When the web first entered the public consciousness back in the 90s, it was primarily text-based with minimal design elements — not through choice; the technology to build engaging experiences simply didn’t exist. Back then, a dancing baby gif was cutting edge.
Back in the early 2010s, it was nearly impossible to avoid ribbon shapes in web designs. It was actually back in 2010 that Chris Coyier shared a CSS snippet that I am sure has been used thousands of times over.
And for good reason: ribbons are fun and interesting to look at. They’re often used for headings, but that’s not all, of course. You’ll find corner ribbons on product cards (“Sale!”), badges with trimmed ribbon ends (“First Place!”), or even ribbons as icons for bookmarks. Ribbons are playful, wrapping around elements, adding depth and visual anchors to catch the eye’s attention.
I have created a collection of more than 100 ribbon shapes, and we are going to study a few of them in this little two-part series. The challenge is to rely on a single element to create different kinds of ribbon shapes. What we really want is to create a shape that accommodates as many lines of text as you throw at them. In other words, there is no fixed dimension or magic numbers — the shape should adapt to its content.
Here is a demo of what we are building in this first part:
Sure, this is not the exact ribbon shape we want, but all we are missing is the cutouts on the ends. The idea is to first start with this generic design and add the extra decoration as we go.
Both ribbons in the demo we looked at are built using pretty much the same exact CSS; the only differences are nuances that help differentiate them, like color and decoration. That’s my secret sauce! Most of the ribbons from my generator share a common code structure, and I merely adjust a few values to get different variations.
Let’s Start With The Gradients
Any time I hear that a component’s design needs to be repeated, I instantly think of background gradients. They are perfect for creating repeatable patterns, and they are capable of drawing lines with hard stops between colors.
We’re essentially talking about applying a background behind a text element. Each line of text gets the background and repeats for as many lines of text as there happens to be. So, the gradient needs to be as tall as one line of text. If you didn’t know it, we recently got the new line height (lh) unit in CSS that allows us to get the computed value of the element’s line-height. In our case, 1lh will always be equal to the height of one line of text, which is perfect for what we need.
Note:It appears that Safari uses the computed line height of a parent element rather than basing the lh unit on the element itself. I’ve accounted for that in the code by explicitly setting a line-height on the body element, which is the parent in our specific case. But hopefully, that will be unnecessary at some point in the future.
Let’s tackle our first gradient. It’s a rectangular shape behind the text that covers part of the line and leaves breathing space between the lines.
The gradient’s red color is set to 70% of the height, which leaves 30% of transparent color to account for the space between lines.
Nothing too complex, right? We’ve established a background gradient on an h1 element. The color is controlled with a CSS variable (--c), and we’ve sized it with the lh unit to align it with the text content.
Note that the offset (.15lh) is equal to half the space between lines. We could have used a gradient with three color values (e.g., transparent, #d81a14, and transparent), but it’s more efficient and readable to keep things to two colors and then apply an offset.
Next, we need a second gradient for the wrapped or slanted part of the ribbon. This gradient is positioned behind the first one. The following figure demonstrates this with a little opacity added to the front ribbon’s color to see the relationship better.
Here’s how I approached it:
linear-gradient(to bottom right, #0000 50%, red 0 X, #0000 0);
This time, we’re using keywords to set the gradient’s direction (to bottom right). Meanwhile, the color starts at the diagonal (50%) instead of its default 0% and should stop at a value that we’re indicating as X for a placeholder. This value is a bit tricky, so let’s get a visual that illustrates what we’re doing.
The green arrow illustrates the gradient direction, and we can see the different color stops: 50%, X, and 100%. We can apply some geometry rules to solve for X:
(X - 50%) / (100% - 50%) = 70%/100%
X = 85%
This gives us the exact point for the end of the gradient’s hard color stop. We can apply the 85% value to our gradient configuration in CSS:
You’re probably noticing that I added the new color-mix() function to the second gradient. Why introduce it now? Because we can use it to mix the main color (#d81a14) with white or black. This allows us to get darker or lighter values of the color without having to introduce more color values and variables to the mix. It helps keep things efficient!
We have all of the coordinates we need to make our cuts using the polygon() function on the clip-path property. Coordinates are not always intuitive, but I have expanded the code and added a few comments below to help you identify some of the points from the figure.
We are almost done! We still have some unwanted overflow where the repeating gradient bleeds out of the top and bottom of the shape. Plus, we need small cutouts to match the pseudo-element’s shape.
It’s clip-path again to the rescue, this time on the main element:
Ugh, looks scary! I’m taking advantage of a new set of trigonometric functions that help a bunch with the calculations but probably look foreign and confusing if you’re seeing them for the first time. There is a mathematical explanation behind each value in the snippet that I’d love to explain, but it’s long-winded. That said, I’m more than happy to explain them in greater detail if you drop me a line in the comments.
Our second ribbon is completed! Here is the full demo again with both variations.
You can still find the code within my ribbons collection, but it’s a good exercise to try writing code without. Maybe you will find a different implementation than mine and want to share it with me in the comments! In the next article of this two-part series, we will increase the complexity and produce two more interesting ribbon shapes.
As an occasionally competent software developer, I love good documentation. It explains not only how things work but why they work the way they do. At its best, documentation is much more than a guide. It is a statement of principles and best practices, giving people the information they need to not just understand but believe.
As soft skills go in tech land, maintaining documentation is right up there. Smashing has previously explored design documents in a proposal context, but what happens once you’ve arrived at the answer and need to implement? How do you present the information in ways that are useful to those who need to crack on and build stuff?
Documentation often has a technical bent to it, but this article is about how it can be applied to digital design — web design in particular. The idea is to get the best of both worlds to make design documentation that is both beautiful and useful — a guide and manifesto all at once.
An Ode To Documentation
Before getting into the minutia of living, breathing digital design documentation, it’s worth taking a moment to revisit what documentation is, what it’s for, and why it’s so valuable.
