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What Negative Effects Does a Bad Website Design Have On My Business?

March 29th, 2024 No comments

Consumer expectations for a responsive, immersive, and visually appealing website experience have never been higher. In fact, 72% report that a badly designed website affects their opinion of a business.

If your website is badly designed, you may lose potential customers, waste money, increase bounce rates, decrease conversion rates, and damage your search engine optimization (SEO) rankings.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

How Developers Can Strengthen Their Mental Health Amidst High-Pressure Projects

March 29th, 2024 No comments

I have had my fair share of projects that have given me life because of what I accomplished, as well as those that have cost me life when I reflect on the terrible stress they caused. I know I’m not unique that way; sometimes, my work makes me feel like a rock star and other times, I question whether I should be a developer at all. Some projects test you — like really test you.

In the first week of December 2023, I got a contract to rebuild an entire web app from the ground-up using a new technology designed to be launched alongside a “new year, new system” initiative heading into 2024.

I think you know where this is going. I built up a lot of confidence heading into the project but soon found that I had bitten off way more than I could chew. The legacy code I inherited was the epitome of “legacy” code, and its spaghetti nature needed more than one developer to suss out. The project looked doomed from the beginning, and I hadn’t even written a line of code!

I quit the job. After weeks of stress-laden sleep, I simply couldn’t stomach the work. I actually dreaded work altogether. And with that dread came doubts about my career and whether I should start looking outside the industry.

Is this starting to sound familiar?

That job wasn’t just a project that posed a personal challenge; no, it was a battle for my mental health. I was officially burned out. Thankfully, I was relieved of some pressure when, to my surprise, the client was weirdly understanding and offered to bring in an additional developer to share the load. That really helped, and it gave me what I needed to roll my sleeves back up and finish the job.

Is This Success?

The project launched, and the client was happy with it. But I still experience aftershocks, even today, where the trauma from that contract seeps back in and reminds me just how awful it was and the extent to which it made me question my entire career.

So, even though the project was ultimately a success, I wouldn’t say it was “successful.” There was a real non-monetary cost that I paid just for taking the job.

I’m sure it is the same for you. We’ve all had stressful projects that push us to the brink of what feels like self-destruction. It’s clear because there are so many other articles and blog posts about it, all offering insightful personal advice for relieving stress, like exercise, sleep, and eating right.

In fact, as I reflected back on projects that predated this one particular nightmare, I realized there had been other projects I’d taken that had likely contributed to the burnout. Interestingly, I found a few common threads between them that I now use as “warning flags” going into new work.

All of our experiences are unique to us, and there is no standard recipe for managing stress and protecting your mental health. Advice in this area is always best described as “your mileage may vary” for no other reason than that it is scoped to a specific individual. True, one’s experiences can go so far as to help someone through a tough situation. I find it’s the same thing with self-help books — the best advice is usually the same advice found elsewhere, only articulated better or in a way that resonates with you.

Think of this article as more of my personal story of experiences safeguarding my mental health when finding myself in super specific work situations.

The Urgent Hotfix

Remember that project with the “comfortable” deadline? Yeah, me neither. It’s that common thing where you ask when the project needs to be completed, and you get back a sarcastic “last Tuesday.”

In this particular instance, it was a usual Monday morning. There I was, still in bed, happily rested after a fulfilling weekend. Then Slack started blasting me with notifications, all of which were in the vein of,

“Hey, users can’t make payments on the app — urgent!”

You can fault me for having Slack notifications enabled early on a Monday. But still, it killed my good mood and practically erased whatever respite I gained from the weekend. But I got up, headed over to the laptop, and began working as quickly as the day had started.

The timeline for this sort of fix is most definitely a “due last Tuesday” situation. It’s urgent and demands immediate attention at the expense of dropping everything else. There’s nothing easygoing about it. The pressure is on. As we were all trying to fix the bug, the customer support team also added to the pressure by frequently reporting the rising number of users having difficulties processing payments.

We read through this huge codebase and ran different kinds of tests, but nothing worked. I think it was around 40 minutes before the deadline that a colleague came across a Reddit post (dated six years ago or so) that had the solution in it. I tell you, that bug stood no chance. We finally got the payment system up and running. I was relieved, but at what cost?

What I Learned About HotFixes

Urgent hotfixes are a reality for most developers I know. They sort of come with the territory. But allowing them to take away your well-earned peace of mind is all too easy. A day can go from peaceful to panicking with just one Slack notification, and it may happen at any time, even first thing on a Monday morning.

What I’d Do Differently

It’s funny how Slack is called “Slack” because it really does feel like “slacking off” when you’re not checking in. But I can tell you that my Slack notifications are now paused until more reasonable hours.

Yes, it was a very real and very urgent situation, but allowing it to pull me completely out of my personal time wasn’t the best choice. I am not the only person on the team, so someone else who is already readily available can take the call.

After all, a rested developer is a productive developer, especially when faced with an urgent situation.

The Pit Of Procrastination

I once got myself into a contract for a project that was way above my skill set. But what’s that thing developers love saying, “Fake it ’til you make it,” or something like that? It’s hard to say “no” to something, particularly if your living depends on winning project bids. Plus, I won’t lie: there’s a little pride in not wanting to admit defeat.

When I accepted the job, I convinced myself that all I needed was two full days of steady focus and dedication to get up to speed and knock things out. But guess what? I procrastinated.

It actually started out very innocently. I’d give myself a brain break and read for 30 minutes, then maybe scroll through socials, then switch to YouTube, followed by… you get the picture. By the time I realize what happened, I’m several hours off schedule and find stress starting to harbor and swell inside me.

Those half hours here and there took me right up to the eleventh hour.

Unfortunately, I lost the contract as I couldn’t hit my promised timeline. I take full responsibility for that, of course, but I want to be honest and illustrate the real consequences that happen when stress and fear take over. I let myself get distracted because I was essentially afraid of the project and wasn’t being honest with myself.

What I Learned About Procrastination

The “fake it ’til you make it” ethos is a farce. There are relatively “safe” situations where getting into unfamiliar territory outside your skillset is going to be just fine. However, a new client with a new project spending new money on my expertise is not one of them.

Saying “yes” to a project is a promise, not a gamble.

And I’m no longer gambling with my client’s projects.

What I’d Do Differently

Learning on the job without a solid plan is a bad idea. If a project screams “out of my league,” I’ll politely decline. In fact, I have found that referring a client to another developer with the right skill set is actually a benefit because the client appreciates the honesty and convenience of not having to find another lead. I actually get more work when I push away the work I’m least suited for.

The Unrealistic Request

This happened recently at a startup I volunteered for and is actually quite funny in hindsight. Slack chimed in with a direct message from a marketing lead on the team:

“Hi, we are gonna need to add an urgent feature for a current social media trend. Can you implement it ASAP?”

It was a great feature! I dare say I was even eager to work on it because I saw its potential for attracting new users to the platform. Just one problem: what exactly does “ASAP” mean in this instance? Yes, I know it’s “as soon as possible,” but what is the actual deadline, and what’s driving it? Are we talking one day? One week? One month? Again, startups are famous for wanting everything done two weeks ago.

But I didn’t ask those questions. I dropped everything I was doing and completed the feature in two weeks’ time. If I’m being honest, there was also an underlying fear of saying “no” to the request. I didn’t want to disappoint someone on my team.

