Event Calendars For Web Made Easy With These Commercial Options

March 12th, 2024 No comments

This article is a sponsored by Bryntum

Need a full-fledged calendar for scheduling events on your website? Just download one of these and get started. We have curated a collection of some of the best calendar components available in the market that are worth the investment for your next big project. Whether you want to simply use their default set-up without touching the source code or roll up your sleeves to dive deep and customize everything to your heart’s content, these calendars have something to offer for everyone.

Bryntum Calendar

Convenience is the theme. The Bryntum Calendar can be used with vanilla JavaScript or popular JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue, giving you considerable flexibility for easy integration into a wide range of projects. The component seamlessly connects with the other Bryntum power widgets, such as the Data Grid.

The out-of-the-box calendar has a modern and clean design with crisp icons. It renders nicely and executes fast. The user controls have smooth transitions and resize well for different screen sizes. Drag and drop for the events is supported.

Need more than the five nifty themes the calendar comes with? The customization possibilities, using CSS/Sass, go beyond just the calendar views — day, week, month, year, and agenda — and include ways to restyle tooltips and user controls with a lot of liberty and just a few keystrokes. Extensive configurations are at hand to update both the impression and functions of the calendar.

The Bryntum Calendar features include multi-user assigned tasks and time zone support, making it ideal for global teams to collaborate and plan together. For potent project management, there’s the ingenious resource view to monitor at a glance every member’s agenda and see who is free to be scheduled.

All configuration options and features are well documented with interactive and customizable live examples, and you will also find helpful integration guides for Outlook and Google Calendar. Additionally, there’s an impressive collection of customized calendar examples that you can browse and choose from.

A 45-day free trial is available, which includes over thirty examples for you to get started with. If you have any queries regarding the pricing and license, you can contact Bryntum at https://bryntum.com/contact/. Bryntum also has an easy-to-use technical support forum for its clients and offers paid professional services like migration assistance for their products.

KendoReact Scheduler

Whatever you need, it’s in the KendoReact UI bundle, including an easy-to-integrate calendar with a contemporary design for React applications. Options for other frameworks, such as jQuery and .NET MVC, are also available depending on which plan you purchase.

The Calendar/Scheduler, as it is, has a nice, comprehensible look and is easy to navigate. It is WCAG compliant and supports accessibility, something that screen reader users and keyboard navigators will appreciate.

All the basic calendar features are impeccably executed, including showing different calendar views, like monthly, and creating recurring events and timelines. For easy customization, it comes with some built-in themes, or you can build your own with custom Sass variables.

For global teams, KendoReact Scheduler does support different timezones, as well as globalization support for other languages.

A comprehensive feature and API documentation, with built-in sample code editors, is available. To learn more about the pricing, you can request a quote at https://www.telerik.com/purchase/request-a-quote. There’s technical support for customers in the form of a ticket system and forums. A 30-day free trial that includes technical support can be opted for.

DevExtreme Scheduler

Apt to dive straight into work, DevExtreme Scheduler has distraction-free but detailed features that now include work shifts. It is available for Angular, React, Vue, and jQuery.

You’ll find a standard collection of demos on the website for you to preview and make up your mind. Additionally, there’s a comprehensive theme builder for customization. For pinpoint touchups, the CSS can be updated.

The calendar is responsive to mobile screens and includes a drag-and-drop feature, timezone support, and Google Calendar integration.

You can take advantage of a 30-day free trial and a 60-day money-back guarantee. For queries, DevExtreme can be reached at https://js.devexpress.com/Support/. Ticket-based technical support is also available.

Mobiscroll Calendar

Responsiveness is at the forefront. If you are meticulous about how the calendar should look in different screen sizes, go through Mobiscroll’s documentation, for they have demo presets for different sizes in both desktop and mobile versions.

The calendar is available in JavaScript, jQuery, Angular, React, and Vue. The default calendar has a minimalist look and comes with a few base themes. Its appearance, including that of the tooltips, can be customized in CSS.

The calendar supports a drag-and-drop function for ease of use and different time zones for global collaborations. It also provides third-party calendar integration, with Google Calendar, for instance, which is available only during the non-trial period.

A 90-day trial is available, and there’s also a 30-day money-back guarantee. For queries on license and fee, Mobiscroll can be contacted at https://mobiscroll.com/contact. Both standard and priority customer support are provided, along with a community forum for any questions.

Webix Scheduler

Just drop this in and get started. Webix Scheduler is a JavaScript calendar widget that’s easy to fit into your website. The default look is a pastel theme — there’s a full-screen live demo — but it is customizable via the preset skins, API, or the theme builder.

It includes all the basic calendar views and functionality. New events can be added using drag-and-drop. There’s a collection of JavaScript coding samples with a live code editor for you to test and learn from.

Webix Scheduler comes with standard online documentation for the API and user guide. There’s a 30-day free trial you can sign up for. For more information, Webix can be contacted at https://webix.com/contact-us/. For clients, technical support is available from ticket-based systems to live chats, depending on the plan purchased. There’s also a community forum to ask questions.

And that’s the end of the calendar round-up. If you want to share with our community a commercial web calendar (or an open-sourced one) that you’ve tried and loved, let us know in the comments. Happy scheduling!

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20 Best New Websites, March 2024

March 11th, 2024 No comments

Welcome to our pick of sites for March. This month’s collection tends towards the simple and clean, which goes to show that minimalism never truly goes out of style. Whether it’s about getting a lot of information across, or using space to create a sense of luxury, keeping things appear simple is an approach that solves many design challenges. Enjoy!

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

What is Payroll Outsourcing?

March 11th, 2024 No comments

Are you stressing out over a pay period? Instead of being worried, imagine, instead, you are relaxed and enjoying your coffee during this pay period. Such outsourcing in businesses is not a fiction but a reality.

If you’d like to be informed about an option that saves time (and possibly money!) read on, as we’ll delve into payroll outsourcing, explaining its benefits, it’s the distinction between in-house payroll management and factors to consider when choosing the right payroll outsourcing services tailored to your needs.

Payroll outsourcing, in essence, can be defined as hiring a third-party company to manage all aspects of the payroll process such as withholding taxes, ensuring compliance, wage calculations, check distribution, etc. However, not all payroll outsourcing companies are the same, some focus on specific payroll responsibilities, while others can provide HR-related services as well.

Payroll outsourcing companies go a few steps ahead of simple in-house payroll operations. They provide you with detailed reporting and analytics on all of your company’s payroll operations. As such, you end up saving time by not having to deal with payroll issues monthly and having professionals reporting directly to you.

The Benefits of Payroll Outsourcing

Handing over payroll operations to experts in the field comes with numerous benefits. Let’s explore them together.

Cost Efficient

Anyone who runs a business knows that reducing costs is one sure way to protect your business in the long run. This precisely has been the incentive for many companies to outsource their payroll process. 

By outsourcing rather than hiring in-house payroll staff, businesses eliminate associated costs such as salaries, training, or purchasing payroll software. By doing so, companies transform payrolling from a variable cost into a fixed cost. As a result, businesses can budget and scale their operations more efficiently and adapt to the company’s changing needs. 

Focus on Core Business Activities

Just as outsourcing payrolls saves money, it cuts down time and resources too. As businesses reclaim their time and money, they redirect their resources toward strategic initiatives such as developing new products, improving services, cultivating customer relationships, or enhancing their marketing efforts. This focus shift from operations to strategy directly contributes to the company’s growth and success. 

Compliance and Risk Management 

Taxes are a big headache for any business owner—you miss one regulation, and a hefty fine will be fast in your mailbox. When you outsource payroll, you hire experts who know the ins and outs of the tax system and the latest updates on any tax-related regulations. So, when tax season comes, instead of stressing, you relax and stay sure that your hired experts will get down to the smallest detail. 

The payroll outsourcing company will ensure no tax is submitted late or incorrectly while making sure money flows correctly to the employees’ paychecks with correct amounts withheld for taxes, employee benefits, or saving plans.  

Payroll Outsourcing vs In-House Processing: What’s the Difference?

Just as it sounds, in-house payroll means having a team within your company that handles the payroll process. The team—usually part of the HR or finance department, depending on the size of the company—uses programs such as Excel or more advanced payrolling software to keep track of all aspects of the payrolling process, including, but not limited to:

  • Calculating wages and overtime; 
  • Calculating deductions such as benefit contributions; 
  • Keeping track of taxes;
  • Gathering employee information; 
  • Distributing checks or pay stubs. 

Conversely, payroll outsourcing means hiring an external company to manage the payrolling process from A to Z. The payroll service provider will handle all the administrative and compliance tasks associated with the payrolling process. 

One distinctive aspect of payrolling service providers is the flexibility of hiring them, especially when the company is scaling its operations. Businesses don’t have to invest in new resources—whether new software or hiring more professionals—but rather focus their spending on activities that generate revenues. 

Key Considerations Before Outsourcing Payroll

You may need to take a thoughtful pause to think about your tailored outsourcing needs and how your provider would take care of them.

Do not randomly pick a provider, overlooking a provider’s experience and reputation is a business mistake. Take your time to ensure your provider is trustworthy, and there will be no mistakes or incidents of data breaches. Remember, when outsourcing payroll, you are outsourcing the payment of your most valuable resources: your workforce and any damage to them may come at a high price.

Also, before hiring a service provider for your payroll, assess your business needs: do you need a provider who only offers payrolling services, or do you need more comprehensive services such as HR support? There are reliable, expert, and user-friendly platforms that offer a suite of good payroll outsourcing services without compromising the quality of customer satisfaction on any of the services. 