The documentation describes how a product, system, or service works, what it’s for, why it’s been built the way it has, and how you can work on it without losing your already threadbare connection with your own sanity.
We won’t get into the nitty-gritty of code documentation. There are plenty of Smashing articles to scratch that itch:
However, in brief, here are a few of the key benefits of documentation.
Less Tech Debt
Our decisions tend to be much more solid when we have to write them down and justify them as something more formal than self-effacing code comments. Having clear, easy-to-read code is always something worth striving for, but supporting documentation can give essential context and guidance.
We work in an industry with an exceptionally high turnover rate. The wealth of knowledge that lives inside someone’s head disappears with them when they leave. If you don’t want to reinvent the wheel every time someone moves on, you better learn to love documentation. That is where continuity lies.
Prevents Needless Repetition
Sometimes things are the way they are for very, very good reasons, and someone, somewhere, had to go through a lot of pain to understand what they were.
That’s not to say the rationale behind a given decision is above scrutiny. Documentation puts it front and center. If it’s convincing, great, people can press on with confidence. If it no longer holds up, then options can be reassessed, and courses can be altered quickly.
Documentation establishes a set of norms, prevents needless repetition, allows for faster problem-solving, and, ideally, inspires.
Two Worlds
In 1959, English author C. P. Snow delivered a seminal lecture called “The Two Cultures” (PDF). It is well worth reading in full, but the gist was that the sciences and the humanities weren’t working together and that they really ought to do so for humanity to flourish. To cordon ourselves off with specialisations deprives each group of swathes of knowledge.
“Polarisation is sheer loss to us all. To us as people and to our society. It is at the same time practical and intellectual and creative loss […] It is false to imagine that those three considerations are clearly separable.”
— Charles Percy Snow
Although Snow himself conceded that “attempts to divide anything into two ought to be regarded with much suspicion,” the framing was and remains useful. Web development is its own meeting of worlds — between designers and engineers, art and data — and the places where they meet are where the good stuff really happens.
“The clashing point of two subjects, two disciplines, two cultures — two galaxies, so far as that goes — ought to produce creative chances.”
— Charles Percy Snow
Snow knew it, Leonardo da Vinci knew it, Steve Jobs knew it. Magic happens when we head straight for that collision.
A Common Language
Web development is a world of many different yet connected specialisations (and sub-specialisations for that matter). One of the key relationships is the one between engineers and designers. When the two are in harmony, the results can be breathtaking. When they’re not, everything and everyone involved suffers.
Digital design needs its own language: a hybrid of art, technology, interactivity, and responsiveness. Its documentation needs to reflect that, to be alive, something you can play with. It should start telling a story before anyone reads a word. Doing so makes everyone involved better: writers, developers, designers, and communicators.
Design documentation creates a bridge between worlds, a common language composed of elements of both. Design and engineering are increasingly intertwined; it’s only right that documentation reflects that.
Design Documentation
So here we are. The nitty-gritty of design documentation. We’re going to cover some key considerations as well as useful resources and tools at your disposal.
The difference between design documentation, technical documentation, and a design system isn’t always clear, and that’s fine. If things start to get a little blurry, just remember the goal is this: establish a visual identity, explain the principles behind it, and provide the resources needed to implement it as seamlessly as possible.
What should be covered isn’t the point of this piece so much as how it should be covered, but what’s listed below ought to get you started:
The job of design documentation is to weave all these things (and more) together. Here’s how.
Share The Why
When thinking of design systems and documentation, it’s understandable to jump to the whats — the fonts, the colors, the components — but it’s vital also to share the ethos that helped you to arrive at those assets at all.
Where did this all come from? What’s the vision? The guiding principles? The BBC does a good job of answering these questions for Global Experience Language (GEL), its shared design framework.
On top of being public-facing (more on that later), the guidelines and design patterns are accompanied by articles and playbooks explaining the guiding principles of the whole system.
Include proposal documents, if they exist, as well as work practices. Be clear about who the designs are built for. Just about every system has a target audience in mind, and that should be front and center.
Cutting the guiding principles is like leaving the Constitution out of a US history syllabus.
Make Its Creation Is A Collaborative Process
Design systems are big tents. They incorporate design, engineering, copywriting, accessibility, and even legal considerations — at their best anyway.
All of those worlds ought to have input in the documentation. The bigger the company/project, the more likely multiple teams should have input.
If the documentation isn’t created in a collaborative way, then what reason do you have to expect its implementation to be any different?
Use Dynamic Platforms
The days are long gone when brand guidelines printed in a book are sufficient. Much of modern life has moved online, so too should guidance for its documentation. Happily (or dauntingly), there are plenty of platforms out there, many with excellent integrations with each other.
There can be a chain of platforms to facilitate the connections between worlds. Figma can lead into Storybook, and Storybook can be integrated directly into a project. Embrace design documentation as an ecosystem of skills.
Accommodate agile, constant development by integrating your design documentation with the code base itself.
Write With Use Cases In Mind
Although the abstract, philosophical aspects of design documentation are important, the system it described is ultimately there to be used.
Consider your users’ goals. In the case of design, it’s to build things consistent with best practices. Show readers how to use the design guidelines. Make the output clear and practical. For example,
How to make a React component with design system fonts;
How to choose appropriate colors from our palette.
As we’ve covered, the design breaks down into clear, recognizable sections (typography, color, and so on). These sections can themselves be broken down into steps, the latter ones being clearly actionable:
What the feature is;
Knowledge needed for documentation to be most useful;
Use cases for the feature;
Suggested tooling.
The Mailchimp Pattern Library is a good example of this in practice. Use cases are woven right into the documentation, complete with contextual notes and example code snippets, making the implementation of best practices clear and easy.
The way things are said is important. Documentation ought to be clear, accessible, and accepting.