That’s the funny part. “ASAP” was really code for “as soon as possible with your current workload.” Was that communicated well? Definitely not. Slack isn’t exactly the best medium for detailed planning. I had a lot more time than I thought, yet I let myself get swept up by the moment. Sure, I nailed the new feature, and it did indeed attract new users — but again, at what cost? I patted myself on the back for a job well done but then swiveled my chair around to realize that I was facing a pile of work that I let mount up in the meantime.

And thus, the familiar weight of stress began taking its typical toll.

What I Learned About Unrealistic Requests

Everything has a priority. Someone else may have a pressing deadline, but does it supersede your own priorities? Managing priorities is more of a juggling act, but I was treating them as optional tasks that I could start and stop at will.

What I’d Do Differently

There are two things I’d do differently next time an unrealistic request comes up:

  • First, I’ll be sure to get a firm idea of when the request is actually needed and compare it to my existing priorities before agreeing to it.
  • Second, I plan on saying “no” without actually saying it. How different would the situation have been had I simply replied, “Yes, if…” instead, as in, “Yes, if I can complete this thing I’m working on first, then I’d be happy to jump on that next.” That puts the onus on the requester to do a little project management rather than allowing myself to take on the burden carte blanche.

The 48-Hour Workday

How many times have you pulled an all-nighter to get something done? If the answer is zero, that’s awesome. In my experience, though, it’s come up more times than I can count on two hands. Sometimes it’s completely my doing; I’ll get sucked into a personal side project or an interesting bug that leads to hours passing by like minutes.

I have more than a few friends and acquaintances who wear sleepless nights like merit badges as if accumulating them is somehow a desirable thing.

The most recent example for me was a project building a game. It was supposed to be pretty simple: You’re a white ball chasing red balls that are flying around the screen. That might not be the most exciting thing in the world, but it was introducing me to some new coding concepts, and I started riding a wave I didn’t want to leave. In my head, this little game could be the next Candy Crush, and there was no way I’d risk losing success by quitting at 2:00 a.m. No way.

To this day, the game is sitting dormant and collecting digital dust in a GitHub repository, unfinished and unreleased. I’m not convinced the five-day marathon was worth it. If anything, it’s like I had spent my enthusiasm for the job all at once, and when it burned me out, I needed a marathon stretch of sleep to get back to reality.

What I Learned About All-Nighters

The romanticized image of a fast-typing developer sporting a black hoodie in a dark room of servers and screens only exists in movies and is not something to emulate. There’s a reason there are 24 hours in a day instead of 48 — we need breaks and rest, if for nothing else, to be better at what we do. Mimicking a fictional stereotype is not the path to becoming a good developer, nor is it the path to sustainable living conditions.

What I’d Do Differently

I’m definitely more protective of the boundaries between me and my work. There’s a time to work, just as there’s a time for resting, personal needs, and even a time for playing.

That means I have clearly defined working hours and respect them. Naturally, there are days I need to be adaptable, but having the boundaries in place makes those days the exception as opposed to the rule.

I also identify milestones in my work that serve as natural pauses to break things up into more manageable pieces. If I find myself coding past my regular working hours, especially on consecutive days, then that’s an indication that I am taking on too much, that I am going outside of scope, or that the scope hasn’t been defined at all and needs more definition.

Bugged By A Bug

There are no escaping bugs. As developers, we’re going to make mistakes and clean them up as we go. I won’t say I enjoy bugfixes as much as developing new features, but there is some little part of me at the same time that’s like, “Oh yeah, challenge accepted!” Bugs can often be approached as mini puzzles, but that’s not such a bad thing.

But there are those bugs that never seem to die. You know, the kind you can’t let go of? You’re absolutely sure that you’ve done everything correctly, and yet, the bug persists. It nearly gets to the point where you might be tempted to blame the bug on the browser or whatever dependency you’re working with, but you know it’s not. It sticks with you at night as you go to bed.

Then comes the epiphany: Oh crap, it’s a missing X. And X is usually a missing semicolon or anything else that’s the equivalent of unplugging the thing and plugging it back in only to find things are working perfectly.

I have lots of stories like this. This one time, however, takes the cake. I was working on this mobile app with React Native and Expo. Everything was going smoothly, and I was in the zone! Then, a rendering error cropped up for no clear reason. My code compiled, and all the tests passed, but the app refused to render on my mobile device.

So, like any logical developer, I CTRL + Z’d my way back in time until I reached a point where I was sure that the app rendered as expected. I still got the same rendering error.

That was when I knew this bug was out for my blood. I tried every trick I knew in the book to squash that thing, but it simply would not go away. I was removing and installing packages like a madman, updating dependencies, restarting VS Code, pouring through documentation, and rebooting my laptop. Still nothing.

For context: Developers typically use Expo on their devices to render the apps in real-time when working with React Native and Expo. I was not, and therein lies the problem. My phone had decided to ditch the same Wi-Fi network that my laptop was connected to.

All I had to do was reconnect my phone to the network. Problem solved. But agony in the process.

What I Learned About Bugfixes

Not every code bug has a code solution. Even though I had produced perfectly valid scripts, I doubted my work and tackled the issue with what’s natural to me: code.

If I had stepped back from my work for even a moment, then I probably would have seen the issue and saved myself many hours and headaches. I let my frustration take over to the extent that the bug was no longer a mini puzzle but the bane of my existence. I really needed to read my temperature level and know when to take a break.

Bugs sometimes make me doubt my credibility as a developer, especially when the solution is both simple and right under my nose the entire time — like network connectivity.

What I’d Do Differently

There’s an old Yiddish saying: To a worm in horseradish, the world is horseradish. You may recognize it as the leading quote in Malcolm Gladwell’s What the Dog Saw and Other Adventures. It’s closely related to other common sayings along the lines of, “To a hammer, everything is a nail.”

In addition to trying to look at bugs from a non-horseradish perspective, I now know to watch my frustration level when things start feeling helpless. Take breaks. Take a walk. Eat lunch. Anything to break the cycle of rumination. It’s often in that moment of clarity that the puzzle finally starts to come together.

The Meeting-Working Imbalance

I don’t like meetings, and I’m sure many developers would agree with me on that. They’re somewhat of a necessary evil right? There’s value, for example, in the weekly standups for checking in on the team’s progress and staying on the same page as far as what’s coming up in the following week of planning.

If only that was the one single meeting I had to attend on a given day.

Let me describe one particular day that I feel is emblematic of what I think is a common conflict between time spent in meetings and time spent working. I got to my workspace and was ready for the usual half-hour weekly team check-in. It went a little over, which was fine, but it did mean I had to rush to the next meeting instead of having a little buffer between the two. That meeting was a classic one, the type where everyone wants a developer in the room in case something technical comes up but never does, leaving me bored and dividing my attention with my actual work.

We had five meetings that day. In my book, that’s a full day completely wasted because I was unable to get around to writing any code at all, save for a few lines I could squeeze in here and there. That’s no way to work, but is unfortunately a common pattern.

What I Learned About Meetings

Meetings have to happen. I get that. But I’ve learned that not every meeting is one that I personally need to attend. In many cases, I can get the gist of what happened in a meeting by watching the recording or reading the project manager’s notes. I now know that meetings can “happen” in lots of ways, and what comes from them can still be learned asynchronously in many instances.

What I’d Do Differently

From here on out, I am asking (politely, of course) whether my attendance is mandatory or not when certain meetings come up. I also ask if I can either prepare something for the group in advance or get caught up to speed after the meeting has happened.


That’s it! These are a handful of situations I have found myself in the past couple of years. It’s funny how seemingly small events are able to coalesce and reveal patterns of behavior. There’s a common thread of stubbornness running through them that has opened my eyes to the way I work and how I manage my mental health.