Final Thoughts

While there are benefits to payroll outsourcing, it depends on the company’s need if hiring such a service is beneficial for them. Company executives should consider outsourcing payroll’s ease and cost savings before choosing. On top of that, in the myriad of payroll outsourcing choices out there, businesses should take the time to identify which one aligns best with their business goals. 

Featured image by Money Knack on Unsplash

The post What is Payroll Outsourcing? appeared first on noupe.

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Modern CSS Tooltips And Speech Bubbles (Part 2)

March 8th, 2024 No comments

I hope you were able to spend time getting familiar with the techniques we used to create tooltips in Part 1 of this quick two-parter. Together, we were able to create a flexible tooltip pattern that supports different directions, positioning, and coloration without adding any complexity whatsoever to the HTML.

We leveraged the CSS border-image property based on another article I wrote while applying clever clip-path tricks to control the tooltip’s tail. If you haven’t checked out that article or the first part of this series, please do because we’re jumping straight into things today, and the context will be helpful.

So far, we’ve looked at tooltip shapes with triangular tails with the option to have rounded corners and gradient coloration. Sure, we were able to do lots of things but there are many other — and more interesting — shapes we can accomplish. That’s what we’re doing in this article. We will handle cases where a tooltip may have a border and different tail shapes, still with the least amount of markup and most amount of flexibility.

Before we start, I want to remind you that I’ve created a big collection of 100 tooltip shapes. I said in Part 1 that we would accomplish all of them in these two articles. We covered about half of them in Part 1, so let’s wrap things up here in Part 2.


Same as before!

<div class="tooltip">Your text content goes here</div>

That’s the beauty of what we’re making: We can create many, many different tooltips out of the same single HTML element without changing a thing.

Tooltips With Borders

Adding a border to the tooltips we made in Part 1 is tricky. We need the border to wrap around both the main element and the tail in a continuous fashion so that the combined shape is seamless. Let’s start with the first simple shape we created in Part 1 using only two CSS properties:

.tooltip {
  /* tail dimensions */
  --b: 2em; /* base */
  --h: 1em; /* height*/

  /* tail position */
  --p: 50%;

  border-image: fill 0 // var(--h)
    conic-gradient(#CC333F 0 0);
    polygon(0 100%, 0 0,100% 0, 100% 100%,
      min(100%, var(--p) + var(--b) / 2) 100%,
      var(--p) calc(100% + var(--h)),
      max(0%, var(--p) - var(--b) / 2) 100%);

Here’s the demo. You can use the range slider to see how flexible it is to change the tail position by updating the --p variable.

This probably is not that a big deal in most cases. A few pixels aren’t a glaring visual issue, but you can decide whether or not it meets your needs. Me? I’m a perfectionist, so let’s try to fix this minor detail even if the code will get a little more complex.

We need to do some math that requires trigonometric functions. Specifically, we need to change some of the variables because we cannot get what we want with the current setup. Instead of using the base variable for the tail’s dimensions, I will consider an angle. The second variable that controls the height will remain unchanged.

The relationship between the base (--b) and the angle (--a) is equal to B = 2*H*tan(A/2). We can use this to update our existing code:

.tooltip {
  /* tail dimensions */
  --a: 90deg; /* angle */
  --h: 1em; /* height */

  --p: 50%; /* position */
  --t: 5px; /* border thickness */

  border-image: fill 0 // var(--h)
    conic-gradient(#5e412f 0 0); /* the border color */
    polygon(0 100%, 0 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%,
      min(100%, var(--p) + var(--h) * tan(var(--a) / 2)) 100%,
      var(--p) calc(100% + var(--h)),
      max(0%, var(--p) - var(--h) * tan(var(--a) / 2)) 100%);
  position: relative;
  z-index: 0;
.tooltip:before {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  inset: var(--t) 0;
  border-image: fill 0 / 0 var(--t) / var(--h) 0
    conic-gradient(#CC333F 0 0); /* the background color */
  clip-path: inherit;

Nothing drastic has changed. We introduced a new variable to control the border thickness (--t) and updated the clip-path property with the new variables that define the tail’s dimensions.

Now, all the work will be done on the pseudo-element’s clip-path property. It will no longer inherit the main element’s value, but it does need a new value to get the correct border thickness around the tail. I want to avoid getting deep into the complex math behind all of this, so here is the implementation:

  polygon(0 100%, 0 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%,
    min(100% - var(--t), var(--p) + var(--h)tan(var(--a)/2) - var(--t)tan(45deg - var(--a) / 4)) 100%,
    var(--p) calc(100% + var(--h) + var(--t)(1 - 1/sin(var(--a)/2))),
    max(var(--t), var(--p) - var(--h)tan(var(--a)/2) + var(--t)*tan(45deg - var(--a)/4)) 100%);

It looks complex because it is! You don’t really need to understand the formulas since all you have to do is adjust a few variables to control everything.

Now, finally, our tooltip is perfect. Here is an interactive demo where you can adjust the position and the thickness. Don’t forget to also play with the dimension of the tail as well.

Let’s move on to the rounded corners. We can simply use the code we created in the previous article. We duplicate the shape using a pseudo-element and make a few adjustments for perfect alignment and a correct border thickness.

The reason I’m not going into details for this one is to make the point that you don’t have to remember all the various use cases and code snippets by heart. The goal is to understand the actual concepts we are using to build the tooltips, like working with border-image, clip-path(), gradients, and math functions.

I can’t even remember most of the code I write after it’s done, but it’s no issue since all I have to do is copy and paste then adjust a few variables to get the shape I want. That’s the benefit of leveraging modern CSS features — they handle a lot of the work for us.

Border-Only Tooltips

I’d like to do one more exercise with you, this time making a tooltip with no fill but still with a full border around the entire shape. So far, we’ve been able to reuse a lot of the code we put together in Part 1, but we’re going to need new tricks to pull this one off.

The goal is to establish a transparent background while maintaining the border. We’ll start without rounded corners for the moment.

See how we’re going to be working with gradients again? I could have used a single color to produce a solid, single-color border, but I put a hard stop in there to demonstrate the idea. We’ll be able to create even more variations, thanks to this little detail, like using multiple colors, different color stops, and even different types of gradients.

You’ll see that the code looks fairly straightforward:

.tooltip {
  /* tail dimension */
  --a: 90deg; /* angle */
  --h: 1em; /* height */

  --p: 50%; /* tail position */
  --b: 7px; /* border thickness */

  position: relative;
.tooltip:before {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  inset: 0 0 calc(-1*var(--h));
  clip-path: polygon( ... ); /* etc. */
  background: linear-gradient(45deg, #cc333f 50%, #79bd9a 0); /* colors */

We’re using pseudo element again, this time with a clip-path to establish the shape. From there, we set a linear-gradient() on the background.

I said the code “looks” very straightforward. Structurally, yes. But I purposely put a placeholder clip-path value because that’s the complicated part. We needed to use a 16-point polygon and math formulas, which honestly gave me big headaches.

That’s why I turn to my online generator in most cases. After all, what’s the point of everyone spending hours trying to suss out which formulas to use if math isn’t your thing? May as well use the tools that are available to you! But note how much better it feels to use those tools when you understand the concepts that are working under the hood.

OK, let’s tackle rounded corners:

For this one, we are going to rely on not one, but two pseudo-elements, :before and :after. One will create the rounded shape, and the other will serve as the tail.

The above figure illustrates the process for creating the rounded part with the :before pseudo-element. We first start with a simple rectangular shape that’s filled with a conic gradient containing three colors. Then, we mask the shape so that the inner area is transparent. After that, we use a clip-path to cut out a small part of the bottom edge to reserve space for the tail we’ll make with the :after pseudo-element.

/* the main element */
.tooltip {
  /* tail dimension */
  --a: 90deg; /* angle */
  --h: 1em; /* height */

  --p: 50%; /* tail position  */
  --b: 7px; /* border thickness */
  --r: 1.2em; /* the radius */

  position: relative;
  z-index: 0;

/* both pseudo-elements */
.tooltip:after {
  content: "";
  background: conic-gradient(#4ECDC4 33%, #FA2A00 0 66%, #cf9d38 0);  /* the coloration */
  inset: 0;
  position: absolute;
  z-index: -1;

/* the rounded rectangle */
.tooltip:before {
  background-size: 100% calc(100% + var(--h));
  clip-path: polygon( ... );
  mask: linear-gradient(#000 0 0) content-box, linear-gradient(#000 0 0);
  mask-composite: exclude;
  padding: var(--b);

/* the tail */
.tooltip:after {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  bottom: calc(-1 * var(--h));
  clip-path: polygon( ... );

Once again, the structure is not all that complex and the clip-path value is the tough part. As I said earlier, there’s really no need to get deep into an explanation on it when we can use the points from an online generator to get the exact shape we want.

The new piece that is introduced in this code is the mask property. It uses the same technique we covered in yet another Smashing article I wrote. Please read that for the full context of how mask and mask-composite work together to trim the transparent area. That’s the first part of your homework after finishing this article.

Fun Tail Shapes

We’ve covered pretty much every single one of the tooltips available in my collection. The only ones we have not specifically touched use a variety of different shapes for the tooltip’s tail.

All of the tooltips we created in this series used a simple triangle-shaped tail, which is a standard tooltip pattern. Sure, we learned how to change its dimensions and position, but what if we want a different sort of tooltip? Maybe we want something fancier or something that looks more like a speech or thought bubble.