As with just about any documentation, give words like ‘just’, ‘merely’, and ‘simply’ a wide berth. What’s simple to one person is not always to another. Documentation should inform, not belittle. “Reducing bias in your writing” by Write the Docs gives excellent guidance here.
Another thing to keep in mind is the language you use. Instead of using “he” or “she,” use “one,” “they,” “the developer,” or some such. It may not seem like a big deal to one (see what I did there), but language like that helps reinforce that your resources are for everyone.
More generally, keep the copy clear and to the point. That’s easier said than done, but there are plenty of tools out there that can help tidy up your writing:
Alex, a tool for catching insensitive, inconsiderate writing;
Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech that you are used to seeing in print.
Never use a long word where a short one will do.
If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.
Never use the passive where you can use the active.
Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.
Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous.
Books like The Elements of Style (PDF) by William Strunk Jr are good to be familiar with, too. Keep things informative but snappy.
Make It Beautiful
Design documentation has a lot more credibility if it’s walking the walk. If it looks like a hot mess, what are the chances of it being taken seriously?
Ideally, you should be showcasing a design ethos, not just explaining it. NASA showed way back in 1976 (PDF) that manuals can themselves be beautiful. The Graphics Standards Manual by Richard Danne and Bruce Blackburn feels like a creative work in its own right.
Show the same care and attention to detail in your design documentation that you expect users to show in applying it. Documentation should be the first and best example of it in action.
Make your documentation easy to navigate and search. The most wonderful resources in the world aren’t doing anyone much good if they can’t be found. It’s also a splendid opportunity to show information architecture best practice in action too.
Publish it
Once you’ve gone through the trouble of creating a design system and explaining how it works, why keep that to yourself? Publishing documentation and making it freely available for anyone to browse is a fantastic final polish.
Here at the Guardian, for example, our Source design system Storybook can be viewed by anyone, and its code is publicly available on GitHub. As well as being a proving ground for the system itself, it creates a space for knowledge sharing.
Here are just a few fantastic examples of publicly available design documentation:
There are plenty more where these came from in the Design Systems Gallery — a fantastic place to browse for inspiration and guidance.
What’s more, if there are stories from the formation of your system, writing articles or blog posts are also totally legit ways of documenting it. What did the New York Times do when they developed a design system? They wrote an article about it, of course.
Publishing design documentation — in all its forms — is a commitment, but it’s also a statement of purpose. Why not share something beautiful, right?
And Maintain It
This is all well and good, I hear you say, arms crossed and brow furrowed, but who’s going to keep all this stuff up to date? That’s all the time that could be spent making things.
I hear you. There are reasons that Tweets (Xs?) like this make the rounds from time to time:
Yes, it requires hard work and vigilance. The time, effort, and heartache you’ll save by having design documentation will be well worth the investment of those same things.
The better integrated the documentation is with the projects it guides, the more maintenance will take care of itself. As components and best practices change, as common issues arise and are ironed out, the system and its documentation can evolve in kind.
To spare you the suspense, your design documentation isn’t going to be perfect off the bat. There will be mistakes and situations that aren’t accounted for, and that’s fine. Own them. Acknowledge blindspots. Include ways for users to give feedback.
As with most things digital, you’re never really “done.”
Start Small
Such thorough, polished design documentation can almost be deterrents, something only those with deep pockets can make. It may also seem like an unjustifiable investment of time. Neither has to be true.
Documentation of all forms saves time in the long run, and it makes your decisions better. Whether it’s a bash script or a newsletter signup component, you scrutinize it that little bit more when you commit to it as a standard rather than a one-off choice. Let a readme-driven ethos into your heart.
Start small. Choose fonts and colors and show them sitting together nicely on your repo wiki. That’s it! You’re underway. You will grow to care for your design documentation as you care for the project itself because they are part of each other.
Imagine that your company is an electric train rushing toward the technological future. A knowledgeable conductor intimately familiar with all the tracks will ensure a smooth trip. In cloud computing, this conductor would be known as a Google Cloud consultant. Join us as we discover all that Google Cloud offers businesses like yours – and why it could be necessary for their success.
Cloud computing has proven to be a strategic advantage to businesses that rely heavily on information for success. Google Cloud is a powerful cloud computing service that can propel businesses forward. The tools and services it offers open up new possibilities for businesses.
It can be challenging to navigate a vast journey like Google Cloud without guidance. Hiring an independent consultant, such as one from Cloud Consulting Solutions, could be helpful to find their way forward.
Introduction to Google Cloud Consultants
Cloud platforms, like Google Cloud, are becoming increasingly vital for all types of businesses. Businesses can gain an edge in the digital marketplace by adopting managed cloud platforms.
There is much excitement ahead, yet some challenges may lie ahead of you, just like early explorers did when exploring unknown terrain. You could have a trusted guide from Google Cloud Consulting Services.
They are experienced Google Cloud navigators. Google Cloud Consultants who possess in-depth knowledge of currents, tides, and stars, as well as decision-making, can guide your company toward making effective choices and decisions for success. Google Cloud Consultants have experience managing cloud service offerings for businesses like yours to make the right choices when working on cloud service plans for them.
It’s essential to understand their multiple roles to appreciate the value of Google Cloud consultants. They provide a wide range of services to ensure your business gets the most out of Google Cloud.
Examine some of the critical roles that they play:
The consultants begin their work by examining your existing infrastructure, applications, and business processes to formulate their project strategy. The consultant’s proposal is built around this step.
Strategy Development
Google Cloud Consultants, who have a thorough understanding of the business they represent, create bespoke strategies that are custom-tailored to each client’s unique needs. Their approach includes everything from migration and optimization plans to long-term strategy.
They help you set up Google Cloud Services efficiently, safely, and following your goals. Consultants ensure that all services meet these criteria and are configured correctly.
Cost Management
Google Cloud is a flexible service, but costs can spiral quickly out of control if not managed properly. Consultants track cloud usage to find areas of optimization and cost reduction.