I’m sure it is the same for you. What times can you remember when stress, anxiety, and frustration consumed you? Are you able to write them down? Do you see a pattern forming? I believe doing this sort of mental inventory is valuable because you start to see specific things that trigger your feelings, and with that, it’s possible to recognize and avoid them in the future.

Further Reading On SmashingMag

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Top React Templates & Themes 

March 27th, 2024 No comments

In today’s fast-paced web development landscape, React stands out as the go-to framework for creating captivating and interactive user interfaces. To accelerate your projects, a wealth of ready-to-use React templates and themes awaits. These versatile templates combine adaptability with elegance, catering to a wide range of project needs. In this guide, we’ll explore 12 exceptional React templates, each packed with unique features. Whether you’re building an admin panel, a data-rich dashboard, or any other application, you’ll discover solutions that align perfectly with your requirements.

Streamlining Development with Pre-Built Components

React templates offer more than just aesthetics. They provide a treasure trove of meticulously crafted UI components, acting as building blocks for your application. Say goodbye to coding every element from scratch! These templates save you time, allowing you to focus on your project’s core functionalities and unique features. From buttons and forms to navigation menus and data visualizations, these components are not only visually appealing but also designed for code reusability and maintainability.

Enhancing User Experience Through Modern Design

The best React templates prioritize user experience (UX) by adhering to contemporary design principles. Their clean, intuitive interfaces make navigation effortless and encourage user engagement. Many templates leverage the power of Material Design, ensuring a seamless and delightful user journey.

A Closer Look: Unveiling 12 Top-Tier React Templates and Themes

Now that we’ve explored the undeniable benefits of React templates and themes, let’s delve into a curated selection of 12 exceptional options, each catering to a specific set of requirements:

1. Datta Able React Admin Template: Architecting Feature-Rich Admin Panels

Datta Able stands out as the perfect solution for crafting sophisticated admin panels. It perfectly combines style with functionality, making it both beautiful and useful. This comprehensive template furnishes you with a vast arsenal of components and pre-configured pages, expediting the development process for intricate admin areas. You can also check out more react templates by CodedThemes.

2. Berry MUI React Dashboard Template: Embracing Minimalism for a Modern Dashboard Experience

Berry champions a minimalist design philosophy, leveraging the power of Material-UI to deliver a modern and user-centric dashboard experience. It caters perfectly to developers seeking a clean and visually cohesive interface.

3. Mantis MUI React Dashboard Template: Building Enterprise-Grade Applications with User-Centric Design

Similar to Berry, Mantis is built upon the robust foundation of Material-UI and prioritizes a user-centric design approach. It’s meticulously crafted for the development of enterprise-level applications, boasting an intuitive layout and an extensive suite of features.

4. Able Pro MUI React Admin Dashboard Template: Expediting Admin Panel Development with a Material Design Flair

With a keen focus on Material UI, Able Pro caters to developers seeking to expedite the development of admin panels and dashboards. It provides a comprehensive collection of UI components and a wide array of layout choices, all wrapped in a sleek and modern design aesthetic. This template empowers you to construct feature-rich admin areas efficiently, adhering to the Material Design principles for a user-friendly experience.

5. Gradient Able Reactjs Admin Dashboard: A Splash of Visual Excitement

Gradient Able Reactjs Admin Dashboard distinguishes itself from the competition with its vibrant gradients and dynamic color schemes. It injects a dose of visual flair into your dashboard without compromising on functionality. This template is ideal for projects that demand a visually captivating user interface while retaining the core functionalities of a well-designed admin dashboard.

6. Next React Admin Dashboard: Unlocking Performance and SEO Advantages

This design utilizes the capabilities of Next.js, a renowned framework for React that enhances server-side rendering (SSR) and optimizes search engine visibility. These features make Next React Admin Dashboard a compelling choice for projects where performance and organic search visibility are paramount. Server-side rendering ensures your application delivers blazing-fast loading times, while enhanced SEO guarantees your dashboard ranks higher in search engine results pages, making it more discoverable by potential users.

7. Materially ReactJS Admin Dashboard: Striking the Perfect Balance Between Aesthetics and Utility

Materially ReactJS Admin Dashboard offers a responsive and visually appealing dashboard solution crafted by combining the strengths of ReactJS and Material Design. This template seamlessly adapts to various project types, maintaining an ideal balance between aesthetics and utility. It empowers you to construct a user-friendly and visually captivating dashboard that caters to your specific project requirements.

8. Minimal – Client and Admin Dashboard: Championing Simplicity and User Focus

True to its name, Minimal offers a straightforward and uncluttered interface for both client-facing applications and admin dashboards.It places user experience at the forefront, focusing on ease of use and a design philosophy centered around the user’s needs. This template is ideal for projects that demand clean and uncluttered interfaces that prioritize user ease of use.

9. Elstar – React Admin Tailwind Template: Unleashing the Power of Utility-First CSS for Rapid Customization

Elstar leverages the power of Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework, to provide exceptional customization capabilities. Tailwind’s approach empowers you to rapidly construct unique UIs without the need to write copious amounts of CSS code. This template grants you extensive control over the visual appearance of your application, allowing you to craft a user interface that aligns perfectly with your brand identity.

10. Gogo – React Admin Template: A Feature-Rich Powerhouse for Flexibility and User Engagement

Renowned for its adaptability and feature-rich nature, Gogo offers a comprehensive collection of UI components and layouts to cater to a multitude of project requirements. This template prioritizes flexibility and user engagement, empowering you to construct an application that seamlessly adapts to various use cases and fosters user interaction.

11. Emilus – React Admin Template: A Blend of Modern Design and Intuitive Functionality

Emilus stands out with its contemporary design aesthetic and intuitive interface. It provides a diverse selection of widgets and components, each of which can be finely customized to meet the unique requirements of your application. This template is a strong choice for projects that demand a visually appealing user interface coupled with a comprehensive set of functionalities.

12. Endless – React Admin Template: A Canvas for Complex and Feature-Dense Applications

Aptly named, Endless offers a vast array of customization options, empowering you to construct intricate and feature-dense applications. This template ensures your project delivers an exceptional user experience by using it.

Conclusion: Choosing the Perfect React Template or Theme

With this extensive array of exceptional React templates and themes at your disposal, selecting the ideal solution for your project might seem daunting. Here are some key considerations to guide your decision:

Project Requirements: Clearly define the purpose and functionalities of your application. Are you building an admin panel, a data-rich dashboard, or a user-facing client application? Matching your needs with a template’s core strengths is crucial.

Design Preferences: Consider the desired visual aesthetic for your application. Do you favor a minimalist approach like Minimal, or a vibrant and dynamic theme like Gradient Able?

Technical Expertise: Evaluate your team’s comfort level with the underlying technologies employed by the template. If your team is proficient in Material-UI, templates like Berry or Able Pro might be a perfect fit.

 Customization Needs: Assess the level of customization required for your project. Some templates offer a wider range of configuration options than others.

Remember, the best React template or theme serves as a launchpad, not a straitjacket. Don’t hesitate to leverage its pre-built components and functionalities as a foundation while incorporating your unique design vision and functionalities.

React templates and themes offer a compelling value proposition for developers of all experience levels. They expedite the development process, elevate the user experience of your application, and ensure your project stands out from the crowd. By strategically selecting the right template and effectively leveraging its capabilities, you can streamline your workflow and craft exceptional React applications that leave a lasting impression.