If the rounded corners in the last section are the first part of your homework, then the next part is to try making these tail variations yourself using what we have learned together in these two articles. You can always find the code over at my collection for reference and hints. And, leave a comment here if you have any additional questions — I’m happy to help!


I hope you enjoyed this little series because I sure had a blast writing it. I mean, look at all of the things we accomplished in a relatively short amount of space: simple rectangular tooltips, rounded corners, different tail positions, solid and gradient backgrounds, a bunch of border options, and finally, custom shapes for the tail.

I probably went too far with how many types of tooltips we could make — there are 100 in total when you count them up! But it goes to show just how many possibilities there are, even when we’re always using the same single element in the HTML.

And, it’s great practice to consider all of the different use cases and situations you may run into when you need a tooltip component. Keep these in your back pocket for when you need them, and use my collection as a reference, for inspiration, or as a starting point for your own work!

Further Reading On SmashingMag

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The Sabbatical Surge: Extending PTO for Personal Growth and Exploration

March 8th, 2024 No comments

Are you feeling burnt out and in need of a break? Imagine this: you’ve been working tirelessly for years, and now you have the opportunity to take a sabbatical. “The Sabbatical Surge: Extending PTO for Personal Growth and Exploration” is your guide to making the most of this time off. In this book, we will explore the importance of sabbaticals and how they can contribute to your personal growth and exploration. From planning your journey to navigating financial considerations, we’ll cover it all. Discover how a sabbatical can enhance your professional development and help you maintain a healthy work-life balance. And when it’s time to return to work, we’ll show you how to transition successfully. Get ready to embark on a transformative sabbatical experience! 

The Importance of Sabbaticals

Sabbaticals offer a vital opportunity for personal growth and exploration. Taking a break from your regular routine allows you to step back and reflect on your life, career, and goals. It gives you the chance to recharge and rejuvenate, both physically and mentally. During a sabbatical, you can pursue passions and interests that you may not have had time for before. 

Whether it’s traveling to new places, learning a new skill, or simply taking time to relax and focus on self-care, a sabbatical provides the space and freedom to do so. It helps you gain a fresh perspective, broaden your horizons, and expand your knowledge and experiences. 

Additionally, sabbaticals can enhance your professional development by allowing you to gain new insights and skills that can be applied to your work when you return. By taking the time to invest in yourself, you will ultimately become a more well-rounded and fulfilled individual. So, don’t underestimate the importance of sabbaticals in nurturing personal growth and exploration.

Planning Your Sabbatical Journey

When planning your sabbatical journey, it’s important to consider your personal goals and aspirations. This time away from work is an opportunity for self-reflection, growth, and exploration. Here are some key points to keep in mind as you plan your sabbatical:

  • Reflect on your passions and interests:
  • What activities bring you joy and fulfillment?
  • What have you always wanted to learn or experience?
  • Set clear goals:
  • Define what you hope to achieve during your sabbatical.
  • Create a roadmap to guide your journey and ensure you stay focused.
  • Research and plan:
  • Explore destinations that align with your interests and goals.
  • Look into the logistics of traveling or pursuing activities in those locations.
  • Budget wisely:
  • Determine your financial needs and plan accordingly.
  • Consider alternative ways to fund your sabbatical, such as part-time work or crowdfunding.
  • Communicate with your employer:
  • Discuss your plans with your employer to ensure a smooth transition and understanding of your intentions.
  • Explore options for a flexible work arrangement upon your return.

Navigating Financial Considerations

To effectively navigate financial considerations during your sabbatical, it is important to plan and budget wisely. Before embarking on your journey, take the time to assess your current financial situation and set a realistic budget for your time off. Start by calculating your expenses, including accommodation, transportation, food, and any other costs you may incur during your sabbatical. Consider creating a separate savings account to allocate funds specifically for your time away. 

This can help you stay organized and ensure that you have enough money to cover your expenses without dipping into your regular savings. Additionally, explore ways to reduce costs during your sabbatical, such as opting for budget-friendly accommodations or cooking your own meals instead of eating out. It may also be worth considering alternative income sources, such as taking on freelance work or renting out your home while you’re away, to help offset some of your expenses. By planning and budgeting carefully, you can enjoy your sabbatical without worrying about financial strain.

Exploring Personal Growth Opportunities

As you navigate the financial considerations of your sabbatical, it is essential to explore personal growth opportunities to make the most of your time off. While taking a break from the daily grind is rejuvenating in itself, using this time to invest in personal growth can be truly transformative. Here are a few ways you can seize this opportunity to expand your horizons and develop as an individual:

  • Pursue a passion: Use your sabbatical to dive deep into a hobby or interest that you’ve always wanted to explore. Whether it’s learning a musical instrument, mastering a new language, or trying your hand at painting, indulging in activities that bring you joy can bring immense personal satisfaction and growth.
  • Invest in self-reflection: Take the time to reflect on your goals, values, and aspirations. Use journaling, meditation, or therapy to gain clarity and insight into yourself. This introspective journey can help you understand your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for personal development.

Impact on Professional Development

During your sabbatical, you can leverage the personal growth opportunities to have a significant impact on your professional development as well. Taking time off from work to focus on personal growth and exploration can actually enhance your skills and knowledge, making you more valuable in your career.

One way your sabbatical can benefit your professional development is by allowing you to pursue educational opportunities. Whether it’s enrolling in a course, attending workshops or conferences, or even pursuing a degree, taking the time to learn new things can expand your skill set and make you more competitive in your field.

Additionally, your sabbatical can provide you with the opportunity to gain valuable work experience in a different setting. Consider taking on a short-term project, volunteering, or even freelancing during your time off. This not only allows you to explore new industries and roles, but also provides you with the chance to develop new skills and expand your network.

Lastly, your sabbatical can give you the time and space to reflect on your career goals and aspirations. Use this time to reassess your professional path, set new goals, and develop a plan for achieving them. By taking a step back and gaining clarity, you can make more informed decisions about your career and take the necessary steps to reach your full potential.

Maintaining Work-Life Balance During a Sabbatical

According to Get Sorbet PTO, “Maintaining a healthy work-life balance while on a sabbatical is crucial to ensuring a fulfilling and rejuvenating experience”.

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of newfound freedom and forget about the importance of taking care of yourself. To help you maintain a healthy work-life balance during your sabbatical, consider the following:

  • Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between your personal and professional life. Avoid checking work emails or taking work-related calls during your time off. Remember, this is your time to recharge and focus on personal growth.
  • Prioritize self-care: Make self-care a top priority during your sabbatical. Engage in activities that bring you joy and help you relax. Take time to exercise, meditate, or pursue hobbies that you’ve neglected due to work commitments.
  • Disconnect from technology: Take a break from technology and disconnect from social media. Instead, connect with nature, read books, or engage in face-to-face interactions with loved ones. Disconnecting from technology will allow you to be fully present in the moment and truly enjoy your sabbatical experience.
  • Reflect and evaluate: Use this time to reflect on your career goals and evaluate your work-life balance. Consider what changes you need to make when you return to work to maintain a healthier balance. Use your sabbatical as an opportunity to make positive changes in your professional life.

Returning to Work: Transitioning Successfully

To transition back to work successfully after your sabbatical, focus on integrating your newfound personal growth and exploration into your professional life. Take the time to reflect on your experiences and identify the skills and knowledge you have gained that can benefit your career. Here is a table to help you map out your transition plan:

Step Action
1 Assess your personal growth and exploration experiences and identify transferable skills and knowledge.
2 Update your resume and LinkedIn profile to reflect your sabbatical experiences and highlight the value you can bring to your work.
3 Communicate with your supervisor and colleagues about your sabbatical and the insights you gained during your time off.
4 Set goals for how you want to integrate your personal growth and exploration into your work. Identify specific projects or initiatives where you can apply your new skills and knowledge.
5 Seek opportunities for continued learning and development to further enhance your professional growth. This could include attending conferences, taking courses, or joining industry groups.

Sustaining the Benefits of Your Sabbatical

Successfully integrating the personal growth and exploration gained during your sabbatical into your everyday life is key to sustaining the benefits of your time off. After experiencing a period of self-reflection and discovery, it is important to continue nurturing the positive changes you have made. Here are some practical tips to help you maintain the momentum and reap the long-term rewards of your sabbatical:

  • Create a Supportive Environment
  • Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who support your personal growth journey.
  • Establish healthy boundaries and prioritize self-care to maintain a balanced lifestyle.
  • Set Meaningful Goals
  • Identify specific goals that align with your newfound passions and values.
  • Break them down into smaller, actionable steps to ensure steady progress.

Featured image by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

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How does leveraging Agile methodologies and its tools pave to SEO Excellence?

March 8th, 2024 No comments

The online business world is always competitive and the ways to find success demand you to do everything you can to attract some spotlights. 

Why is it so important? You might wonder here. Think about it. The only way for any business or marketer to generate a sustaining profit is for consumers to use the services or purchase the products. The more people are aware of your business, the more chances that those people will become customers. 

It’s where SEO arrives to play, by facilitating the business’ site to show up in search engines, while people search for related topics or queries. 

Agile SEO digital marketing strategy has the potential to ensure the website gets the attention from users, it deserves consistently. 

As we step into 2024, the SEO landscape continues to bloom at a rapid pace, requiring agility from digital marketers. Briefly put, it means you are going to break the SEO work on a project into smaller cycles referred to as sprints. 

Why do businesses consider it?