The technology world is unpredictable. Problems can arise at any time. The consultants offer continuous monitoring and support to ensure your business runs smoothly.
Security and Compliance
Data security with regulatory standards is something other than what can be taken as a given in today’s digital age. Google consulting services ensure your cloud infrastructure complies with industry regulations and standards while implementing stringent security.
Consultants strive to empower your team to manage and optimize Google Cloud Services independently. Your employees will gain expertise in the cloud by attending training and transferring knowledge.
Why Does Your Business Need a Google Cloud Specialist?
Examine some advantages a Google Cloud Consultant can bring to your business.
Expertise Matters
Google Cloud provides a wide range of features, services, and tools. It can be challenging to navigate this ecosystem without guidance. Google Cloud Consultants are your guide, leading you to your desired destination efficiently and confidently. Use their vast knowledge to make informed decisions that will optimize your operation.
Cost Optimization
The scalability, flexibility, and adaptability of cloud computing are its most significant advantages. However, if not managed correctly, these characteristics can result in cost overruns. Google Cloud Consultants can help optimize expenses by analyzing usage data and identifying areas where cost-cutting measures could be implemented. They also reduce wasteful spending.
Customized Solutions
Google Cloud Consultants understand that no two businesses have the exact requirements or objectives. Because they know your organization is unique, they tailor services to meet its goals and constraints before creating customized solutions that support these objectives.
Security and Compliance
Businesses can suffer from data breaches and violations of compliance. These can result in significant financial losses and legal liability, as well as customer mistrust. They may also lead them to financial ruin or damage their relationships with customers.
Google Cloud Consultants are familiar with industry standards for security and compliance. The consultants will help you implement robust measures and conduct audits if necessary. They can also ensure that your cloud infrastructure adheres to applicable regulatory requirements.
Google Cloud Consultants are experts in ensuring data safety while working within the legal framework. They can give you peace of mind that your data is secure and safe.
Improve Performance
In today’s digital world, performance is a critical factor for both consumers and businesses. Slow website load times, application crashes, and system failures can turn customers off.
Google Cloud Consultants provide businesses and users with expert technical services for optimizing and fine-tuning infrastructure components to ensure seamless operations, effectively decreasing bottlenecks that negatively affect user experiences and increasing operational efficiencies for businesses and users.
Your company’s technology needs to change as its success develops. Google Cloud is designed to scale. To maximize its capabilities, you may need professional expertise and advice from outside experts to help scale your business or meet sudden surges in demand. Your infrastructure and apps can expand as needed with professional Google Cloud Consulting on board – ideal if you experience sudden spikes in demand!
24*7 Services Support
Technology does not run like clockwork; issues may surface anytime during the day or night. Downtime costs add up quickly. Google Cloud Consultants offers 24/7/365 assistance to ensure your critical services and applications remain available 24/7/365.
AI and Data Analysis
The information you have is a valuable asset. It contains insights that may not be available to you. Google Cloud provides powerful artificial intelligence and data analytics tools to transform raw data and turn it into valuable intelligence.
A Google Cloud Consultant can help you use these features and provide valuable insights for making data-based decisions, such as machine learning, predictive analytics, or real-time processing.
Integration and Migration
It may not be very safe to move data into the cloud or connect other systems at first. But working smoothly afterward is essential. A Google Cloud expert consultant will know how to ensure everything runs smoothly during the transition by creating an action plan. This helps to reduce risks and disruptions during this period. The consultants manage technical complexity while minimizing risks for a smooth transition.
Training & Knowledge Transfer
Google Cloud Consultants are not just interested in providing ongoing support but also want to empower your staff to optimize Google Cloud Services on their own. Through training and knowledge transfer, the team can acquire the skills needed to expand and maintain cloud infrastructure. It reduces the need for external help while giving businesses more control within cloud environments.
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
All businesses must prepare for the unexpected. Google Cloud provides robust solutions for disaster recovery and business continuity. Their implementation, however, requires expert knowledge.
A Google Cloud consultant can help you develop a plan for disaster recovery to minimize downtime in the event of unforeseen circumstances. These strategies may include automatic backups, failover settings, and multi-regional redundancy to maintain business operations uninterrupted if disasters strike.
DevOps & Automation
DevOps and automation are essential to modern infrastructure and software management. Google Cloud supports DevOps through continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD).
Google Cloud consultants can help your business adopt DevOps best practices to automate repetitive tasks and reduce errors. They will also speed up deployments more quickly, lower error costs, and accelerate development cycles.
Containerization with Kubernetes
Containerization is revolutionizing application deployment and development. Google Cloud offers Kubernetes, a powerful platform for container orchestration. However, managing and creating clusters can be complicated and intimidating to newcomers. Google Cloud Consultants can help you switch from existing applications to containers to building microservices using Kubernetes Clusters. They will also show you how to maximize its advantages to manage workloads more effectively.
Big Data and Analytics
Businesses can gain an advantage in today’s world of data. A Google Cloud Consultant with experience can help you set up data lakes, data warehouse infrastructures, and data pipelines so that massive amounts of data can be processed efficiently.
Making timely and wise decisions is a critical factor in the success of successful businesses. Google Cloud Consulting Services is an excellent example of a crucial decision in today’s digital world. They offer expertise to guide companies through the complex cloud computing landscape.
Google Cloud consultants will create solutions for your business that are customized and tailored to you. They offer security solutions that keep data secure while improving performance scaling and 24/7 support. The consultants provide your company with an essential partnership, allowing it to harness the power of Google Cloud.
They are trusted advisors who ensure your cloud environment is aligned with your business goals, empower team members, and safeguard the system for future technology advances. As you navigate the cloud computing complexity and work to thrive digitally, partnering with Google Cloud Consultant is a cornerstone for business success.