The post Top React Templates & Themes  appeared first on noupe.

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10+ Best Resources & Tools for Web Designers (2024 update)

March 27th, 2024 No comments

Is searching for the best web design tools to suit your needs akin to having a recurring bad dream? Does each “promising ad” look like any other, and you find yourself reading them over and over again?

We published this list to give you some temporary, and hopefully permanent, relief.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

The Future Of User Research: Expert Insights And Key Trends

March 27th, 2024 No comments

This article is a sponsored by Maze

How do product teams conduct user research today? How do they leverage user insights to make confident decisions and drive business growth? And what role does AI play? To learn more about the current state of user research and uncover the trends that will shape the user research landscape in 2024 and beyond, Maze surveyed over 1,200 product professionals between December 2023 and January 2024.

The Future of User Research Report summarized the data into three key trends that provide precious insights into an industry undergoing significant changes. Let’s take a closer look at the main findings from the report.

Trend 1: The Demand For User Research Is Growing

62% of respondents who took the Future of User Research survey said the demand for user research has increased in the past 12 months. Industry trends like continuous product discovery and research democratization could be contributing to this growth, along with recent layoffs and reorganizations in the tech industry.

Emma Craig, Head of UX Research at Miro, sees one reason for this increase in the uncertain times we’re living in. Under pressure to beat the competition, she sensed a “shift towards more risk-averse attitudes, where organizations feel they need to ‘get it right’ the first time.” By conducting user research, organizations can mitigate risk and clarify the strategy of their business or product.

Research Is About Learning

As the Future of User Research report found out, organizations are leveraging research to make decisions across the entire product development lifecycle. The main consumers of research are design (86%) and product (83%) teams, but it’s also marketing, executive teams, engineering, data, customer support, and sales who rely on the results from user research to inform their decision-making.

As Roberta Dombrowski, Research Partner at Maze, points out:

“At its core, research is about learning. We learn to ensure that we’re building products and services that meet the needs of our customers. The more we invest in growing our research practices and team, the higher our likelihood of meeting these needs.”

Benefits And Challenges Of Conducting User Research

As it turns out, the effort of conducting user research on a regular basis pays off. 85% of respondents said that user research improved their product’s usability, 58% saw an increase in customer satisfaction, and 44% in customer engagement.

Connecting research insights to business outcomes remains a key challenge, though. While awareness for measuring research impact is growing (73% of respondents track the impact of their research), 41% reported they find it challenging to translate research insights into measurable business outcomes. Other significant challenges teams face are time and bandwidth constraints (62%) and recruiting the right participants (60%).

Growing A Research Mindset

With the demand for user research growing, product teams need to find ways to expand their research initiatives. 75% of the respondents in the Maze survey are planning to scale research in the next year by increasing the number of research studies, leveraging AI tools, and providing training to promote research democratization.

Janelle Ward, Founder of Janelle Ward Insights, sees great potential in growing research practices, as an organization will grow a research mindset in tandem. She shares:

“Not only will external benefits like competitive advantage come into play, but employees inside the organization will also better understand how and why important business decisions are made, resulting in more transparency from leadership and a happier and more thriving work culture for everyone.”

Trend 2: Research Democratization Empowers Stronger Decision-Making

Research democratization involves empowering different teams to run research and get access to the insights they need to make confident decisions. The Future of User Research Report shows that in addition to researchers, product designers (61%), product managers (38%), and marketers (17%) conduct user research at their companies to inform their decision-making.

Teams with a democratized research culture reported a greater impact on decision-making. They are 2× more likely to report that user research influences strategic decisions, 1.8× more likely to state that it impacts product decisions, and 1.5× more likely to express that it inspires new product opportunities.

The User Researcher’s New Role

Now, if more people are conducting user research in an organization, does this mark the end of the user researcher role? Not at all. Scaling research through democratization doesn’t mean anyone can do any type of research. You’ll need the proper checks and balances to allow everyone to participate in research responsibly and effectively. The role is shifting from a purely technical to an educational role where user researchers become responsible for guiding the organization in its learning and curiosity.

To guarantee data quality and accuracy, user researchers can train partners on research methods and best practices and give them hands-on experience before they start their own research projects. This can involve having them shadow a researcher during a project, holding mock interviews, or leading collaborative analysis workshops.

Democratizing user research also means that UX researchers can open up time to focus on more complex research initiatives. While tactical research, such as usability testing, can be delegated to designers and product managers, UX researchers can conduct foundational studies to inform the product and business strategy.

User Research Tools And Techniques

It’s also interesting to see which tools and techniques product teams use to gather user insights. Maze (46%), Hotjar (26%), and UserTesting (24%) are the most widely used user research tools. When it comes to user research methods, product teams mostly turn to user interviews (89%), usability testing (85%), surveys (82%), and concept testing (56%).

According to Morgan Mullen, Lead UX Researcher at User Interviews, a factor to consider is the type of projects teams conduct. Most teams don’t change their information architecture regularly, which requires tree testing or card sorting. But they’re likely launching new features often, making usability testing a more popular research method.

Trend 3: New Technology Allows Product Teams To Significantly Scale Research

AI is reshaping how we work in countless ways, and user research is no exception. According to the Future of User Research Report, 44% of product teams are already using AI tools to run research and an additional 41% say they would like to adopt AI tools in the future.

ChatGPT is the most widely-used AI tool for conducting research (82%), followed by Miro AI (20%), Notion AI (18%), and Gemini (15%). The most commonly used research tools with AI features are Maze AI (15%), UserTesting AI (9%), and Hotjar AI (5%).

The Strengths Of AI

The tactical aspect of research is where AI truly shines. More than 60% of respondents use AI to analyze user research data, 54% for transcription, 48% for generating research questions, and 45% for synthesis and reporting. By outsourcing these tasks to artificial intelligence, respondents reported that their team efficiency improved (56%) and turnaround time for research projects decreased (50%) — freeing up more time to focus on the human and strategic side of research (35%).

The Irreplaceable Value Of Research

While AI is great at tackling time-consuming, tactical tasks, it is not a replacement for a skilled researcher. As Kate Pazoles, Head of Flex User Research at Twilio, points out, we can think of AI as an assistant. The value lies in connecting the dots and uncovering insights with a level of nuance that only UX researchers possess.

Jonathan Widawski, co-founder and CEO at Maze, sums up the growing role that AI plays in user research as follows:

“AI will be able to support the entire research process, from data collection to analysis. With automation powering most of the tactical aspects, a company’s ability to build products fast is no longer a differentiating factor. The key now lies in a company’s ability to build the right product — and research is the power behind all of this.”

Looking Ahead

With teams adopting a democratized user research culture and AI tools on the rise, the user researcher’s role is shifting towards that of a strategic partner for the organization.

Instead of gatekeeping their knowledge, user researchers can become facilitators and educate different teams on how to engage with customers and use those insights to make better decisions. By doing so, they help ensure research quality and accuracy conducted by non-researchers, while opening up time to focus on more complex, strategic research. Adopting a research mindset also helps teams value user research more and foster a happier, thriving work culture. A win-win for the organization, its employees, and customers.

If you’d like more data and insights, read the full Future of User Research Report by Maze here.

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How to Write E-Commerce Content: 5 Tips for SEO

March 27th, 2024 No comments

Not every type of content should follow the same strategy. A blog has to be different from an academic write-up. Likewise, e-commerce content has to be written effectively if you want to generate engagement, leads, and conversions.