The main reason is that you yield to see and mitigate the issues and risks in SEO projects before they turn catastrophic. Instead of waiting until close to the delivery date, to diagnose what went wrong, and what could be enhanced, you perform the fix continuously in an agile approach. 

The agile method could be applied to SEO, such that it focuses on one thing at a time, nails it, and then moves on. 

Let’s see what it is all about and how it brings benefits to your agencies. 

The guest blog proffers detailed information on this Agile SEO approach and what it does as an SEO strategy to bring your business to the next level. 

Why Agile SEO is more than a Trend?

Agile SEO stands as the approach emphasizing adaptability, collaboration, and continuous progress to your project in the field of search engine optimization. 

It draws inspiration from the Agile project management framework utilized in software development.  

The core principles of Agile SEO consist of 

Iterative Planning: Agile SEO teams, first of all, break down the strategies into smaller, manageable tasks referred to as “sprints”. These sprints typically last for 2 to 4 weeks, which enables you and the team to make quick adjustments based on the performance data. 

Flexibility: Agile SEO teams always remain flexible and they are open to work. For instance, if a specific SEO tactic isn’t giving you the desired results, they try and pivot to something else for the rest of the SEO journey. 

Collaboration: Cross-functional teams such as content creators, data analysts, developers, and SEO specialists work closely together. This sort of collaboration makes sure that the SEO strategies are effective and well-rounded. 

Data-Driven Decisions: Agile SEO depends heavily on the data analysis teams that continuously monitor the key performance indicators(KPIs) and give you a platform to come out with data-driven decisions for optimizing the strategies. 

Your project outcomes incline to a successful path, from a traditional to an Agile approach.

Leveraging Agile SEO for Business Success

Let’s delve into exploring the ways how businesses could leverage Agile SEO to bring out leads, enhance productivity, improve brand reputation, and potentially use tools like Agile SEO project management software or tools and Google Sheets:

Cross-functional Teams: The business, after following this approach, forms cross-functional agile SEO teams, composed of content creators, data analysts, developers, and SEO experts. 

Collaborate on specific Agile SEO project management software or tools for crafting shared documentation of all the SEO tasks, both current and previous tasks in the dashboard and then tracking the progress in real-time. 

Regular Reporting: Implement regular reporting phenomena and analyze the KPIs utilizing the agile project management tools. Based on your project, you can create custom dashboards on your own for visualizing data from Google Search Console, Google Analytics, SEMrush, Moz, and Ahrefs. 

This centralized hub could have the potential to streamline decision-making for every sprint. 


The agencies can perform the following SEO stuff for your business or site’s online presence with the support of the Agile SEO approach. 

Content Strategy: Use Agile project management tools for managing your content calendar, collaborating with content creators, and tracking the content performance. Assign the tasks before every sprint, set the deadline, and monitor the updates of the content very easily. 

Responsive campaigns: maintain the backlog of all the SEO tasks in every sprint and their ideas. While the changes are required in between the period, due to some shifting priorities, or algorithm updates, your agile SEO team could rapidly prioritize and assign the tasks through shared documents accessed by the team members and clients if suitable. 

Keyword Tracking: Monitor the performance and keyword rankings over time through Agile project management tools. Produce the automated reports which get updated regularly, giving your team insights into the keyword trends. 

Project Management: Employ suitable software as the project management platform. Use the software to create sprint plans, allocate tasks to resources, and track progress during every sprint. Commenting features and collaborative editing enhance internal and external team communication. 

Main Agile methodologies

Scrum: Scrum is characterized by stages or cycles of development referred to as sprints and by maximizing the development time for a software product towards a goal, the product goal. 


Kanban: Kanban is a method that is organized on a table(Kanban Board) or board, segregated into columns, showcasing every flow in the project phases. 

Extreme Programming: this is the method that is based on the ideas to discover “ the simplest things which would work”, without inputting too much weight on the long-term product view. 

Crystal: The technique focuses way more on the individuals, and how those individuals interact rather than on the tools or process- so communication thrives as the essential key aspect of this method. 

Lean development: The method provides a conceptual framework and proceeds in following principles, values, and better development practices applied to an Agile development approach. 

Google Sheets for SEO: Leverage Google Sheets for content planning, keyword research, and tracking the SEO performance metrics. This is a versatile tool to maintain the data and help you to collaborate with the Agile SEO team. 

Tools for Agile SEO

To successfully implement the Agile SEO strategies, you have to acquire the right set of tools for facilitating collaboration among team members, and with clients, tracking the SEO progress, and managing tasks efficiently. 

Some of the Agile tools that are tailored for Agile SEO are: 

SEOScrum: SEOScrum is an all-in-one encompassing Scrum-based SEO project management software that aids organizations around the globe in streamlining their projects. This is one of the versatile tools offering a centralized platform for attaining the incremental development of their business,  wherein teams can plan, manage, and track their SEO projects, and tasks and monitor the data SERP ranking, reporting, keyword exploration, and backlinks efficiently, enabling effective collaboration and productivity for their SEO tasks. 

Jira: It’s a versatile Agile project management tool, developed by Atlassian. This is highly suitable and customizable for the SEO teams for planning sprints, managing work, and tracking the progress seamlessly. You could create custom workflows and boards to match the SEO processes. 

Trello: the visual and intuitive interface makes the team an excellent choice for the smaller SEO teams new to agile practices. It enables you to create boards for projects, lists for cards, and sprints for specific SEO works. It encourages collaboration. 

Monday.com: this is another platform to fit agile workflows and it offers features such as goal tracking, task management, and collaboration making it suitable for agile SEO teams of all sizes. These integration capabilities are specifically noteworthy.

Asana: this is another flexible project management platform, supporting agile methods. It is ideal for managing SEO projects, tracking tasks, setting due dates, and fostering collaboration between members. You can also easily customize it to align with agile SEO workflows. 

Real-Life Case Study Examples of Companies That Implemented Agile in SEO

Using Agile practices to improve SEO performance becomes an increasing general need among companies. Moreover, many big firms have turned out to achieve success in this area by adopting this. 

Here are a few examples of it. 

a. HubSpot 

Hubspot, a leading inbound sales and marketing software company, adopted the scrum framework, with cross-functional teams working to achieve SEO goals in short sprints. The approach enables the company to respond quickly to the changing promotion trends, continuously improving the search visibility of the firm’s site and experimenting with different unique strategies in every sprint. 

b. Etsy 

Etsy is an online marketplace for vintage and handmade goods, implementing a combination of Kanban and Scrum methods to prioritize promotion tasks and enhance collaboration. It raised the organic search traffic of the website. 

By regularly reviewing and adapting the promotion strategies, the company achieved significant growth in user engagement and search rankings. 

c. Moz

Moz is a well-known SEO software company. They formed cross-functional teams and employed the agile method of continuous progress through frequent feedback loops and iterations. 

This sort of approach enabled the firm to adapt quickly to the search algorithm updates, experiment with various optimization techniques, and deliver better outcomes for the target keywords. 

d. Spotify

Spotify is a leading music streaming platform that uses a combination of Kanban and Scrum methodologies for managing SEO initiatives, more efficiently. 

By continuously testing and incorporating the methods in promotion strategies, the company was able to enhance the search rankings, improve the user experience, and attract more organic visitors to the platform. 


As of now, you can understand that Agile SEO represents a significant shift in the world of search engine optimization. By embracing data-driven decision-making, collaboration, flexibility, and the power of tools like Agile project management tools and Google Sheets, the business could transform its SEO efforts, do digital marketing automation of the agency’s works, improve brand reputation, enhance productivity, achieve greater success in generating leads and can stay agile in the ever-evolving online world. 

In this competitive market, the capability to adapt, respond rapidly to changes, and streamline the SEO processes is crucial and Agile SEO integrated with effective project management tools offers your business a suitable framework to do this. Hence take the leap into Agile SEO, leverage Agile SEO project management software, and watch your business thrive.

Featured image by Ferenc Horvath on Unsplash

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Ads in Games: How They Pay the Bills

March 7th, 2024 No comments

Mobile ads are the money-makers for games. They pay the bills and serve as the financial backbone that keeps the gaming experience alive and thriving. But it’s not just a hunch – let’s throw in some numbers. 

According to Statista, the mobile gaming content market was worth an estimated 140.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2022 and according to the latest projections, this figure will surpass 173.4 billion by 2026 as mobile adoption and smartphone usage continue to hit new peaks.

Now, let’s break down the mechanics. It’s simple. When you play games on your phone, those ads you see – they’re like little money machines. Every time you tap or watch one, the game gets some cash. It’s like a deal: you get entertainment, and the game gets paid.

Think of it this way: those ads are like sponsors for your game. They support the fun you’re having. The more people check out the ads, the more money flows in. So, next time you see an ad in a game, know that it’s not just a play pause – it’s the game getting paid to keep the good times rolling. 

We’ve established that these ads play a crucial role in keeping the gaming experience alive and well. But how do they manage to be these behind-the-scenes champions? Let’s find out.

The Economics Behind Gaming Ads

Making money isn’t just about selling games. It’s also about ads – those banners, videos, and product placements you see while playing. So, let’s break down the money talk: the economics behind gaming ads.

Game developers need cash to create awesome games, and ads help foot the bill. When you play a game for free, those ads keep it that way. 

Now, let’s get a bit techy. Advertisers use algorithms to target specific players based on their gaming habits. So, if you’re into racing games, you might see ads for the latest speed machines. It’s like the game and the ads team up to give you stuff you’re interested in.