As a seasoned entrepreneur, you understand the intricacies involved in navigating the financial aspects of your business. Payroll management holds a significant place in this intricate puzzle. That’s because a cornerstone of your business’s success lies in ensuring that your valued employees are compensated accurately and on time.
In this guide, we’ll explore some key strategies and best practices with a focus on accuracy, compliance, and efficiency tailored to simplify the payroll process for your workforce. After reading this, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to streamline your payroll operations, allowing you to focus on the continued growth and prosperity of your business.
So let’s delve into the realm of payroll management, where precision meets professionalism, and ensure that your payroll processes are as seamless as your business operations.
Essential Considerations for Effective Payroll Administration
Effective payroll administration demands meticulous record-keeping, accurate employee classification, and a comprehensive understanding of benefits management. This section will delve into these essential components of efficient payroll management, providing insights and practical tips to help you navigate these critical considerations with confidence and ease.
Record-Keeping and Documentation
Effective record-keeping and documentation serve as the backbone of a well-organized payroll management system. Maintaining meticulous records of employee contracts, timesheets, and tax forms is crucial for ensuring accurate and timely payroll processing. A systematic approach to documentation not only facilitates the seamless calculation of wages but also plays a critical role in preparing for potential audits and legal requirements.
Consistent and organized documentation enables businesses to track employee work hours, leaves, and other relevant information, ensuring transparency and accountability in payroll management. What’s more, it aids in the verification of wage calculations, allowing for the identification and rectification of any discrepancies or errors that may arise during the payroll process.
One way for small businesses to implement record-keeping and documentation is by leveraging digital payroll management systems or time and billing software. These systems offer user-friendly interfaces that allow businesses to store and manage payroll-related documents, employee records, and financial data in a secure and organized manner.
With features such as digital file storage, automated record updates, and easy data retrieval, digital payroll management systems streamline the process of maintaining accurate and accessible records.
Did you know?
49% of American workers start a new job search after experiencing just as little as two problems with their paycheck, according to a survey by The Workforce Institute at Kronos.
So maintaining a proper payroll system also helps with reduced employee attrition.
Employee Classification and Labor Laws
Properly categorizing employees is critical, as it not only ensures compliance with labor laws but also significantly impacts various aspects of payroll management. Distinguishing between full-time, part-time, and independent contractor classifications involves careful consideration of factors such as work hours, contractual agreements, and the degree of control exercised over the work performed.
Misclassification can lead to serious legal implications, including penalties and back payments, which can significantly affect a small business’s financial stability and reputation. Moreover, understanding the nuances of these classifications is vital for determining eligibility for employee benefits, overtime pay, and tax withholdings. It’s essential to regularly review and update employee classifications to align with any changes in labor laws and regulations.
Compliance with federal and state labor laws is a cornerstone of ethical business practices and is essential for maintaining a fair and just work environment. That’s why staying informed about the dynamic landscape of labor regulations is crucial for small business owners. For this, you’ll need to keep track of federal laws such as the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which outlines regulations for minimum wage, overtime pay, and child labor.
Also, state-specific labor laws may further impact areas, such as paid leave, meal and rest breaks, and anti-discrimination policies. Regular audits of payroll practices, along with consultations with legal advisors, can help small businesses navigate the complexities of these regulations and ensure adherence to both federal and state labor laws.
There are labor compliance software systems available in the market today that automate labor law compliance for businesses. These platforms usually have real-time data updates to ensure that payroll processes align with the latest federal and state labor regulations.
Businesses have to mention which state or county they’re in, and the system automatically implements the relevant labor rules for each of their employees who are part of the system. This intelligent automation not only saves time and effort but also significantly reduces the likelihood of errors or oversights in payroll processing.
Benefits and Deductions
Offering comprehensive benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off can significantly contribute to employee satisfaction and retention. While some benefits can be organization-specific, many are statutory and businesses have to stay informed about the legal requirements and tax implications associated with these benefits.
For example, compliance with regulations such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) is essential to avoid penalties and maintain the well-being of both the business and its employees.
For that, accurate management of payroll deductions is crucial so that the appropriate taxes, contributions, and withholdings are processed in compliance with federal and state regulations.
These deductions can include:
Federal and state income taxes,
Social Security contributions, and
Any additional voluntary deductions initiated by employees, such as
retirement plan contributions
healthcare premiums
10-Step Guide to Establishing a Solid Payroll Management System
Establishing a reliable payroll management system is the bedrock of smooth financial operations within your company. Here are ten pointers you can follow to make sure you’re covering all the bases for your small business.
Design a tailored structure
Create a payroll system that suits your business size and specific requirements, integrating both manual and automated processes where necessary.
Clear policies and procedures
Formulate transparent guidelines for calculating wages, managing benefits, and handling tax withholdings to minimize errors and discrepancies.
Consistent payroll schedule
Ensure timely and predictable payments for your employees while maintaining open communication about any schedule changes.
Data security
Implement secure methods for storing and managing payroll data, restricting access to authorized personnel to ensure data confidentiality and protection.
Effective software
Choose user-friendly payroll software that aligns with your business needs and simplifies payroll operations.
Trained staff
Invest in training competent personnel to ensure proficient handling of all payroll-related tasks and software operations.
Regular audits and reviews
Conduct routine assessments to identify and rectify any discrepancies, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and maintaining accuracy.
Adherence to legal regulations
Stay updated with the latest legal regulations and industry standards to ensure compliance and avoid potential penalties.
Contingency planning
Develop a contingency plan to address potential disruptions or emergencies, ensuring uninterrupted payroll processing during unforeseen circumstances.
Feedback and improvement
Encourage feedback from employees to continuously enhance the payroll system, addressing concerns and optimizing overall efficiency and transparency.
By following these pointers, you can establish a robust payroll management system that ensures the financial stability and contentment of your small business and its employees.
To sum it up, effective payroll management means planning your budget wisely and keeping an eye on future costs. Don’t forget to keep your team in the loop through proper training, ensuring everyone understands the process. Embracing automation can make your life a lot easier, preventing any costly mistakes and ensuring everyone gets paid on time.