If you search for ways to optimize e-commerce content on the internet, you are likely to see tons of advice. 

But not all of these instructions are worth following. You have to be choosy and follow on those that help you achieve e-commerce goals in the long run.

Being a copywriter, I have written content for a variety of e-commerce stores, and luckily, it proved to be pretty useful in helping them get traffic, engagement, and sales.

So today, I will share my five secret recipes to assist you in writing well-optimized content for e-commerce stores.

If you want to write worthy on-site content, these five suggestions can help you beat competitors and even big-box retailers.

Tip 1: Optimize for Keywords

You are not supposed to optimize your copy for keywords without understanding how customers are searching for your products. 

That means first, you have to perceive how people are looking for stuff that you sell on the internet.

Identify potential keywords through top-rated keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, SEMrush, and Ahrefs.

 You just have to enter a couple of words related to your products/services, and the tool will provide you with a complete list of potentially well-performing keywords.

After you have a good keyword resource, use them in page titles, permalinks (URL), headers, and throughout the text body.

 However, make sure the keyword is not used forcefully. Instead, make it look naturally used in the content to avoid stuffing impressions.

Tip 2: Create Useful and Engaging Content

You cannot expect visitors to engage with your content if it’s not created to engage them. You have to put yourself in customers’ shoes to understand their requirements.

While you write content for e-commerce, make sure to include all the important elements, such as comprehensive product descriptions, original customer reviews, specifications, and all possible images.

Imagine yourself as a customer and think of the questions that you may have in mind while looking to purchase something online. Try answering all those possible queries beforehand.

 Do not just keep adding information without following a specific pattern. Instead, use proper formatting and give breaks to divide long textual information into chunks.

One more thing that you should not overlook at all is being warm and friendly. Readers do not like reading info that does not connect with them personally. 

So, make sure to maintain a conversational tone till the end.

Don’t use complex terminologies unless they are extremely important. If you are into the habit of using those fancy words, try running your copy through an online paraphraser and this will help you make your content sound human. It also takes complicated texts and converts them into easy-to-read information within a few seconds. Using it is a piece of cake as no technicalities are involved in the paraphrasing process.

Tip 3: Focus on User Intent

Understanding user intent is one of the best tricks you can use to craft more engaging and compelling e-commerce content. 

Anticipate why people are searching for you on the internet. Do they want to buy something? Are they intending to learn? Do they want to compare two options?

These are some of the questions that you should ask yourself before creating a copy. If you think that a visitor comes to your site with different intents, then consider creating a clear structure addressing each intent in detail. 

Create appropriate headings and subheadings to provide clarity on all aspects.

Tip 4: Publish Updated and Fresh Content

Visitors and search engines like sites that keep adding new products, articles, guides, and deals.

 If you want to gain returning visitors, then you have to keep posting new content regularly. Create a content calendar and make sure you never miss out on your schedules.

Sometimes, it is necessary to update old information with the latest stats, facts, and figures. Run an audit of your previous posts and replace outdated information with the latest data to maintain relevancy and accuracy.

Never miss the opportunity to publish seasonal content such as holiday-related posts. This strategy works well to engage with your audience on an individual level. 

For instance, you can create deals for Christmas, Boxing Day, Easter, Cyber Monday, and other prominent events taking place throughout the year.

Tip 5: Optimize Content for Mobile Users

Approximately 4.88 billion people have smartphones as of 2024. They are likely to reach 6 billion by the end of 2027. These statistics show the increasing number of smartphone users across the globe.

If you really wish to optimize your e-commerce content, you have to take mobile users into account. Focus on designing sites that are responsive. 

Mobile users should not have any problem reading your articles and taking recommended actions from a small screen.

Generate short and easily scannable snippets of texts so that users can go through the details while being on the go. 

Optimize images for mobile to avoid visitors from confusion. Run mobile-friendliness tests to identify and fix weak points. 

Remember, you are not likely to achieve better results without having content that is well-optimized for handheld devices.


A perfectly optimized e-commerce copy is crucial to your online success. Although it may take some time to learn and implement the techniques discussed above, yet they will benefit you in the long run. 

Looking for the right keywords and using them naturally throughout content can make a real difference in terms of organic traffic. Useful content can give rise to engagement levels.

Likewise, considering user intent, keeping your prose updated with the latest information, and optimizing content for mobile users can help achieve short and long-term e-commerce goals.

 So, feel free to follow these suggestions and see the difference in your metrics.

The post How to Write E-Commerce Content: 5 Tips for SEO appeared first on noupe.

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How Your Business Benefits from a UX Audit

March 26th, 2024 No comments

In today’s tech world, keeping design consistency intact can be quite the challenge—especially with multiple teams collaborating on the same digital product. That’s where UX design audits come in. They’re like your product’s health check-up, helping designers spot issues in continuity, accessibility, and usability. So, why do these audits matter?

Let’s understand this in a better way,

What is the UX audit?

A UX audit is conducted by UX professionals to make sure users have the best experience possible. They look at everything from how easy it is to use to how it looks visually. They also check if all the links are working and if the design is consistent throughout. Plus, they make sure the content is up-to-date and relevant. 

By analyzing all these aspects, they can pinpoint any issues that might be getting in the way of a smooth user experience. Then, they provide actionable recommendations to fix them and make the product even better.

Why do you need a UX audit?

A UX audit plays a crucial role in enhancing your product’s customer experience. It provides insights into areas like refining the user interface or streamlining hardware setup. These improvements can directly impact conversion rates and user retention. At every stage of your product’s journey, customer interaction is key. 

Whether in development or already on the market, integrating a UX audit is essential. It’s not just about spotting issues; it’s about implementing actionable solutions to create a smoother user experience and foster loyalty.

How UX audits benefit businesses?

UX audits offer businesses numerous benefits. They enhance conversion rates by improving user experience and boost brand reputation through positive interactions. Moreover, it increases customer retention by personalizing experiences, improving SEO performance, and saving costs by identifying and fixing issues early. Here are few more benefits UX audit comes with,

  • Happier users

UX audits help identify and fix problems that make it difficult for people to use the website or app. This makes users happier because they can get things done easily and avoid frustration.

  • More conversions

A smoother experience often leads to more users taking desired actions, like making a purchase or signing up for a service. UX audits help optimize things like navigation and content to guide users towards these actions.

  • Better brand image

When people have a positive experience, they’re more likely to tell others and think favorably of the brand. UX audits can help build a strong brand reputation by ensuring positive user experiences.

  • Loyal customers

If users enjoy using the website, they’re more likely to come back. Create a smooth user journey with user audit that keeps people engaged and coming back for more.

  • Higher search ranking

Search engines consider how easy it is to use a website when ranking it in search results. UX audits can improve factors like loading speed and user engagement, which can lead to a higher search ranking and more website traffic.

  • Saving money

Fixing usability problems early on is cheaper than fixing them later. UX audits can help identify and address these issues before they cause problems and cost the business money.

When is the right time for UX auditing?

Basically, there are two main ways to approach UX audits including,

1. Proactive audits

These are planned checkups done at regular intervals,  even if you aren’t experiencing any specific problems.  This is a good way to catch small issues before they become big problems and to make sure your website is keeping up with user trends.

2. Reactive audits

These are done in response to a specific issue, such as a drop in user engagement or a high number of customer complaints.  If you’re noticing signs that your UX might be suffering, a reactive audit can help you identify the root cause of the problem.