The economics of gaming ads are like a behind-the-scenes partnership. Ads make games free, and in return, game developers get the cash flow they need. So next time you see an ad pop up, remember, it’s not just a pause in your game – it’s the reason you’re playing for free.

Revenue Streams

When it comes to making games, money matters. But not everyone wants to pay upfront to play. That’s where revenue streams, the cash flow behind game development, come into play.

Companies pay the game creators to showcase their stuff – it could be a cool new gadget or a fizzy drink. This money is like the lifeblood that keeps game development pumping.

But wait, there’s more. In-game purchases are another sidekick in this money-making adventure. Ever bought a snazzy outfit or a special power-up while playing? That’s an in-game purchase. It’s like choosing to get a little extra while you’re having a blast.

Ad revenue in mobile gaming is like the financial engine that powers your favorite games. Ads and in-game purchases team up to make sure game developers have the funds they need.

Types of In-Game Ads

In-game ads come in different shapes and sizes, like the variety pack of snacks. 

First up, there are banner ads – those small rectangles you see hanging out at the top or bottom of your game screen. They’re like mini billboards, quietly chilling while you play.

Then we’ve got video ads. These are like short movie trailers that pop up, usually when you’re taking a breather between game levels. Watch for a few seconds, and the game gets a little cash boost.

Ever noticed products seamlessly fitting into the game world? That’s product placement. It’s like when your favorite soda appears on a virtual shelf – companies pay for their goods to be part of the gaming story.

Interactive ads are the cool kids in the block. They let you engage, like clicking on a quiz or trying out a mini-game. It’s not just watching; it’s getting involved.

Lastly, we’ve got native ads. These are sneaky – they blend into the game environment, so you might not even realize they’re ads. Like a ninja of advertising, they’re there, but you might miss them.

Tech-wise, game developers use smart algorithms to figure out when and where to show these ads. In-game ads are the diverse crew working together to make your gaming experience awesome while keeping the game developers in the green.

Player Experience and Ad Integration

The way you enjoy a game and the ads you see go hand in hand. This makes balance the “key” between the two.

Imagine playing a game without interruptions – that’s the goal. Ads are sprinkled in, not to annoy you, but to keep the game free. So, when you’re shooting aliens or scoring goals, the ads aren’t there to spoil the fun but to make sure the game keeps rolling without costing you a dime.

Game developers use smart tools to figure out when to show ads without messing with your gaming flow. It’s like having a friend who knows when to chat and when to let you focus on winning. 

Now, about ad formats – they’re designed to be like a good sidekick, not stealing the spotlight. Banners hang out quietly, videos play during your breather moments, and interactive ads wait for your cue. It’s all about being part of the game without being in your face.

So, when you see an ad pop up, remember, it’s not about disturbing your game groove. It’s about the game saying, “Hey, thanks for playing. We’ve got bills to pay, but we’ll keep it cool, promise.”

Challenges and Solutions in Gaming Ad Monetization

There are some bumps in the road when it comes to making money through game ads. There’s a tricky balance between ads and your game fun. 

Too many ads, and it’s like a party pooper; too few, and the game struggles to pay its bills. The tech wizards behind the scenes work on finding that sweet spot – enough ads to keep things free, but not so much that it feels like an ad overload.

Another challenge is making ads fit right into the game world. Nobody wants a clashing ad ruining the vibe. So, tech-smart developers use algorithms to figure out the best time and place for ads. It’s like having a personal ad curator, making sure the ads blend seamlessly with your gaming experience.

Then comes the ad variety. Too much of the same thing can get boring. Developers keep things fresh by mixing up ad formats – banners, videos, interactive stuff – so it’s like a surprise every time, not a rerun.

Now, the tech fix for ad interruptions. Ever had an ad suddenly pop up in the middle of a boss battle? Not cool. Developers are on it, using clever programming to time ads when it won’t throw off your game groove. It’s all about keeping the ads in check, so you can keep conquering levels uninterrupted.

In a nutshell, challenges in game ad money-making exist, but developers are on a mission to solve them without spoiling your gaming fun.

Featured image by Pandhuya Niking on Unsplash

The post Ads in Games: How They Pay the Bills appeared first on noupe.

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5+ Best Cloud Hosting Services for Small Business

March 7th, 2024 No comments

Cloud hosting is the perfect solution for websites that want to scale. If you’re a small business and want to know what provider to choose, you’ve come to the right place.

Cloud computing, in general, is a huge market. It generates more than $30 billion in 2020, and it’s projected to reach $552 billion by 2027, according to Statista.

With cloud hosting, you’ll enjoy a ton of resources from a variety of sources to create a robust and efficient virtual server.

Contrast this with shared hosting — where your site goes down as soon as the server is down. But if a cloud server is experiencing downtime, other servers in the same network up the slack. 

Small businesses and growing websites that need an excellent balance between an affordable and high-performance server can benefit a lot from cloud-based hosts. 

What is Cloud Hosting?

Cloud hosting is a type of web hosting solution whereby a website is stored on multiple servers, which allows you to utilize resources from a wide range of servers to deliver optimal performance.

Cloud services have grown in adoption in recent years. According to the Hosting Tribunal, “Companies invest about a third of their IT budget to cloud services.”

The availability of server resources makes cloud hosting solutions a very reliable, flexible, and scalable web hosting service. Sites that experience spikes and dips in traffic, for example, will benefit so much from this type of hosting. 

All things being equal, good hosting can help you make more money in your business. 

If you need more flexibility in your hosting package, cloud hosting is the ideal choice. You can consider this as a pay-as-you-go mobile: which lets you decide your resource limits every month and pay accordingly. 

Are you getting ready for a busy month? Do you expect hundreds of thousands and even millions of visitors to your website? Cloud hosting can help you weather the storm — regardless of the amount of traffic coming to your website. 

You’ll find hundreds of cloud-based hosting providers online. However, choosing the right one that will meet your website’s needs can be daunting.  

To help you make a well-informed decision, here are the 5+ cloud hosting services for small business owners:

Best Cloud Hosting Providers and Services

  1. A2 Hosting: Best cloud hosting provider.
  2. Cloudways: Managed cloud hosting service
  3. SiteGround: Easy to use features.
  4. xCloud: Fast cloud hosting platform
  5. Hostwinds: Affordable cloud hosting solution.
  6. InMotion Hosting: Excellent customer support.
  7. HostGator: Unmetered Storage.

1. Cloudways

As the name implies, Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform that helps you stay focused on your business, and not worry about downtime. 

If you’re a growing agency or you run an eCommerce business, Cloudways could be a perfect choice. That’s why eCommerce brands like Boohoo, Revolve, and several others choose cloud-based hosting solutions.

What I like about Cloudways:

Cloudways is a strong rival to A2 Hosting. Depending on what your hosting needs are, its robust cloud-based server will serve your website to the target audience.

This provider is very versatile and allows you to deploy your cloud servers from any of the 25 global locations, you can also choose your region and city. 

Your website will always be closer to the servers. This can improve page speed and overall performance. This also makes Cloudways’ plans to be more affordable than the competitors’. 

Your chosen data center will determine the price you eventually pay. You could use this map generator to build a network of the data points you’re using. Feel free to choose between monthly or hourly pricing plans, depending on what goals you wish to achieve with your website. 

For instance, the basic plan for a Digital Ocean data center in New York costs $10/month. 

This pricing is similar to those of other locations, including San Francisco, London, and a few other cities. However, if you want more flexibility, you could access the same plan and data center for a pay-as-you-go rate of $0.0139/hour.

What could be improved?

Cloudways offers excellent and reliable customer support across its plans, as well as a 24/7 live chat and easy ticketing system.

However, you’re required to sign up for one or two paid support plans if you want access to more advanced features. When you pay $100/month, for example, you’ll get an Advanced support plan, which includes site monitoring and investigations, in addition to customization help.

To gain access to 24/7 phone support, though, you’re required to scale up to the Premium support plan, with pricing starting at $500/month.

2. A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting is a popular web hosting company, offering cloud-based hosting packages to help you grow and scale your small business website.

What I like about A2 Hosting:

A2 Hosting offers reliable and cheap cloud hosting solutions. It’s our #1 preferred provider for easy-to-use features. It also offers a money-back guarantee — which is missing in most providers.

This hosting provider is affordable, with cloud plans starting at $4.99/month. The uptime performance is 99.95%, however, you get a wealth of handy features. It offers plans that ensure peace of mind, even while you’re sleeping or out on a vacation.

Some of the features include 250 GB of storage, 32 GB of RAM, 12 CPU cores, and you’re allowed to host multiple (unlimited) websites — a feature that’s not common in some cloud hosting providers.

What could be improved?

It doesn’t offer SSL certificates. You’ll have to pay for this as an add-on. Also, there’s no free domain name. However, the pricing starts at $4.99/month, which is quite cheap.

Improving its customer support is also important. They can offer live chat sessions, phone calls (integrated with a predictive dialer) so that users can get their questions answered as quickly as possible.

3. Siteground

Siteground is arguably one of the widely used cloud hosting providers. It currently has 2 million+ domains hosted. Its cloud hosting service is most ideal for high-performing websites.

What I like about SiteGround:

Siteground offers amazing support via phone, email, and live chat. It boasts a 99.98% uptime and easy-to-use features. You can’t go entirely wrong when you choose Siteground. It’s a hugely reliable provider, with an overall score of 4.6/5. 

You also get a ton of Google tools to help you integrate and optimize your website.

What could be improved?