Lastly, stay on top of those taxes! Meeting your obligations not only keeps you out of trouble but also builds trust and credibility. With these strategies, you’ll build a solid payroll system that keeps both your business and your employees happy and thriving.
Searching for a tool to make cross-platform design a breeze? Desperate for an extension that helps you figure out the HTML code of that fantastic color palette? Looking for a trick that will supercharge your productivity this year? We’ve got you covered.
If there’s one thing about time, it’s that it keeps moving along. Whether you’re in flow with its onward movement is up to you. Staying productive means knowing how to manage your time and sticking to a plan.
It’s where people often struggle, especially in an age where distractions are so prevalent. Think social media, the clothes in the dryer, and the co-worker who wants to chat. No matter where you work, distractions can easily throw you off your game. But so can perfectionism, which takes you out of the flow instead of keeping you in it. Because you’re so worried about being on target, your mind immobilizes you, preventing you from taking action.
Are you looking to improve your time management approach before 2024 begins? Read on. This article discusses four techniques to help you stay focused. You’ll boost your productivity without feeling the classic time crunch.
1. Use Automated Scheduling Tools
Scheduling is a huge part of time management. It might be why humans invented calendars. As a handy tool, calendars help keep track of appointments, to-do list reminders, and important deadlines. On paper, calendars can be an efficient way to centralize everything you’ve got going on. But those paper-based versions can also get a tad messy and become inconvenient to carry around.
Digital versions are undoubtedly better. You can set up notifications, sync your personal and work obligations, and make changes on the fly. Yet, how do you get everyone’s calendars on the same page in a team environment? You can play the email game, sending invite messages back and forth. Or you can try an automated meeting scheduling app like Calendar, which lets teams choose meeting times according to everyone’s availability.
Automated scheduling tools and workflow automation in general can streamline the process, making it more efficient. The software also integrates with popular meeting and collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams. With the ability to share custom links to your calendar, you don’t even have to initiate the process. Those inside and outside your organization can request meeting times based on your preferences.
2. Establish Time Blocks
Time blocking is a technique used to maintain focus on specific tasks throughout your workday. Some people also refer to this method as time boxing because you establish time limits for each set of tasks. The technique can work if you know how to categorize and prioritize your responsibilities.
It’s also ideal for roles where your responsibilities tend to be task-driven and somewhat repetitive. A role as an insurance claims handler is an example. Say you work for Progressive as an auto injury claims adjuster. A typical day involves reviewing new claims, attorney demands, and incoming correspondence. You also handle phone calls, liability investigations, and status letters.
Getting to new claims and attorney demands are your top priorities. Incoming correspondence and phone calls come second. The remainder of your tasks fall into less urgent categories. With the time-blocking technique, you could devote two hours in the morning to the highest priorities. After the two hours are up, you move on to your medium priorities for another two hours. Toward the end of the day, you tackle your least urgent tasks.
The key to time blocking is to stick to your established routine. Don’t let distractions steer you off track. And adhere to the hard stops you’ve put in place so you can move on to your next block. Time blocking helps you juggle multiple competing priorities, but you have to stay within its boundaries to see results.
3. Embrace the Art of Single-Tasking
In fast-paced environments, multitasking appears to be the norm. It seems like a way to keep your head above water as you swim against the tide. Switching between tasks to accomplish more in less time can be effective. But only if you’re good at it. And research shows a mere 2.5% of the population is.
For the majority, multitasking increases stress levels, compromises executive brain functions, and lowers motivation. Experts also link multitasking to depression and memory loss. It’s kind of scary if you think about it. Something you believe is helping you excel professionally may be compromising your health and work performance.
Breaking the habit can be challenging. You might find yourself multitasking in your personal life as well. Perhaps you scroll through your inbox on your phone while you’re watching TV. Or worse, you text as you’re driving. Taking small steps to switch to single-tasking will help you get into a healthier, more productive groove.
When you focus on one task at a time, it gets your full attention. Plus, you’ll finish it faster than you would if you were working on another assignment simultaneously. The quality of your work will increase, so you won’t have to go back to correct mistakes. You also won’t have to constantly recalibrate your brain to what’s in front of you. Moving sequentially from start to finish makes it easier to remember all the steps.
4. Define Success
Productivity success will look different among roles, companies, and individuals. Comparing yourself to others is natural, but the tendency can derail your goals. Say you’re in your first year as a community outreach manager for T-Mobile. Your peers have been in the same role for at least 10 years. As the new kid on the block, you’ve reached out to them for pointers.
In the process, you’ve noticed they seem to be much more productive than you. As a result, you feel as though your time management skills and performance aren’t up to par. What you need to remember is to give yourself grace as you go. Since you’re learning the ins and outs of a new role, you’ll develop your own efficiencies with practice.
When adopting time management techniques, one you may overlook is defining what productivity means to you. It may mean letting go of unrealistic expectations, such as being “always on” and never taking breaks. Expecting perfection from the get-go is another unrealistic target. You may need to experiment with a few hacks before you find what’s right. Be willing to adjust your definition of effective time management so it doesn’t become a source of stress.
Mastering time management is an ongoing process. Sometimes, you learn what works by finding out what doesn’t. And what doesn’t work well usually involves flying by the seat of your pants. Hoping everything will come out OK in the wash isn’t a solid plan.
While juggling competing priorities at a breathtaking pace is challenging, effectively managing them is possible. Productivity hacks like automated scheduling apps and time-blocking methods are there to help. By planning to embrace them as the new year begins, you can move with time instead of against it.
QR code marketing is leading the charge in 2023. These digital wonders, crafted using QR code generators, offer direct gateways from tangible products to the vast online world.
Ever spotted a product and wanted to know more? Most likely, a QR code was there, waiting to dish out all the juicy details. This speed and simplicity make QR codes a marketer’s dream tool.
