} height={graphDocHeight} fill="url(#horizontal)" /> <rect width={graphDocWidth} height={graphDocHeight} fill="url(#vertical)" /> </svg> </code></pre> <p>And this is what that then looks like:</p> <p>See the Pen <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">SVG Graph Grid [forked]</a> by <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">Myriam</a>.</p> <h3>Dot Grid With <code>pattern</code><br /> </h3> <p>If we wanted to draw a dot grid instead, we could simply repeat a circle. Or, we could alternatively use a line with a <code>stroke-dasharray</code> and <code>stroke-dashoffset</code> to create a dashed line. And we’d only need one line in this case.</p> <p>Starting with our JavaScript variables:</p> <pre><code>const dotDocWidth = 219; const dotDocHeight = 100; const cellSize = 4; const strokeColor = "black"; const gridYStart = (dotDocHeight % cellSize) / 2; const gridXStart = (dotDocWidth % cellSize) / 2; const dotSize = 0.5; const patternHeight = (cellSize / dotDocHeight) * 100; </code></pre> <p>And then adding them to the SVG element:</p> <pre><code><svg width={svgWidth} viewBox={`0 0 ${dotDocWidth} ${dotDocHeight}`} xmlns="" role="img" > <defs> <pattern id="horizontal-dotted-line" viewBox={`0 0 ${dotDocWidth} ${dotSize}`} width="100%" height={`${patternHeight}%`} > <line x1={gridXStart} y1={gridYStart} x2={dotDocWidth} y2={gridYStart} stroke={strokeColor} stroke-width={dotSize} stroke-dasharray={`0,${cellSize}`} stroke-linecap="round" ></line> </pattern> </defs> <title>A Dot Grid</title> <rect x="0" y="0" width={dotDocWidth} height={dotDocHeight} fill="url(#horizontal-dotted-line)" ></rect> </svg> </code></pre> <p>And this is what that looks like:</p> <p>See the Pen <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">SVG Dot Grid [forked]</a> by <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">Myriam</a>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This brings us to the end of our little introductory journey into SVG. As you can see, coding SVG by hand is not as scary as it seems. If you break it down into the basic elements, it becomes quite like any other coding task:</p> <ul> <li>We analyze the problem,</li> <li>Break it down into smaller parts,</li> <li>Examine each coordinate and its mathematical breakdown,</li> <li>And then put it all together.</li> </ul> <p>I hope that this article has given you a starting point into the wonderful world of coded images and that it gives you the motivation to delve deeper into the specs and try drawing some yourself.</p> <div class="fixed"></div> </div> <div class="under"> <span class="categories">Categories: </span><span><a href="" rel="category tag">Others</a></span> <span class="tags">Tags: </span><span></span> </div> </div> <div class="post" id="post-7122959"> <h2><a class="title" href="" rel="bookmark">Clever Polypane Debugging Features I’m Loving</a></h2> <div class="info"> <span class="date">September 17th, 2024</span> <span class="author"><a href="" title="Posts by admin" rel="author">admin</a></span> <span class="comments"><a href="">No comments</a></span> <div class="fixed"></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="ftpimagefix" style="float:left"><a target="_blank" href="1" rel="noopener"><img decoding="async" data-recalc-dims="1" loading="lazy" src="" alt="Polypane browser displaying in three different viewport sizes simultaneously" class="wp-image-380565"></a></div> <p>I’m working on a refresh of my personal website, what I’m calling the <em>HD remaster</em>. Well, I wouldn’t call it a “full” redesign. I’m just cleaning things up, and <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">Polypane</a> is coming in clutch. I wrote about how much I enjoy developing with Polypane <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">on my personal blog</a> back in March 2023. In there, I say that I discover new things every time I open the browser up and I’m here to say that is <em>still happening</em> as of August 2024.</p> <p>Polypane, in case you’re unfamiliar with it, is a web browser specifically created to help developers in all sorts of different ways. The most obvious feature is the multiple panes displaying your project in various viewport sizes:</p> <p><span></span></p> <div class="wp-block-image"> <figure class="aligncenter size-full"></figure> </div> <p>I’m not about to try to list every feature available in Polypane; I’ll leave that to friend and creator, <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">Kilian Valkhof</a>. Instead, I want to talk about a neat feature that I discovered recently.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Outline tab</h3> <p>Inside Polypane’s sidebar, you will find various tabs that provide different bits of information about your site. For example, if you are wondering how your social media previews will look for your latest blog post, Polypane has you covered in the <strong>Meta</strong> tab.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"> <figure class="aligncenter size-full"><img decoding="async" data-recalc-dims="1" loading="lazy" width="482" height="394" src="" alt="Preview card displaying how open graph information will display on Mastodon." class="wp-image-380568"></figure> </div> <p>The tab I want to focus on though, is the <strong>Outline</strong> tab. On the surface, it seems rather straightforward, Polypane scans the page and provides you outlines for headings, landmarks, links, images, focus order, and even the full page accessibility tree.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"> <figure class="aligncenter size-full"><img decoding="async" data-recalc-dims="1" loading="lazy" width="443" height="313" src="" alt="Polypane sidebar, outline tab, the view select options display the different views available: Headings, Landmarks, Links, Images, Focus order, and Accessibility Tree" class="wp-image-380570"></figure> </div> <p>Seeing your page this way helps you spot some pretty obvious mistakes, but Polypane doesn’t stop there. Checking the <strong>Show issues</strong> option will point out some of the not-so-obvious problems.