While Siteground is an amazing web hosting company, it falls short on some angles. First, it doesn’t give users free domain names when they sign up for any of its plans. 

Getting a free domain name could be the motivation that a person or business needs to start their website. Many hosting providers such as Bluehost and Hostgator provide free domain names.

Second, Siteground is a bit costly. The starting price of $80 could discourage beginners from signing up. If you’re using a shared plan, this price will feel like a big leap. 

That said, Siteground offers reliable cloud hosting plans — a great uptime, responsive support, and 5TB bandwidth make it a go-to resource for site owners. 

4. xCloud

xCloud is a full-featured server management and control panel that has been designed to make the processes involved in setting up, deploying, and managing WordPress websites simple.

What I like about xCloud:

Redis caching’s features are employed by xCloud to deliver quick site performance. Whether you’re using the core WordPress plugins or popular ones like WooCommerce, our precisely calibrated caching settings make sure that your visitors get the performance they want. Users are happier when webpages load faster, and xCloud does just that.

Each team may send up to 100 emails for free with xCloud Managed Email services, offering an affordable option for efficient communication. Because of this functionality, your team may stay connected without paying extra, which makes xCloud a cost-effective and convenient option for email communication management.

You can automatically update WordPress core, plugins, and themes with xCloud, ensuring that your website always has the newest features and security patches. By making maintenance easier, our user-friendly platform frees up your time so you can concentrate more on creating content and less on technical details.

What could be improved?

xCloud is a top web hosting provider with outstanding offerings. Comparing it to competitors, nevertheless, shows that there is still scope for improvement in terms of advanced features. The pricing model is one area that may be improved because it could be difficult for new users to understand the various price options and durations. Making the price structure simpler can make the experience easier for users to navigate.

5. Hostwinds

Hostwinds offers shared, dedicated, VPS, and cloud hosting solutions to small businesses. If you’re looking for a low-priced hosting plan with fast servers, you might want to consider Hostwinds.

What I like about Hostwinds:

Hostwinds offers some amazing features on its cloud plans, including RAM, bandwidth, and storage. It also comes with a one-click install option for WordPress, or you can choose to design your site using Wix or Shopify

So there’s no need to hire a freelancer or start to write codes if you don’t want to.

The amazing aspect of this hosting provider is the hourly pricing structure. As an example, the basic cloud hosting plan starts at $0.006931/hour, while the most advanced cloud plan begins at $0.456931/hour. 

The total amounts are $4.99 and $328.99/month respectively. Hostwinds also offers a 60-day money-back guarantee — which is longer than what most hosts provide. 

What could be improved?

While Hostwinds offer a decent value for your money, it lacks some of the advanced features that you’d get with a more expensive provider like Cloudways. Again, it doesn’t offer free domains, free backups, and server customization.

6. InMotion Hosting

InMotion Hosting is a powerful and reliable cloud hosting provider that helps you grow your small business website. You get premium hosting features with responsive 24/7 customer support and a 99.99% uptime rate.

What I like about InMotion:

InMotion is well-respected for its shared and VPS hosting solutions, but that doesn’t mean its cloud-based hosting isn’t right for your business?

Small businesses involved in manufacturing use this hosting provider. Ecommerce businesses, local businesses have made InMotion their preferred cloud host.

The most striking feature is customer support. 

You get access to a 24/7 live chat and phone support, a comprehensive knowledge center that answers the most common questions, and help tickets — when you need to contact the support team. 

The features are welcoming — as it offers free domains and backups, unmetered CPU cores, root access, unlimited email accounts, and websites, and some other advanced features to make your website hosting truly remarkable.  

What could be improved?

InMotion has its fair share of negatives as well. For one, the RAM is fairly low and capped at 8GB. It also has a limited bandwidth, which could negatively affect your website if there’s a sudden traffic surge. 

7. Hostgator

Hostgator has been providing cheap and trusted web hosting solutions for more than 2 decades. It offers great features and cost-effective cloud hosting to small businesses.

Hostgator is one of the most affordable hosting options on this list. You can even use the handy tools to optimize your photos before using them in your page — to increase page speed.

What I like about Hostgator:

First, it offers flexible cloud hosting plans that small business owners can choose from. Here’s a breakdown:

Hatchling Plan:

  • Starting at $4.95
  • 2 CPUs
  • Baby Plan
  • 2 GB of memory
  • Single domain
  • Starting at $6.57
  • 4 CPUs
  • Unlimited domains
  • Business Plan
  • 4 GB of memory
  • Starting at $9.95
  • 6 GB of memory
  • 6 CPUs
  • Unlimited domains

Remember that these rates cover a 36-month contract. As you can see, the rates are cheaper than the actual price, which you’re expected to pay when you renew your plan. 

You’ll get a free SSL certificate regardless of your chosen plan. For the Business plan, you’ll get a dedicated IP, free domain, and free SEO tools as well.

Hostgator has a clean and easy-to-use dashboard. Here, you can monitor how your website is performing. It’s a lot easier to view data related to page speed, reach, uptime, etc. 

You can easily scale your server resources with Hostgator. All you need is one click, and you’ll not have to worry about reboots, downtime, or data migrations.  

Hostgator can improve its services even more by offering a customer experience course and treating international customers a lot better. This is to cater for users who don’t understand the English language, a quick tutoring support could help them communicate with this set of users better.

Benefits Of Cloud Hosting

So why should you choose cloud hosting? Is it the right hosting solution for your website? 

Let’s consider some of the benefits of cloud hosting to help you make well-informed decisions: 

1. Server Performance

Cloud hosting and its technology is a great option for load balancing. Your website will perform at its best since you’re using several data centers scattered across virtual machines. 

This is different from shared hosting that uses a single physical server, and thus, could slow down your performance.  

With cloud-based hosting, you can utilize a ton of resources to efficiently handle traffic spikes without losing speed. 

2. Server Availability

Server downtimes are never a good thing, especially if you’re making money off of your website. 

The beauty of cloud hosting is that it doesn’t tie you to a single server. 

Even if a machine goes down – your uptime will remain unaffected. You can see how that configuration is the perfect approach to frustrating a hacker. 

3. Security

Website security is a good reason to choose a cloud hosting provider. Safety is critical, not just for you, but for your site visitors as well. 

Most cloud hosting providers have come to terms with the fact that security is important — hence, they ensure their setup and features are in line with the latest security standards. 

Server security is important for every type of business: a local restaurant website, a nonprofit site, a medical practice portal, a fitness site, a meal planning app, or even a serviceman’s website need to be secure at all times for the user.

Some of the measures put in place include DDoS protection, remote server backups, SSL certificate, anti-spam filters, malware protection, and other ways of protecting the cloud server, making it impenetrable, and protecting your online privacy.

In the future, though, cloud hosting companies may add an extra layer of security to their server, which may require a barcode software feature or other essential tools to unlock.

4. Scalability

Cloud hosting is suitable for small businesses and websites that want to scale. It gives you access to useful and on-demand resources — which helps you reposition your business with growth in mind.  

If you’re looking for more gigabytes of space or you’d prefer another CPU core to accomplish more processing power, then you should consider using cloud hosting solutions.

Even the cheap solutions tend to support steady website growth than any shared hosting package can do.

Web hosting companies also have a responsibility to educate their customers via online webinars and tutorial videos. They can show them ways to scale their business, and the features/tools that are accessible to them.

Marketing is equally important. Small businesses can get more traffic and links by pitching the top quality blogs that accept guest posts or target media sites like Entrepreneur, Inc., Fast Company, etc. 

Essentially, using exit popups to re-engage visitors before they close their browser is also a great email marketing tactic to adopt if you want to scale your small business.

5. Customization

If you’re looking for more flexibility when it comes to customizing your website and its system, the cloud hardware environment allows you to optimize your business. 

If you have gained some administrative skills, you can do a lot of magic with the customization feature in most cloud hosting services. 

But if you’re a complete newbie, you can take advantage of the fully managed services offered by these cloud hosts.

6. Flexible Pricing

A cloud hosting platform allows you to scale your business. You can tap into the robust server resources to improve your site performance. 

There’s no need to pay for services you’re not using to their fullest when you can easily control how much you’re spending each month. 

While shared hosting and VPS servers offer fixed pricing, it’s a fact that most customers don’t even utilize more than 10% of their account resources. 

Do the maths and you’ll agree with me that cloud hosting services save you a ton of money and resources. This is yet another reason why you should consider using this type of hosting.


You’ve read through to the end, I appreciate your discipline and patience. 

I’m sure this review of the best cloud hosting services for small businesses has given you some insights on how cloud computing can help you start and grow your online business, and ensure that your website is always active and fast. 

At the very least, you now know the benefits of cloud hosting and the best providers offering the most reliable cloud technology.

If you’re new to cloud hosting service, I’d recommend you start with A2 Hosting since it offers affordable plans, great features, and excellent customer support. 

When you’re ready to dive deeper into the world of cloud technology, then you should consider Cloudways.

Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

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Best Websites for Modern PowerPoint Templates in 2024

March 6th, 2024 No comments

Creating impressive presentations has become a key skill in both the corporate and academic worlds. A well-designed PowerPoint template can convert a boring presentation into a visually appealing experience, allowing you to successfully transmit ideas and create a lasting impression on your audience. Thankfully, with the growth of online resources, people no longer have to start from scratch when creating presentations. 

Today, plenty of websites provide a diverse selection of PowerPoint templates, handpicked by renowned designers from across the world. These platforms give users access to an unparalleled range of designs, themes, and layouts, catering to every possible topic and industry. Whether you’re planning a corporate pitch, an instructional lecture, or a personal endeavor, there’s a template out there to suit your needs.