In this guide, we’ll break down how to use this tool effectively. Whether you’re just getting started or looking to refine your approach, let’s explore how these codes can elevate your marketing strategies this year.
What Are QR Codes?
QR codes, or “Quick Response” codes, are those small square graphics you’ve likely seen on ads, products, or event tickets. At their core, they’re two-dimensional barcodes. They can be scanned using a smartphone user’s camera, and they often link to a website, product page, video, or other digital content.
For businesses, it’s a smart way to contactless share, track, and engage. In fact, by 2025, it’s expected that QR code scanning will expand to 99.5 million in 2025. Their integration into print ads and other marketing collateral has changed the face of the marketing industry.
But how exactly are these being leveraged in the intricate retail marketing world? It goes beyond just email marketing campaigns.
Let’s explore the most effective and creative ways you can leverage these in your marketing goals:
1. Direct To Your Online Presence
Today, consumers crave information at their fingertips. QR codes are your secret weapon to deliver just that.
Imagine a shopper intrigued by a new skincare product in your store. While the label tells them the basics, they’re eager to know more:
How effective is it?
Are there any video tutorials?
What do other users have to say?
In the same way, consider more complex home equipment like solar panel kits or inverters. Someone might be interested in a compact solar kit and want to delve deeper into its specifications, installation guide, or customer testimonials.
Strategically place a QR code to lead them straight to these details, saving them the manual search hassle. When you add a QR code to your product or its shelf, it’s like opening a direct portal to your online universe.
A study by MobileIron found that QR code usage surged by 58% during the COVID-19 pandemic, and 67% agree that QR codes make life easier in a touchless world. This showcases how consumers are readily embracing this technology.
Consider the success of a brand like L’Oreal. They incorporated QR codes, leading shoppers to video tutorials on how to apply their makeup products. This provides value and enhances the shopping experience, which, in turn, boosts sales.
Your website is filled with valuable insights: deep product details, candid customer online reviews, and engaging demo videos. When you leverage QR codes, you offer your in-store shoppers a more enriched, multi-dimensional experience. If you’re running any online-exclusive promotions, a simple scan makes sure your in-store customers remain in the loop.
2. Collect Valuable Customer Insights
Code campaigns are not just about providing information but also about collecting first-party data. When customers scan a QR code, they don’t just get information. You do, too.
Each scan can reveal where they found the code when they scanned it, what device they used, and even how long they interacted with the content it linked to.
Consider a cafe that introduces a new seasonal drink. They quickly gather feedback by using a QR code linked to a short survey on their table tents. Questions like, “How did you like our new Pumpkin Spice Latte?” or “What other flavors would you recommend?” can offer direct insights.
As more people scan and give feedback, the cafe can adjust its menu to what customers really want. Plus, using Jotform’s data collection methods with QR codes makes collecting this feedback easy and improves the whole experience for customers.
With QR codes, you can also track long-term trends. Notice a spike in scans during a particular month? Maybe it’s tied to a seasonal trend or a marketing campaign. Or perhaps a drop in scans? It might be time to rethink where and how you’re displaying those codes.
Everyone loves a good deal, and QR codes are a brilliant way to hand out exclusive savings directly to your customers. It’s like giving them a secret key to unlock special offers.
In fact, according to a study by Juniper Research, QR coupon redemptions are projected to hit $5.3 billion by 2024. This proves that people are not just scanning QR codes; they’re using them to save money.
For instance, imagine you’re walking into your favorite clothing store and spot a QR code next to the latest summer collection. You scan it, and you’ve got an exclusive 20% off just for you. This makes customers feel valued and also encourages immediate purchases.
QR codes also let you track which deals are most popular. For instance, by using a QR code linked to a sport nutritious site, customers can compare two different pre-workout supplements. If you see everyone scanning the QR code for a particular discount, you’ll know which supplement is a hit, and you can use that info for future promotions.
For businesses, this isn’t just about giving away discounts. It’s a strategic move to get insights into what your customers love while driving sales and fostering brand loyalty.
4. Engage Passerby With Dynamic-Window Interactions
Imagine walking by a store window, and instead of just a static display, there’s a QR code inviting you to interact. That’s the power of dynamic-window interactions. It turns regular windows into gateways of engagement, tempting passersby to dive deeper into what you offer, even when the store’s closed.
A study by Grand View Research revealed that the global market for interactive display screens is expected to reach $70.06 billion by 2030. This growth hints at the average user’s increasing desire for interactive experiences while shopping.
Take, for instance, a shoe store. It’s after hours, but a QR code on the window showcases a teaser like “Scan to see our latest collection in action.” A passerby scans it and gets redirected to a video showcasing the shoes on different terrains. This keeps the customer engaged while also creating a memorable brand experience.
Or think of a cafe that’s about to introduce a new menu item. Their window QR code links to a sneak peek with mouth-watering images or even a special discount for those who scan and come back during operating hours.
The beauty of dynamic-window interactions is that they make use of spaces often overlooked in traditional marketing. They create an interactive, 24/7 marketing opportunity, making sure that even after hours, you can connect, engage, and excite potential customers.
5. Capture & Nurture Potential Buyers
QR codes transform how you connect with potential customers. They aren’t just about giving quick information. Instead, they provide a strategic way to build and maintain a relationship with people who show interest in a product or service.
For instance, at a tech exhibition, a gadget may come with a QR code for an in-depth video review. After the review, viewers could be prompted to sign up for a newsletter, giving the business a direct line to share more related content, updates, or exclusive offers.
This strategy is about understanding a potential buyer’s interest and catering to it so they receive relevant information that nudges them closer to a purchase.
Now, let’s think about products where customers often seek assurance. Say you offer medical safety equipment tailored for the elderly. A well-placed QR code next to these products can be a bridge to trusted review platforms.