Here are a few instances where a UX audit could prove beneficial:

  • Before launching a new website or application: A UX audit helps identify and fix usability issues before product release, ensuring a smoother user experience.
  • After launching a new feature or major update: It’s important to make sure that new features don’t negatively impact the overall user experience. A UX audit can help you identify any areas where the update might be causing problems.
  • When you’re experiencing a decline in user engagement or conversion rates: This could be a sign that there are usability problems with your website. A UX audit helps identify problems and implement improvements to enhance the situation.
  • You’re considering a redesign of your website: A UX audit can be a valuable tool for informing your redesign process. It can help you identify the areas that need the most improvement and ensure that your redesign is user-centered.
  • You’re not sure how your website compares to the competition: A UX audit can help you benchmark your user experience against your competitors and identify areas where you can improve.

Why do you need to hire a professional UX team for the UX audit process?

Hiring a UX expert is vital for conducting UX audits to ensure digital products or services meet user needs effectively. UX auditing involves evaluating various aspects of a product’s usability, accessibility, and overall user experience.

Expertise and experience: The experts possess specialized knowledge and experience in assessing user interactions with digital interfaces. They are trained to identify usability issues, understand user behavior patterns, and recommend improvements based on best practices and industry standards.

Objectivity: A professional team provides an objective perspective on the usability of a product. Their evaluations are based on user-centered design principles rather than personal preferences or biases, ensuring that the audit findings are impartial and actionable.

Comprehensive evaluation: UX auditing involves examining multiple facets of a product, including navigation, layout, content organization, visual design, and accessibility. The experts conduct thorough evaluations across these areas for enhancement.

User-centric approach: The experts prioritize the needs and preferences of the target audience throughout the auditing process. They understand the user goals, behaviors, and pain points, to identify opportunities and optimize the user experience.

Strategic insights: Beyond identifying usability issues, UX professionals offer strategic insights to drive product improvement initiatives. They can provide actionable recommendations to increase task efficiency, and achieve business goals through improved UX design.


In conclusion, conduct regular UX design audits to ensure products meet user requirements with ease. While, detailed UX designs help auditors compare against criteria, targets, and KPIs during the first audit and beyond. This process allows organizations to continuously improve digital experiences, staying aligned with user expectations and strategic goals.

Featured image by Icons8

The post How Your Business Benefits from a UX Audit appeared first on noupe.

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Best Electronic Signature Software of 2024

March 25th, 2024 No comments

Thanks to advanced e-signature tools, there has been a shift away from traditional paper-based signatures. These tools and platforms streamline the signature collection process, from contracts to agreements, ensuring swift and secure transactions with digital solutions. Selecting the most suitable e-signature solution is important for ensuring smooth document signing experiences in business settings, guaranteeing efficiency and security throughout the procedure.

Excited to see what’s out there in the e-signature market? Check out our breakdown of 7 e-signature solutions, where we’ve considered factors like security, user-friendliness, integrations, and pricing flexibility.

Jotform Sign

Jotform Sign simplifies the creation of automated approval processes for e-signature documents, making secure document sharing and signing a breeze across all devices. With its intuitive drag-and-drop builder and extensive library of customizable templates, users can effortlessly create legally binding documents, including contracts and approvals. Jotform Sign offers real-time report generation, secure online document embedding, and seamless integration with Jotform Tables for efficient data management and insights. As an all-in-one electronic signature and document solution, Jotform Sign streamlines document processes and data management, featuring automated approval flows and versatile integrations with various external platforms. 

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With hundreds of templates and an intuitive design interface, users can easily customize documents without any coding knowledge, making it ideal for small businesses seeking efficiency. Documents are easily shared via a link or QR code and accessible from any smart device, ensuring full legal compliance with CCPA, GDPR, and PCI standards, with optional HIPAA compliance features available.


  • Drag-and-drop builder
  • Easy sharing options
  • Strong security and compliance capabilities
  • Embeddable into websites
  • Document delegation
  • Live reports
  • Automated approval flows
  • A wide range of integrations
  • Easy data analysis


Jotform’s pricing model is based on the level of form usage, granting access to all features across all plans except for those related to HIPAA compliance. Moreover, Jotform provides a 20% discount for annual subscriptions, which encompass four distinct plans.

  • Starter Plan: No charge fee with 10 sign limit 
  • Bronze Plan: Monthly payment of $34 on a yearly subscription with 100 sign limit
  • Silver Plan: Monthly payment of $39 on a yearly subscription with 250 sign limit
  • Gold Plan: Monthly payment of $99 on a yearly subscription with 1000 sign limit

Jotform also offers an Enterprise Plan with exclusive features and terms. It’s worth noting that Jotform provides a 50% discount for educational institutions and non-profit organizations.


Signaturely provides a cloud-based e-signature platform to streamline document approvals for businesses. Key features include alerts, bulk sending, team oversight, version management, customizable branding, audit trail, and data import functionalities.

Users can either upload files or use premade templates to prepare documents, incorporating necessary fields to guide signers through the process. Signers conveniently receive documents via email and can access them remotely from any device. Managers can set up automatic reminders to keep track of documents that are waiting to be signed, already signed, or not signed yet. These documents can be kept together in one central place.

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Signaturely records digital imprints of signees’ interactions, including IP addresses, locations, names, and email addresses. Additionally, managers can monitor document views, signings, and transmissions. Integration with various third-party applications such as Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, and Box is seamlessly offered. 


  • Legally binding e-signatures
  • Multiple document recipients
  • Custom signing order
  • Automated reminders
  • Guided signing
  • Bulk contact import


  • Subscription options are available on both an annual and monthly basis.
  • Personal Plan: Yearly $240 payment with 5 per month signature requests.
  • Business Plan: Yearly $480 payment with unlimited signature requests.

Dropbox Sign

Dropbox Sign makes it easy to sign documents with its easy-to-use design and simple features. You can send, track, and get notifications for signed documents easily. It works well with Dropbox, so you can manage your files easily.

It offers features to help manage documents easily. You don’t need to print or scan documents and can send documents directly from your Dropbox account. You can also add more than one person to sign a document easily. It keeps your documents safe with encryption and lets you set when people can access them.

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Users can also work together easily with Dropbox Sign. Users can share and manage signed documents with colleagues, clients, or partners easily. You get updates in real-time about your documents, so you know when they are viewed, signed, or completed. 


  • Reusable templates
  • Mobile-friendly forms
  • No-code integrations
  • Customizable experiences


  • Basic: Free trial plan
  • Plus: Monthly payment of $9.99 on a yearly subscription with 1 user limit 
  • Essentials: Monthly payment of $18 on a yearly subscription with 1 user limit and unlimited sign requests
  • Business: Monthly payment of $20 on a yearly subscription with 3+  user limit recommended for teams 
  • Business Plus: Monthly payment of $26 on a yearly subscription with 3+  user limit recommended for companies


PandaDoc helps you get agreements faster with fewer delays. Its easy-to-use approval workflows reduce mistakes, so you can send agreements out quickly. With a clear signing order, you can get the signatures you need in no time.

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Managing documents is also easy with PandaDoc. Instead of using multiple tools for electronic signatures, you can consolidate your workflow into one platform and upload, send, and eSign PDFs, DocX, and other files quickly. You can sign documents knowing they’re secure as PandaDoc provides a certificate of authenticity for each completed document. It offers recipient verification via passcode and SMS for added protection. Plus, your data is protected as PandaDoc is compliant with ESIGN, UETA, HIPAA, and SOC 2 Type II standards.