From minimalist designs suitable for professional presentations to energetic and creative layouts ideal for marketing pitches, the possibilities are nearly endless. Users can browse a variety of categories, including Business, Technology, Education, Healthcare, Finance, and more, to ensure that they get templates that meet their individual needs.

One of the major benefits of these websites is their accessibility. Users can browse a vast collection of templates with a few clicks, previewing each one before making a choice. Many platforms also offer additional features like customizable parts, pre-designed slides, and compatibility with various presentation tools, which improves the templates’ flexibility and usability.

Whether you’re a seasoned presenter trying to refresh your slides or someone new looking for ideas for your first presentation, these websites are useful resources. In this post, we will look at some of the best websites for downloading PowerPoint templates, including their features, offerings, and user experiences. With the correct template at your fingertips, you’ll be able to produce effective presentations that fascinate and educate your audience.


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SlideBazaar is a collection of premium PowerPoint templates, with a large library of professional templates catering to a wide range of businesses and purposes. SlideBazaar provides a wide range of themes to meet your needs, whether you want to impress clients with slick business presentations, simplify difficult data visualization, or integrate creativity into academic assignments. What distinguishes SlideBazaar is its commitment to delivering editable visuals, charts, and diagrams, allowing customers to easily customize their presentations. SlideBazaar offers infographic presentation templates, diagrams, charts, and graphs templates, timeline templates, agenda PowerPoint templates, before and after PowerPoint templates attractive themes, and background PPT templates.


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SlideKit is a one-stop destination for Google slide templates and infographics. It provides a large range of professionally created templates, such as business decks and infographics, to help you create polished presentations for professional use. Get slides that help you create impactful presentations.


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SlideGeeks is a leading provider of research, consulting, and design services focused on improving business presentations. They offer customizable PowerPoint templates based on industry processes, best practices, and data from various sources to help customers create compelling presentations tailored to their audience. With a team comprising experts from Fortune 500 companies and consulting firms, SlideGeeks has developed a vast library of editable slides, accessible to subscribers. They aim to empower users to present their plans convincingly and engage their audience effectively.


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SlideChef provides an extensive collection of free PowerPoint and Google Slides templates, including infographics, animations, and brochure templates. Their templates are divided into categories to ensure that they are appropriate for a wide range of presenting demands. SlideChef makes it easier to create professional and effective presentations for users in a variety of sectors and positions.


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SketchBubble is a premier presentation design firm known for its pre-made, editable templates for PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Apple Keynote. They provide an extensive selection of templates covering various business, marketing, financial, organizational, and professional development subjects, with an emphasis on professional design and creativity. Each design is visually beautiful, engaging, and editable, allowing users to make effective presentations based on their individual needs. SketchBubble prioritizes quality, creativity, and uniqueness in its templates, aiming to facilitate useful discussions and improve presentation experiences for its clients.


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 SlideHunter is a free online platform offering a vast selection of PowerPoint presentation slides, backgrounds, examples, and tutorials for users of Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides. Its creation stemmed from the frustration of lacking effective presentation resources. The website provides a comprehensive range of resources to enhance presentations, allowing users to freely download slide designs to decorate their presentations.

 Simple Slides

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Simple Slides offers a vast library of PowerPoint templates, preferred by professional presenters for their high customizability and suitability for various presentation needs. Templates are optimized for PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote, organized by categories for easy browsing, enabling quick creation of corporate presentations. Featuring modern and minimal designs with 3D visual icons and customizable infographic elements, Simple Slides’ templates are fully editable, including animations and transitions. 


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Presentation Go is a rapidly expanding library offering over 2,000+ free PowerPoint templates that are compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides. Each template is meticulously crafted by skilled designers, ensuring premium quality and modern design. With daily additions, users have access to a diverse range of customizable templates and graphics to suit various presentation needs. Registration is free and grants unlimited access to download templates without the requirement of social media sharing.


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SlideUpLift is an online platform offering a broad selection of high-quality PowerPoint templates, diagrams, and slides aimed at professionals across various fields. It caters to executives, marketers, educators, and students with its extensive library covering diverse topics like business strategy, finance, technology, and education. Users can easily access ready-to-use templates, saving time on design, and customizing them to their preferences. The platform provides additional features such as custom animations, slide transitions, and color schemes to enhance the visual appeal and effectiveness of presentations.


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Slidenest offers a vast selection of professionally designed PowerPoint templates for free download, sourced from top designers globally. The website boasts a wide range of categories including Business, Technology, and Holiday, catering to various project needs. Users can easily search for templates by topic or through a search bar. Each template features an interactive slideshow and detailed information on its color, design, layout, and features, allowing users to assess them before downloading. Overall, Slidenest provides a comprehensive platform for accessing high-quality PowerPoint templates for impressive presentations.

Final Thoughts

The availability of multiple high-quality PowerPoint templates on various web platforms has transformed how presentations are created and delivered. These platforms enable presenters of all levels to elevate their message with visually appealing designs, increasing audience engagement and retention. Individuals may simplify the presentation creation process by making use of these websites’ features, freeing them more time to focus on polishing their message and delivery. Whether it’s for business, university, or personal projects, the wide range of alternatives makes it easier than ever to create effective presentations that leave a lasting impression.

Featured image by Teemu Paananen on Unsplash

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Top Web Design Blogs in 2024

March 6th, 2024 No comments

Welcome to the digital era, where web design is not just a skill but an ever-evolving art form. In 2024, staying ahead of the curve in this dynamic field is more crucial than ever. To guide you through the labyrinth of trends, techniques, and innovations, we have listed some of the best web design blogs on the internet. From insightful articles to practical tutorials, these blogs are your gateway to the latest industry insights, expert advice, and creative inspiration. Join us as we delve into the virtual realm of design excellence and discover the top resources shaping the future of web design.

Web Designer Hub

Informative Articles

Web Designer Hub offers a surplus of informative pieces that scrutinize different aspects of web design and development, providing readers with valuable perspectives and insights. Covering topics ranging from ID card mockups, and templates on design to explorations into the newest web design blog trends and technologies, these articles enable individuals to enhance their expertise whilst deepening their comprehension in this field.

Helpful Tutorials

Web Designer Hub not only showcases articles but also provides pragmatic tutorials that assist readers in executing diverse design techniques and approaches. These inclusive lessons comprise creating adaptable layouts, fine-tuning website operation, or mastering CSS animations with descriptive steps and practical examples to amplify the expertise of designers and developers alike.

Latest Design Trends

Web Designer Hub closely monitors design trends and best practices to deliver up-to-date coverage of the latest developments that influence web design. The website offers valuable insights into modern, user-centered designs – from minimalist styles to immersive storytelling techniques and micro-interactions.

Case Studies

The platform exhibits outstanding work from top designers and agencies through case studies that exemplify innovative design solutions. Analyzing victorious projects and breaking down their techniques provides practical takeaways for readers to enhance their designs with determination when approaching new obstacles. Web Designer Hub offers inspiration to empower individuals to utilize successful strategies in future endeavors.

WebDesigner Depot


Webdesigner Depot gathers informative roundups that present the finest tools, resources, and design motivation available online. These compilations prove to be an essential guide for designers who want to explore fresh software, stay in tune with current industry movements, and acquire creative stimulation for their upcoming projects.


Webdesigner Depot presents opinion pieces and insightful articles that delve into the latest issues, developments, and controversies in web design. The topics include analyzing the effects of emerging technologies, evaluating design movements, or promoting industry standards—all aimed to nourish critical reasoning and encourage constructive exchanges among designers.

Design Inspiration

Webdesigner Depot is a vast reservoir of design inspiration, exhibiting masterful design creations from various parts of the globe. It presents remarkable designs across different niche areas such as website and mobile app development, branding, and graphic designing. These exhibits showcase inventive approaches to problem-solving using typography that catches one’s attention with stimulating imagery coupled with compelling user experiences that can inspire and guide designers in their projects.

Resourceful Content

At Webdesigner Depot, you’ll find a plethora of recommendations for design resources such as software tools, plugins, and frameworks that can optimize your workflows and foster productivity. With suggestions ranging from prototyping applications to stock imagery sources, designers are sure to uncover suitable tools tailored to their distinctive preferences and requirements.

Vandelay Design Blog

Comprehensive Range

Vandelay Design Blog provides an extensive range of design-related content that caters to a diverse audience including designers, developers, marketers, and entrepreneurs. Their resources cover various disciplines from web design techniques and best practices tutorials to branding strategies articles as well as digital marketing trends insights which are all designed for the benefit of professionals in different fields related to designing.

Tutorials & Resources

The Vandelay Design Blog puts a spotlight on web design, providing designers with an abundance of resources such as tutorials and tips. Its focus is to assist in the creation of visually appealing websites that function flawlessly by offering practical guidance and insights into topics like user experience optimization, front-end development techniques, or responsive design. This gives designers the push they need to excel at their craft!

Marketing Tips

The Vandelay Design Blog delves into matters regarding branding and marketing, providing designers and marketers with articles as well as resources that facilitate an understanding of key principles in areas such as content strategy, social media marketing, and effective branding. Through sharing industry trends along with case studies plus actionable advice the blog aims to equip readers at large with knowledge alongside tools required for building brands/better businesses.

