
Archive for August 1st, 2024

HTML Web Components Make Progressive Enhancement and CSS Encapsulation Easier!

August 1st, 2024 No comments
Storybook render of the webui-tabs web component.

I have to thank Jeremy Keith and his wonderfully insightful article from late last year that introduced me to the concept of HTML Web Components. This was the “a-ha!” moment for me:

When you wrap some existing markup in a custom element and then apply some new behaviour with JavaScript, technically you’re not doing anything you couldn’t have done before with some DOM traversal and event handling. But it’s less fragile to do it with a web component. It’s portable. It obeys the single responsibility principle. It only does one thing but it does it well.

Until then, I’d been under the false assumption that all web components rely solely on the presence of JavaScript in conjunction with the rather scary-sounding Shadow DOM. While it is indeed possible to author web components this way, there is yet another way. A better way, perhaps? Especially if you, like me, advocate for progressive enhancement. HTML Web Components are, after all, just HTML.

While it’s outside the exact scope of what we’re discussing here, Any Bell has a recent write-up that offers his (excellent) take on what progressive enhancement means.

Let’s look at three specific examples that show off what I think are the key features of HTML Web Components — CSS style encapsulation and opportunities for progressive enhancement — without being forced to depend on JavaScript to work out of the box. We will most definitely use JavaScript, but the components ought to work without it.

The examples can all be found in my Web UI Boilerplate component library (built using Storybook), along with the associated source code in GitHub.

Example 1:

Live demo

I really like how Chris Ferdinandi teaches building a web component from scratch, using a disclosure (show/hide) pattern as an example. This first example extends his demo.

Let’s start with the first-class citizen, HTML. Web components allow us to establish custom elements with our own naming, which is the case in this example with a tag we’re using to hold a

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