  • Template options
  • Multiple languages
  • Real-time notifications
  • Custom branding


  • Free: No fee charge with 14-day trial period
    Essentials: Monthly payment of $19 on yearly subscription with unlimited document uploads and e-signatures
  • Business: Monthly payment of $49 on yearly subscription with unlimited document uploads and e-signatures
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing with unlimited document uploads, single sign-on (SSO) and team workspaces
  • PandaDoc also offers a per-document pricing package with unlimited seats and you pay only for the documents you create.

Zoho Sign

Zoho Sign is another valuable tool for businesses seeking efficient document signing solutions. Its user-friendly interface simplifies document uploads, signer additions, and signature requests, making the process easy for users and clients alike. With strong security measures like encryption and compliance with industry standards, such as SOC 2 Type II and GDPR, Zoho Sign ensures data integrity and confidentiality. Integrations with popular business applications like Zoho Suite and Microsoft Office streamline workflows, while multi-party signing capabilities enable smooth handling of complex document processes.

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Zoho Sign’s mobile app allows users to sign documents anywhere as well. 


  • Mobile accessibility
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Handles complex processes easily
  • Multi-party signing capabilities
  • Advanced security measures


  • Free:  No fee charged for a single user and a 5 envelopes per month limit
  • Standard: Monthly payment of €10 on a yearly subscription with 25 envelopes per user per month
  • Professional: Monthly payment of €16 on a yearly subscription with unlimited envelopes per user per month
  • Enterprise: Monthly payment of €22 on a yearly subscription with the features of professional plus special features like payment collection and bulk send & bulk sign.

Adobe Sign

Acrobat Sign simplifies document signing with essential e-signature tools. Its user-friendly features like mobile accessibility streamline document management. Real-time notifications and mobile app support allow for efficient handling of signings wherever you are. Its integration with Microsoft 365 enhances workflow efficiency, allowing seamless document processing from familiar applications.

Additionally, Acrobat Sign’s automatic record-keeping guarantees secure storage of signed documents and audit trails. With features like agreement templates, mega sign for bulk sending, and branded experiences, Acrobat Sign offers a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking efficient and secure document signing processes.

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Acrobat Sign prioritizes security and compliance with global regulations. Its authentication methods verify signer identities, ensuring secure transactions. Customizable workflow templates reduce errors and streamline the signing process. Moreover, Acrobat Sign’s extensive APIs enable easy integration with various applications, expanding its functionality. By simplifying compliance and offering secure e-signatures, Acrobat Sign empowers businesses to boost document signing processes with confidence.


  • Tracking and management
  • Microsoft Office integration
  • Access and control reminders
  • Audit trail
  • Advanced security measures


Adobe Acrobat Sign has 2 different pricing models for teams and individuals.

For Individuals

  • Adobe Standard: $12.99 monthly payment on an annual subscription
  • Acrobat Pro: $19.99 monthly payment on an annual subscription

For Teams

  • Adobe Standard:  $14.99 monthly payment on an annual subscription
  • Acrobat Pro: $23.99 monthly payment on an annual subscription


DocuSign efficiently oversees all signing transaction phases, from document preparation to signing and organization, delivering efficient results. Businesses benefit from time and cost savings with streamlined procedures. Emphasizing security, all transactions remain legally valid and traceable, supported by thorough audit trails.

The Individual Edition simplifies document handling for personal use, while the Business Edition automates workflows for SMBs, ensuring secure transactions from any location. Enterprises find value in DocuSign for the Enterprise, meeting rigorous IT standards while enhancing customer interactions.

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The DocuSign mobile app facilitates document operations from any device, offering a comprehensive set of features including document assembly, data security, and signer authentication. Professional Services ensure a smooth transition to digital transactions, guaranteeing seamless implementation across departments or enterprise levels. 


  • Multi-party signing
  • Document storage
  • Mobile signature capture
  • Authentication
  • Customizable templates


  • Free: No charge trial
  • Personal: Monthly payment of $10 on a yearly subscription with 5 envelopes per month
  • Standard: Monthly payment of $25 on yearly subscription with additional features to a personal plan
  • Business Pro: Monthly payment of $40 on a yearly subscription with additional features like bulk send, payments, and signer attachments
  • Enhanced Solutions: Customize a pricing plan that scales to your special needs


E-signature tools offer improved efficiency and security for businesses. Notably, solutions like Jotform Sign have emerged with user-friendly interfaces and seamless integration capabilities. Whether for individuals or large enterprises, e-signature solutions are a vital piece of technology to streamline document management and ensure compliance. With features such as mobile access, multiple-party signing, and strong security, e-signature tools guarantee smooth transactions and contribute to business success today. 

The post Best Electronic Signature Software of 2024 appeared first on noupe.

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3 Essential Design Trends, April 2024

March 25th, 2024 No comments

Ready to jump into some amazing new design ideas for Spring? Our roundup has everything from UX to color trends covered.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Setting And Persisting Color Scheme Preferences With CSS And A “Touch” Of JavaScript

March 25th, 2024 No comments

Many modern websites give users the power to set a site-specific color scheme preference. A basic implementation is straightforward with JavaScript: listen for when a user changes a checkbox or clicks a button, toggle a class (or attribute) on the element in response, and write the styles for that class to override design with a different color scheme.

CSS’s new :has() pseudo-class, supported by major browsers since December 2023, opens many doors for front-end developers. I’m especially excited about leveraging it to modify UI in response to user interaction without JavaScript. Where previously we have used JavaScript to toggle classes or attributes (or to set styles directly), we can now pair :has() selectors with HTML’s native interactive elements.

Supporting a color scheme preference, like “Dark Mode,” is a great use case. We can use a element anywhere that toggles color schemes based on the selected — no JavaScript needed, save for a sprinkle to save the user’s choice, which we’ll get to further in.

Respecting System Preferences

First, we’ll support a user’s system-wide color scheme preferences by adopting a “Light Mode”-first approach. In other words, we start with a light color scheme by default and swap it out for a dark color scheme for users who prefer it.

The prefers-color-scheme media feature detects the user’s system preference. Wrap “dark” styles in a prefers-color-scheme: dark media query.

selector {
  /* light styles */

  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    /* dark styles */

Next, set the color-scheme property to match the preferred color scheme. Setting color-scheme: dark switches the browser into its built-in dark mode, which includes a black default background, white default text, “dark” styles for scrollbars, and other elements that are difficult to target with CSS, and more. I’m using CSS variables to hint that the value is dynamic — and because I like the browser developer tools experience — but plain color-scheme: light and color-scheme: dark would work fine.

:root {
  /* light styles here */
  color-scheme: var(--color-scheme, light);

  /* system preference is "dark" */
  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    --color-scheme: dark;
    /* any additional dark styles here */

Giving Users Control

Now, to support overriding the system preference, let users choose between light (default) and dark color schemes at the page level.

HTML has native elements for handling user interactions. Using one of those controls, rather than, say, a

nest, improves the chances that assistive tech users will have a good experience. I’ll use a menu with options for “system,” “light,” and “dark.” A group of would work, too, if you wanted the options right on the surface instead of a dropdown menu.

<select id="color-scheme">
  <option value="system" selected>System</option>
  <option value="light">Light</option>
  <option value="dark">Dark</option>

Before CSS gained :has(), responding to the user’s selected required JavaScript, for example, setting an event listener on the to toggle a class or attribute on or .

But now that we have :has(), we can now do this with CSS alone! You’ll save spending any of your performance budget on a dark mode script, plus the control will work even for users who have disabled JavaScript. And any “no-JS” folks on the project will be satisfied.