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"> <figure class="aligncenter size-full"><img decoding="async" data-recalc-dims="1" loading="lazy" width="444" height="307" src="" alt='Polypane sidebar, outline tab, Landsmarks view, the "Show issues" option is enabled. In the outline, red text describes an error: Multiple banner elements at the same level found.' class="wp-image-380572"></figure> </div> <p>In the Landmarks view, there is an option to <strong>Show potentials</strong> as well, which displays elements that could <em>potentially</em> be page landmarks.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"> <figure class="aligncenter size-full"><img decoding="async" data-recalc-dims="1" loading="lazy" width="419" height="86" src="" alt="Polypane sidebar, Outline tab, Landmark view - the outline displays a red symbol indicating a potential landmark element" class="wp-image-380573"></figure> </div> <p>In these outline views, you also can show an overlay on the page and highlight where things are located.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"> <figure class="aligncenter size-large"><img decoding="async" data-recalc-dims="1" loading="lazy" width="1024" height="492" src="" alt="Polypane laptop viewport view of, the landmark overlay feature is enabled, which outlines landmark elements in blue while also displaying their value" class="wp-image-380574"></figure> </div> <p>Now, the reason I even stumbled upon these features within the Outline tab is due to a bug I was tracking down, one specifically related to focus order. So, I swapped over to the “Focus order” outline to inspect things further.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"> <figure class="aligncenter size-full"><img decoding="async" data-recalc-dims="1" loading="lazy" width="447" height="351" src="" alt="Polypane sidebar, outline tab, Focus order view, displays an outline of the focusable elements on the page" class="wp-image-380575"></figure> </div> <p>That’s when I noticed the option to see an overlay <em>for the focus order</em>.</p> <div class="wp-block-image"> <figure class="aligncenter size-full"><img decoding="async" data-recalc-dims="1" loading="lazy" width="1391" height="847" src="" alt="Polypane laptop view with focus order overlay enabled, displays guide lines marking the location of each focusable items" class="wp-image-380580"></figure> </div> <p>This provides a literal map of the focus order of your page. I found this to be incredibly useful while troubleshooting the bug, as well as a great way to visualize how someone might navigate your website using a keyboard.</p> <p>These types of seemingly small, but useful features are abundant throughout Polypane. </p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Amazing tool</h3> <p>When I reached out to Kilian, mentioning my discovery, his response was “Everything’s there when you need it!” </p> <p>I can vouch for that.</p> <hr> <p><small><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="">Clever Polypane Debugging Features I’m Loving</a> originally published on <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="">CSS-Tricks</a>, which is part of the <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">DigitalOcean</a> family. You should <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">get the newsletter</a>.</small></p> <div class="fixed"></div> </div> <div class="under"> <span class="categories">Categories: </span><span><a href="" rel="category tag">Designing</a>, <a href="" rel="category tag">Others</a></span> <span class="tags">Tags: </span><span></span> </div> </div> <div class="post" id="post-7122784"> <h2><a class="title" href="" rel="bookmark">Why is risk management important to underwriters?</a></h2> <div class="info"> <span class="date">September 17th, 2024</span> <span class="author"></span> <span class="comments"><a href="">No comments</a></span> <div class="fixed"></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="ftpimagefix" style="float:left"><a target="_blank" href="0" rel="noopener"><img decoding="async" src="" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image" alt=""></a></div> <div></div> <p class="opener">“An uncontrollable, potential lack of something valuable” is a fundamental definition of risk. The foundation of the insurance industry is based on the idea of risk and its sharing, in which an insurer takes on part of the monetary hazard of an insured celebration in return for a predetermined amount of money referred to as a top class. Underwriters are essential to the insurance sector as they determine the types and conditions of insurance coverage. Their duty is to evaluate the risk in imparting coverage to individuals, businesses, and assets and to make decisions that might be consistent with the risk tolerance of an insurer.</p> <p>As a result, risk management will become a critical step in the underwriting process, ensuring the commercial enterprise’s enduring profitability and policyholder protection. In this sense, a robust <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer noopener" data-wpel-link="external">insurance underwriting system</a> is important because it permits underwriters to assess risk successfully and make knowledgeable choices. In this blog, we will highlight the importance of risk management to underwriters and how leveraging cutting-edge underwriting structures complements this important procedure.</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Importance of Risk Management in Underwriting</strong></h2> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Preserving Monetary Stability</h3> <p>Insurance’s essential purpose is to guard against financial loss, and risk control is vital to preserving the insurer’s economic balance. Underwriters ensure that charges are enough to pay for future claims as well as administrative expenses by precisely determining the risk stage connected with every policy. This meticulous risk management provides a solid foundation for the insurer’s financial stability, reassuring policyholders.</p> <p>Underwriters can better control this using predictive models from a systematic insurance underwriting system. These systems compute future risk based on past data, outside assets, and real-time inputs. This prevents the insurer from taking on more risk than necessary to maintain long-term sustainability and profitability.