When customers scan, they get directed to credible sites with in-depth reviews and comparisons. This added layer of validation empowers them, bolstering their confidence in making a purchase decision.
6. Boost Event Participation With Easy Registration
With a simple scan, they remove barriers, making it easier for attendees to get involved and for organizers to communicate effectively. According to Juniper Research, global spending through QR code payments is projected to reach $3.3 trillion by 2025, from $2.5 in 2022. That’s over half, signaling a clear shift towards digital integration in the event space.
For example, let’s say you’re hosting a music festival. Instead of just listing band schedules on large boards, you could place QR codes at entry points. Attendees can scan these to get real-time updates on performances and food stall locations or even access interactive festival maps.
This not only keeps everyone informed but also adds a layer of interactivity to the experience. Similarly, for a business conference, QR codes on name badges can instantly link to a person’s LinkedIn profile or company website, simplifying networking.
7. Expand Your Email Community
QR codes simplify the process of joining an email community. With just a scan, customers can bypass tedious forms and instantly become part of your brand’s network.
Take a scenario at a digital trade show. A booth showcases tools for online trading. Instead of distributing pamphlets, there’s a prominent QR code.
With a quick scan, you’re taken to Whop where you can discover, buy, and sell a myriad of digital products and memberships. A moment later, you’ve joined their email list, getting direct access to specialized tools and exclusive offers.
Placing QR codes at events, in stores, or on packaging can be a game-changer to enlarge your email outreach. It’s convenient for customers and a growth avenue for brands.
8. Educate Your Audience With Valuable Information
Customers want information, and QR codes are the instant solution. Instead of handing out pamphlets or only relying on staff, use QR codes to direct customers to the details they need.
Place QR codes next to products. One scan can connect them to how-to videos, comprehensive product specifications, or firsthand user experiences.
For example, a customer interested in digestive supplements can scan a QR code and immediately access articles on insights about digestive health. The same goes for other products: from electronics to skincare, a QR code can instantly provide customers with relevant and in-depth information. It’s like having an on-demand digital guide right at their fingertips.
To get the most out of QR codes in your digital marketing strategy, follow these best practices:
A. Clear Instructions
Not everyone is familiar with how QR codes work. Add QR codes to your business cards or promotional materials with straightforward instructions. If you’re thinking of including contact details in your QR codes, here’s a helpful guide on how to put contact details into a QR code
B. Visibility Is Key
Make sure your QR codes are placed where they’re easily noticeable. This could be product tags, promotional posters, or even storefronts. Remember, if a customer doesn’t see it, they won’t scan it.
C. Keep It Fresh
Update the content behind your QR codes periodically. This keeps the user experience dynamic and encourages repeat scans. For instance, a QR code in a monthly magazine should lead to different content each month.
D. Optimize For Mobile
Once scanned, QR codes usually direct users to a website or a specific landing page. Make sure your third-party apps or landing pages are mobile-friendly. For a deeper understanding of improving customer experience, especially in eCommerce, check out this article on how to improve user experience.
E. Monitor & Analyze
Like any other marketing tool, monitor your QR code’s performance. Analyze the scan numbers, the time spent on linked pages, and other relevant metrics to continually refine your strategy. You can leverage different resources for more comprehensive insights into digital marketing trends, including influencer dynamics.
8 Interesting Ways Brands Are Using QR Codes In Retail
Brands worldwide are now using QR codes not just to store data but to interact creatively with their customers. Here are some standout examples:
Nike used QR codes to enhance the shopping experience for their customers. In their stores, they placed specific codes on products. When shoppers scanned these codes, they were treated to an augmented reality experience.
This allowed them to see a virtual sneaker design within their real surroundings, giving a fresh and unique view of the product.
II. Uniqlo’s Virtual Fitting Rooms
Uniqlo rolled out “Magic Mirror” technology in some of their stores. Shoppers could scan a QR code to use this feature. It allowed them to virtually see themselves in different colors of a specific clothing item. This meant they didn’t need to physically change outfits, making it easier to decide on a purchase.
III. Kate Spade’s Digital Pop-Up Shops
Kate Spade created digital pop-up shops in New York City. These shops displayed products with accompanying QR codes. Passersby could scan these codes, buy products on the spot, and have them delivered directly to their homes.
IV. Burberry’s Product Storytelling Journey
Burberry added QR codes to some of their products. When customers scanned these codes, they watched videos that shared the brand’s history and the craftsmanship behind the product they had in their hands.
During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Starbucks and McDonald’s adopted QR-code menus. Customers could scan a code on their table, view the menu on their phone, and place an order without touching a physical menu.
VI. Spotify’s Interactive Billboards
Spotify used QR codes on billboards to highlight different artists. People walking by could scan the code and immediately access the artist’s playlist on the app, combining traditional advertising with a quick digital music journey.
VII. Zara’s Feedback Mechanism
Zara added QR codes to their purchase receipts to improve the shopping experience. By scanning the code, customers could quickly give feedback, giving Zara instant feedback on their service quality.
VIII. Patagonia’s Sustainability Transparency
Patagonia, a strong advocate for sustainability, included QR codes on their product tags. By scanning the codes, customers could learn about where materials came from and Patagonia’s dedication to environmental responsibility.
In the fast-paced realm of 2023, QR code marketing has rapidly evolved as a cornerstone for modern businesses. It’s more than just a fad; it’s a compelling bridge between our tangible stores and the expansive digital universe we’re all a part of.
When you introduce a QR code, accessing it should be straightforward and user-friendly. Remember to position the code where it’s easily noticeable and accessible to potential scanners.
Beyond just setting them up, regularly monitor their performance. Track their usage and effectiveness to make sure that they continue to meet your business goals and remain a relevant tool for your audience.
Now, if you’re looking to dive even deeper into the vibrant design world and web development or just seeking ways to make your digital voice heard, swing by Noupe. It’s the perfect pit stop for all things stylish, fresh, and engaging in the digital landscape.