MooTools ScrollSpy is a unique but simple MooTools plugin that listens to page scrolling and fires events based on where the user has scrolled to in the page. Now you can fire specific functionality with just a few simple parameters. David has shown us 4 examples of using ScrollSpy.
Example 1: “Top the Top”
When you scroll down a defined number of pixels, you get a “Scroll to Top” link in the lower right hand part of the screen. When you’re back at the top, ScrollSpy is directed to hide the link.
Example 2: “The Show”
When you click the link, the window scrolls to the right. During the scrolling process, ScrollSpy shows and hides content blocks based on where in the scrolling process the window is.
Example 3: “Team Colors”
This displays a different background color depending on where you are in the page.
Example 4: “Position Pointer”
This displays imagery in different positions on the page based upon where the user scrolls.
A Free JavaScript Time Picker Script, Time Picker is using MooTools as Framework. The first ever Time Picker that utilize a very easy drag and drop interface. With it’s unique design, anyone can drag the minutes or hour hands independently to select a time.
A very handy and useful application while building web applications. The beauty of this time picker is that it works in parallel with the date picker.
Time Picker Features
- Easy to use, customize and implement
- Independent hours and minutes hands
- Drag the clock hands to set the time
- Uses CSS spirits for faster loading time
- 12 or 24 hour output with and AM and PM (translatable) ticker
BySlideMenu is a Powerful Javascript Accordion Menu baed on well known Javascript framework, MooTools. This Plugin allows you to easily create beautiful sliding accordion menu on any element you want (ul, li, div,…) using images / text.
Javascript Accordion Menu Features
- Works horizontally or vertically
- Adjust size automatically
- Menu is expandable by mouseover or by click, as you want
- Menu can be pinned or not, by mouseover or click, you choose
- A default index can be defined.
- Can be used with any elements (ul/li, div, p…)
- Overflow support
Yvo Schaap has created a reasonably interesting real-time front-end to Reddit data over at It’s actually a really cool visualization of how Reddit’s stories change over time, with “yellow-fade” indications when new comments and votes and registered. Super-nice.
(The screenshot doesn’t do it justice; go check it out.)
But that’s only half the story. They’ve got a much-better-named service called “Vizeddit” that displays the same data with much richer graphics and animations:
Once again, you really need to go see it. The numbers along the bottom represent stories, and they grow and swap places over time, new ones are inserted, and so forth. You see the votes drop down in real-time, and new comments float in as well.