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">2. Avoiding Unfavorable Selection</h3> <p>People or corporations are much more likely to get insurance when the risk is excessive. In contrast, low-risk individuals might also select not to, which is referred to as detrimental selection. Underwriters play a crucial role in addressing this imbalance, ensuring that claims do not exceed expectations and thereby maintaining the insurer’s profitability. Their efforts instill confidence in the fairness and sustainability of the insurance system.</p> <p>Underwriters can reduce adverse selection by employing data-driven insights and comprehensive risk profiles provided by risk management. <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer noopener" data-wpel-link="external">Machine learning programs</a> can be integrated into an insurance underwriting system to identify and predict high-risk policyholders. This allows underwriters to determine suitable premiums or, in extreme cases, cancel coverage.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">3. Improving Pricing Based on Risk</h3> <p>Underwriters can use risk-based pricing when they have <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer noopener" data-wpel-link="internal">effective risk management</a> in place. With this technique, insurers can charge higher premiums to consumers with more significant risks while offering more competitive rates to low-risk customers. This pricing strategy enhances the insurer’s capacity to attract low-risk customers and maintain profitability.</p> <p>A progressive underwriting device makes dynamic insurance pricing based on the individual traits of every policyholder viable. To help underwriters best-tune pricing methods, it integrates many records sources, such as credit scores, medical histories, and driving statistics.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>4. Increasing the Efficiency of Underwriting</strong></h3> <p>An effective insurance underwriting system and risk control make the system run more smoothly. Underwriters can handle harsh conditions using automatic risk evaluation structures to perform repetitive duties like records collection, background assessments, and simple danger critiques.</p> <p>By automating regular chance management responsibilities, underwriters may additionally process more policies in less time without compromising on accuracy. This is crucial because insurers must process packages fast while upholding risk standards in an increasingly competitive marketplace.</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>The Role of Technology in Risk Management</strong></h2> <p>In the cutting-edge insurance landscape, technology has revolutionized danger management practices in underwriting. An insurance underwriting system with advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine studying (ML), and big data analytics enables underwriters to make better-informed choices.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>1. Predictive Analytics together with Risk Analysis</strong></h3> <p>One of the technologies revolutionizing risk management the most is predictive analytics. Historical data must be analyzed to forecast future events. Predictive models in underwriting assist underwriters in adjusting premiums or policy terms by predicting the likelihood of a claim.</p> <p>Modern<strong> </strong>insurance underwriting systems incorporate real-time data from external sources, such as social media, satellite imaging, and economic indicators, into prediction models. This allows underwriters to evaluate risks more precisely, even in ambiguous situations.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>2. Fraud Identification</strong></h3> <p>Fraudulent claims may severely damage insurance firms. Identifying and mitigating fraud risk throughout the underwriting process is a crucial aspect of risk management.</p> <p>A coverage underwriting gadget can use artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to identify positions that might imply fraud. For example, the gadget can also highlight a risk for additional examination through an underwriter if the prospective policyholder offers conflicting records or has a questionable claims history. This lessens the possibility of underwriting fraud-susceptible guidelines.</p> <h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>3. AI and Automation-Powered Decision Making</strong></h3> <p>Underwriters can better cope with large quantities of statistics and make brief, facts-driven alternatives, while positive aspects of the risk management process are automated using AI and machine learning. With AI algorithms, every coverage will undergo a comprehensive hazard appraisal in seconds, which could evaluate chance factors much more quickly than a human underwriter.</p> <h2 class="wp-block-heading"><strong>Conclusion</strong></h2> <p>Underwriters need to be adept at risk control because it has an immediate bearing on insurance agencies’ fitness, viability, and expansion. By using sophisticated coverage underwriting systems and effective threat control strategies, underwriters may make well-informed judgments, reduce risks, and guarantee that premiums are reasonably priced.</p> <p>Adopting generation and facts-pushed insights could be crucial for future success in a quickly converting industry. The better risk control equipment gets, the greater the underwriters can be and the more ready they are to address the challenges of an increasing number of complicated insurance panoramas.</p> <p><em>Featured image by <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow" data-wpel-link="external">Loic Leray</a> on <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow" data-wpel-link="external">Unsplash</a></em></p> <p>The post <a target="_blank" href="" data-wpel-link="internal" rel="noopener">Why is risk management important to underwriters?</a> appeared first on <a target="_blank" href="" data-wpel-link="internal" rel="noopener">noupe</a>.</p> <div class="fixed"></div> </div> <div class="under"> <span class="categories">Categories: </span><span><a href="" rel="category tag">Others</a></span> <span class="tags">Tags: </span><span></span> </div> </div> <div id="pagenavi"> <span class="newer"><a href="" >Newer Entries</a></span> <span class="older"><a href="" >Older 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