What we need is a selector that applies to the page when it :has() a select menu with a particular [value]:checked. Let’s translate that into CSS:

:root:has(select option[value="dark"]:checked)

We’re defaulting to a light color scheme, so it’s enough to account for two possible dark color scheme scenarios:

  1. The page-level color preference is “system,” and the system-level preference is “dark.”
  2. The page-level color preference is “dark”.

The first one is a page-preference-aware iteration of our prefers-color-scheme: dark case. A “dark” system-level preference is no longer enough to warrant dark styles; we need a “dark” system-level preference and a “follow the system-level preference” at the page-level preference. We’ll wrap the prefers-color-scheme media query dark scheme styles with the :has() selector we just wrote:

:root {
  /* light styles here */
  color-scheme: var(--color-scheme, light);

  /* page preference is "system", and system preference is "dark" */
  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    &:has(#color-scheme option[value="system"]:checked) {
      --color-scheme: dark;
      /* any additional dark styles, again */

Notice that I’m using CSS Nesting in that last snippet. Baseline 2023 has it pegged as “Newly available across major browsers” which means support is good, but at the time of writing, support on Android browsers not included in Baseline’s core browser set is limited. You can get the same result without nesting.

:root {
  /* light styles */
  color-scheme: var(--color-scheme, light);

  /* page preference is "dark" */
  &:has(#color-scheme option[value="dark"]:checked) {
    --color-scheme: dark;
    /* any additional dark styles */

For the second dark mode scenario, we’ll use nearly the exact same :has() selector as we did for the first scenario, this time checking whether the “dark” option — rather than the “system” option — is selected:

:root {
  /* light styles */
  color-scheme: var(--color-scheme, light);

  /* page preference is "dark" */
  &:has(#color-scheme option[value="dark"]:checked) {
    --color-scheme: dark;
    /* any additional dark styles */

  /* page preference is "system", and system preference is "dark" */
  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    &:has(#color-scheme option[value="system"]:checked) {
      --color-scheme: dark;
      /* any additional dark styles, again */

Now the page’s styles respond to both changes in users’ system settings and user interaction with the page’s color preference UI — all with CSS!

But the colors change instantly. Let’s smooth the transition.

Respecting Motion Preferences

Instantaneous style changes can feel inelegant in some cases, and this is one of them. So, let’s apply a CSS transition on the :root to “ease” the switch between color schemes. (Transition styles at the :root will cascade down to the rest of the page, which may necessitate adding transition: none or other transition overrides.)

Note that the CSS color-scheme property does not support transitions.

:root {
  transition-duration: 200ms;
  transition-property: /* properties changed by your light/dark styles */;

Not all users will consider the addition of a transition a welcome improvement. Querying the prefers-reduced-motion media feature allows us to account for a user’s motion preferences. If the value is set to reduce, then we remove the transition-duration to eliminate unwanted motion.

:root {
  transition-duration: 200ms;
  transition-property: /* properties changed by your light/dark styles */;

  @media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
    transition-duration: none;

Transitions can also produce poor user experiences on devices that render changes slowly, for example, ones with e-ink screens. We can extend our “no motion condition” media query to account for that with the update media feature. If its value is slow, then we remove the transition-duration.

:root {
  transition-duration: 200ms;
  transition-property: /* properties changed by your light/dark styles */;

  @media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce), (update: slow) {
    transition-duration: 0s;

Let’s try out what we have so far in the following demo. Notice that, to work around color-scheme’s lack of transition support, I’ve explicitly styled the properties that should transition during theme changes.

See the Pen CSS-only theme switcher (requires :has()) [forked] by Henry.

Not bad! But what happens if the user refreshes the pages or navigates to another page? The reload effectively wipes out the user’s form selection, forcing the user to re-make the selection. That may be acceptable in some contexts, but it’s likely to go against user expectations. Let’s bring in JavaScript for a touch of progressive enhancement in the form of…


Here’s a vanilla JavaScript implementation. It’s a naive starting point — the functions and variables aren’t encapsulated but are instead properties on window. You’ll want to adapt this in a way that fits your site’s conventions, framework, library, and so on.

When the user changes the color scheme from the menu, we’ll store the selected value in a new localStorage item called "preferredColorScheme". On subsequent page loads, we’ll check localStorage for the "preferredColorScheme" item. If it exists, and if its value corresponds to one of the form control options, we restore the user’s preference by programmatically updating the menu selection.

 * If a color scheme preference was previously stored,
 * select the corresponding option in the color scheme preference UI
 * unless it is already selected.
function restoreColorSchemePreference() {
  const colorScheme = localStorage.getItem(colorSchemeStorageItemName);

  if (!colorScheme) {
    // There is no stored preference to restore

  const option = colorSchemeSelectorEl.querySelector([value=${colorScheme}]);
if (!option) { // The stored preference has no corresponding option in the UI. localStorage.removeItem(colorSchemeStorageItemName); return; } if (option.selected) {
// The stored preference's corresponding menu option is already selected return; } option.selected = true; } /* * Store an event target's value in localStorage under colorSchemeStorageItemName */ function storeColorSchemePreference({ target }) { const colorScheme = target.querySelector(":checked").value; localStorage.setItem(colorSchemeStorageItemName, colorScheme); } // The name under which the user's color scheme preference will be stored. const colorSchemeStorageItemName = "preferredColorScheme"; // The color scheme preference front-end UI. const colorSchemeSelectorEl = document.querySelector("#color-scheme"); if (colorSchemeSelectorEl) { restoreColorSchemePreference(); // When the user changes their color scheme preference via the UI, // store the new preference. colorSchemeSelectorEl.addEventListener("input", storeColorSchemePreference); }

Let’s try that out. Open this demo (perhaps in a new window), use the menu to change the color scheme, and then refresh the page to see your preference persist:

See the Pen CSS-only theme switcher (requires :has()) with JS persistence [forked] by Henry.

If your system color scheme preference is “light” and you set the demo’s color scheme to “dark,” you may get the light mode styles for a moment immediately after reloading the page before the dark mode styles kick in. That’s because CodePen loads its own JavaScript before the demo’s scripts. That is out of my control, but you can take care to improve this persistence on your projects.

Persistence Performance Considerations

Where things can get tricky is restoring the user’s preference immediately after the page loads. If the color scheme preference in localStorage is different from the user’s system-level color scheme preference, it’s possible the user will see the system preference color scheme before the page-level preference is restored. (Users who have selected the “System” option will never get that flash; neither will those whose system settings match their selected option in the form control.)

If your implementation is showing a “flash of inaccurate color theme”, where is the problem happening? Generally speaking, the earlier the scripts appear on the page, the lower the risk. The “best option” for you will depend on your specific stack, of course.

What About Browsers That Don’t Support :has()?

All major browsers support :has() today Lean into modern platforms if you can. But if you do need to consider legacy browsers, like Internet Explorer, there are two directions you can go: either hide or remove the color scheme picker for those browsers or make heavier use of JavaScript.

If you consider color scheme support itself a progressive enhancement, you can entirely hide the selection UI in browsers that don’t support :has():

@supports not selector(:has(body)) {
  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    :root {
      /* dark styles here */

  #color-scheme {
    display: none;

Otherwise, you’ll need to rely on a JavaScript solution not only for persistence but for the core functionality. Go back to that traditional event listener toggling a class or attribute.

The CSS-Tricks “Complete Guide to Dark Mode” details several alternative approaches that you might consider as well when working on the legacy side of things.

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