Career Development Resources

Vandelay Design Blog offers an array of career development tools beyond tutorials and design tips, aimed at empowering designers to thrive in the highly competitive field. From assisting freelancers with securing clients and project management, advising aspiring designers on establishing a strong portfolio and personal brand to furnishing information about industry trends along with job prospects- Vandelay Design proves advantageous for guiding professionals through their respective career paths.

Smashing Magazine


Smashing Magazine offers a comprehensive collection of articles that explore diverse aspects of web design, development, and digital strategy. These informative pieces tackle a wide range of subjects such as frontend technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), backend frameworks, responsive design- encompassing accessibility issues-, and performance optimization among others. Every article is meticulously composed to provide detailed analysis along with practical advice backed by real-world examples; making it an indispensable source for professionals aiming to broaden their proficiency and expertise in this field.


Aside from informative articles, Smashing Magazine presents practical tutorials that walk readers through the process of applying distinct techniques, tools, or design patterns. From building adjustable layouts to sharpening CSS animations, advancing website performance, and investigating current design trends – these step-by-step instructions inspire designers and developers with interactive experiences that enable them to augment their abilities and productivity in their field.


Smashing Magazine offers a comprehensive selection of resources such as downloadable templates, UI kits, icon sets, and design assets. These have been meticulously designed and examined for quality to assist professionals in their development efforts. They serve as valuable tools that help designers streamline their workflow while enhancing the aesthetic appeal and functionality of their projects.

Books & eBooks

In addition to its online content, Smashing Magazine has broadened its scope by delving into the world of publishing. They’ve created a variety of books and eBooks that provide extensive coverage on numerous design and development subjects, written by authorities in the industry. These resources offer invaluable insights, applicable strategies, as well as case studies aimed at professionals seeking to enhance their comprehension and expertise regarding specific areas within web design and development.

Webdesign Ledger

Insightful Articles

Webdesign Ledger delivers perceptive articles that explore the latest developments, advancements, and emerging technologies in web design and development. By examining topics such as responsive design principles to an analysis of current tools, techniques, and trends present within modern-day website creation; these resources provide essential insights for professionals seeking information or inspiration.


To aid designers and developers in augmenting their abilities and broadening their information resources, Webdesign Ledger not only offers articles but also tutorials. These tutorials encompass a diverse array of subjects such as responsive design, typography, color theory, and frontend development among others. By supplying clear instructions alongside applicable illustrations or demonstrations; Webdesign Ledger enables experts to acquire mastery over novel strategies thus keeping them at the vanguard of advancements within the industry.

Resources For Skills Development

Webdesign Ledger provides a curated selection of resources and tools to support designers and developers in their day-to-day tasks. From locating the ideal font for a project to uncovering valuable design plugins, and extensions, or browsing inspiring galleries for fresh ideas, Webdesign Ledger recommends optimal options that can help professionals optimize their workflows while increasing productivity.

Design Principles

The prime focus of Webdesign Ledger lies in design principles, emphasizing the best practices and providing comprehensive discussions on different subjects like typography, color theory, layout design along with user experience to strengthen professionals’ proficiency. Examining fundamental strategies for designing thriving online experiences that are visually stunning yet user-friendly can be created by gaining knowledge and insights from this platform.

UX Booth

Design Methodologies

UX Booth provides valuable knowledge on different design methodologies and practices utilized in the realm of UX design. With a focus ranging from agile processes to exploring user-centered frameworks, designers are equipped with practical examples that enable them to prioritize effective workflows for their projects while adopting sound thinking principles along the way.

User Research

At UX Booth, user research and testing hold great importance as they form essential parts of the UX design process. The platform offers an array of resources including articles that guide professionals in conducting interviews with users, administering surveys, and running usability tests while also helping them interpret feedback from users to enhance their solutions through iterative improvements.

Comprehensive Guides

UX Booth offers a comprehensive guide to interaction design and prototyping, covering various methods for developing user interfaces that are both intuitive and engaging. From the fundamentals of visual hierarchy to designing efficient navigation systems, as well as using Sketch or Figma tools when prototyping interactions – this online resource provides concrete recommendations and illustrations designed to aid designers in creating seamless and enjoyable user experiences.



At Tutorialzine, there is an extensive selection of step-by-step tutorials that encompass various areas of web design and development. With topics ranging from frontend frameworks like React, Vue.js, and Angular to backend technologies such as Node.js, Python, and PHP; detailed directions are available for learners interested in creating practical projects or applications with clarity provided throughout the entire process.

Practical Guides

Tutorialzine also provides practical guides and how-tos for designers and developers to tackle common challenges and queries. Whether it be enhancing website performance, incorporating responsive design approaches, or integrating third-party APIs, Tutorialzine furnishes valuable tips and proven best practices that empower individuals to overcome obstacles towards attaining their objectives.

Trends In Web Design

Tutorialzine continuously updates its coverage of emerging technologies and trends in the web design and development realm, which encompasses topics such as progressive web applications (PWAs), serverless architecture, and microservices. By being on top of these latest developments, Tutorialzine guarantees that its audience is equipped with state-of-the-art strategies and resources to stay innovative amidst evolving industry demands. The website remains ahead of the curve by providing tutorials and guides pertinent to modern needs within this rapidly advancing field.

Practical Learning

Tutorialzine prioritizes hands-on learning by prompting readers to actively participate in practical exercises and projects. With the provision of code samples, demos as well as downloadable resources, Tutorialzine empowers learners with real-world context that aids comprehension and mastery of skills.

Extra Pixel

Inspirational Design Content

If you’re a designer or creative looking to stay on top of the latest trends and innovations in web design and digital interfaces, One Extra Pixel is your go-to source for inspiration. With carefully selected showcases featuring exceptional design examples, this platform highlights visually stunning websites and interfaces that push creativity and aesthetics beyond limits.

Design Trends

One Extra Pixel prioritizes clean and modern design trends, realizing how crucial simplicity, transparency, and user-driven principles are for developing impactful digital experiences. It showcases designs that epitomize minimalist appeal, effortless navigation, and adaptable layouts to motivate designers to implement these same clean aesthetics into their own projects.

Helpful Tutorials

One Extra Pixel provides a plethora of valuable insights, tips, and tutorials through its articles and resources on topics relevant to web design, UI/UX design, and digital interfaces. Apart from showcasing designs, the site explores responsive design principles as well as typography trends while sharing best practices for creating engaging user experiences. With this practical advice at designers’ fingertips, they are empowered to create compellingly effective designs that meet today’s demands.

The Web Designer

Full Coverage

The Web Designer blog provides extensive coverage of web design and development, encompassing a multitude of topics. This guarantees that readers have access to diversified content that caters to different aspects of the designing process. The expansive range includes front-end developmental techniques such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; principles in design like typography, and user experience considerations are also addressed. By doing so, our comprehensive approach caters professionally to all levels of skill sets required within this industry.

Design Strategies

The Web Designer blog is distinguished by its emphasis on furnishing useful strategies and methods that enable readers to enhance their design skills and workflows. With a wealth of tips ranging from responsive design implementation and website performance optimization to accessibility enhancements, The Web Designer blog provides practical guidance and tangible illustrations that support designers’ improvement in achieving objectives with more efficiency.


The Web Designer blog offers skill enhancement tutorials, which go beyond articles. These step-by-step guides provide readers with the knowledge and confidence to implement different design techniques and strategies in their own projects through code snippets and examples.

User Experience

The Web Designer blog prioritizes User Experience (UX) as a crucial element for website success. It provides valuable insights and recommends best practices for designing user-friendly interfaces that are easy to navigate, read, or use. The blog covers topics such as information architecture, usability testing, and interaction design and equips readers with the essential knowledge required to create captivating experiences by delivering intuitive features from the start till the end.

CSS Design Awards Blog

Design Showcases

The CSS Design Awards Blog features top-notch websites that epitomize design excellence. These exemplary designs range from visually striking aesthetics to inventive user experiences and serve as a source of inspiration for designers and enthusiasts alike. By showcasing the crème de la crème in web design, this blog provides readers with an insight into cutting-edge innovation in website creation.

Latest Design Trends

By presenting exceptional designs, the CSS Design Awards Blog not only displays them but also offers valuable knowledge about current design tendencies and methods that are influencing the industry. Through attentive study and observations, this blog investigates fresh patterns for graphic artistry, developments in typography trends as well as animation techniques- all of which help readers gain beneficial perspectives to remain stimulated when creating their own designs.

Technical Excellence

The CSS Design Awards Blog puts a Spotlight on Technical Excellence by acknowledging and honoring the technical skill and creativity involved in creating featured designs. By delving into intricate CSS animations, state-of-the-art JavaScript libraries, or revolutionary frontend frameworks, the blog highlights the design’s technological elements that help produce remarkable digital encounters.

Creativity & Innovation

The CSS Design Awards Blog is dedicated to highlighting creativity and innovation. It celebrates designers and developers who go beyond the norm in web design, showcasing bold, imaginative designs that are ahead of their time. The blog sparks inspiration among readers by encouraging them to explore new ideas, experiment with different technologies, and push their own creative boundaries.


As the digital world is progressing at an immense pace, it becomes crucial for web designers and developers to keep themselves updated and motivated. The year 2024 brings forth these top-notch 20 web design blogs that offer ample information, resources, and creativity boosters required to steer through dynamic changes in this field with assurance. These informative blogs cater various needs of seeking practical tutorials or industry insights while quenching your thirst for innovative designs thus empowering you as a designer/developer. Get set designing!

The post Top Web Design Blogs in 2024 appeared first on noupe.

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