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Applying the Web Dev Mindset to Dealing With Life Challenges

February 24th, 2025 No comments

Editor’s note: This article is outside the typical range of topics we normally cover around here and touches on sensitive topics including recollections from an abusive marriage. It doesn’t delve into much detail about the abuse and ends on a positive note. Thanks to Lee for sharing his take on the intersection between life and web development and for allowing us to gain professional insights from his personal life.

When my dad was alive, he used to say that work and home life should exist in separate “watertight compartments.” I shouldn’t bring work home or my home life to work. There’s the quote misattributed to Mark Twain about a dad seeming to magically grow from a fool to a wise man in the few years it took the son to grow from a teen to an adult — but in my case, the older I get, the more I question my dad’s advice.

It’s easy to romanticize someone in death — but when my dad wasn’t busy yelling, gambling the rent money, or disappearing to another state, his presence was like an AI simulating a father, throwing around words that sounded like a thing to say from a dad, but not helpful if you stopped to think about his statements for more than a minute.

Let’s state the obvious: you shouldn’t do your personal life at work or work too much overtime when your family needs you. But you don’t need the watertight compartments metaphor to understand that. The way he said it hinted at something more complicated and awful — it was as though he wanted me to have a split personality. I shouldn’t be a developer at home, especially around him because he couldn’t relate, since I got my programming genes from my mum. And he didn’t think I should pour too much of myself into my dev work. The grain of truth was that even if you love your job, it can’t love you back. Yet what I’m hooked on isn’t one job, but the power of code and language.

The lonely coder seems to free his mind at night

Maybe my dad’s platitudinous advice to maintain a distance between my identity and my work would be practicable to a bricklayer or a president — but it’s poorly suited to someone whose brain is wired for web development. The job is so multidisciplinary it defies being put in a box you can leave at the office. That puzzle at work only makes sense because of a comment the person you love said before bedtime about the usability of that mobile game they play. It turns out the app is a competitor to the next company you join, as though the narrator of your life planted the earlier scene like a Chekov’s gun plot point, the relevance of which is revealed when you have that “a-ha” moment at work.

Meanwhile, existence is so online that as you try to unwind, you can’t unsee the matrix you helped create, even when it’s well past 5 p.m. The user interface you are building wants you to be a psychologist, an artist, and a scientist. It demands the best of every part of you. The answer about implementing a complex user flow elegantly may only come to you in a dream.

Don’t feel too bad if it’s the wrong answer. Douglas Crockford believes it’s a miracle we can code at all. He postulates that the mystery of how the human brain can program when he sees no evolutionary basis is why we haven’t hit the singularity. If we understood how our brains create software, we could build an AI that can program well enough to make a program better than itself. It could do that recursively till we have an AI smarter than us.

And yet so far the best we have is the likes of the aptly named Github Copilot. The branding captures that we haven’t hit the singularity so much as a duality, in which humanity hopefully harmonizes with what Noam Chomsky calls a “kind of super-autocomplete,” the same way autotune used right can make a good singer sound better, or it can make us all sound like the same robot. We can barely get our code working even now that we have all evolved into AI-augmented cyborgs, but we also can’t seem to switch off our dev mindset at will.

My dev brain has no “off” switch — is that a bug or a feature?

What if the ability to program represents a different category of intelligence than we can measure with IQ tests, similar to neurodivergence, which carries unique strengths and weaknesses? I once read a study in which the researchers devised a test that appeared to accurately predict which first-year computer science students would be able to learn to program. They concluded that an aptitude for programming correlates with a “comfort with meaninglessness.” The researchers said that to write a program you have to “accept that whatever you might want the program to mean, the machine will blindly follow its meaningless rules and come to some meaningless conclusion. In the test, the consistent group showed a pre-acceptance of this fact.”

The realization is dangerous, as both George Orwell and Philip K. Dick warned us. If you can control what words mean, you can control people and not just machines. If you have been swiping on Tinder and take a moment to sit with the feelings you associate with the phrases “swipe right” and “swipe left,” you find your emotional responses reveal that the app’s visual language has taught you what is good and what is bad. This recalls the scene in “Through the Looking-Glass,” in which Humpty Dumpty tells Alice that words mean what he wants them to mean. Humpty’s not the nicest dude. The Alice books can be interpreted as Dodgson’s critique of the Victorian education system which the author thought robbed children of their imagination, and Humpty makes his comments about language in a “scornful tone,” as though Alice should not only accept what he says, but she should know it without being told. To use a term that itself means different things to different people, Humpty is gaslighting Alice. At least he’s more transparent about it than modern gaslighters, and there’s a funny xkcd in which Alice uses Humpty’s logic against him to take all his possessions.

Perhaps the ability to shape reality by modifying the consensus on what words mean isn’t inherently good or bad, but in itself “meaningless,” just something that is true. It’s probably not a coincidence the person who coined the phrases “the map is not the territory” and “the word is not the thing” was an engineer. What we do with this knowledge depends on our moral compass, much like someone with a penchant for cutting people up could choose to be a surgeon or a serial killer.

Toxic humans are like blackhat hackers

For around seven years, I was with a person who was psychologically and physically abusive. Abuse boils down to violating boundaries to gain control. As awful as that was, I do not think the person was irrational. There is a natural appeal for human beings pushing boundaries to get what they want. Kids do that naturally, for example, and pushing boundaries by making CSS do things it doesn’t want to is the premise of my articles on CSS-Tricks. I try to create something positive with my impulse to exploit the rules, which I hope makes the world slightly more illuminated. However, to understand those who would do us harm, we must first accept that their core motivation meets a relatable human need, albeit in unacceptable ways.

For instance, more than a decade ago, the former hosting provider for CSS-Tricks was hacked. Chris Coyier received a reactivation notice for his domain name indicating the primary email for his account had changed to someone else’s email address. After this was resolved and the smoke cleared, Chris interviewed the hacker to understand how social engineering was used for the attack — but he also wanted to understand the hacker’s motivations. “Earl Drudge” (ananagram for “drug dealer”) explained that it was nothing personal that led him to target Chris — but Earl does things for“money and attention” and Chris reflected that “as different as the ways that we choose to spend our time are I do things for money and attention also, which makes us not entirely different at our core.”

It reminds me of the trope that cops and criminals share many personality traits. Everyone who works in technology shares the mindset that allows me to bend the meaning and assumptions within technology to my will, which is why the qualifiers of blackhat and whitehat exist. They are two sides of the same coin. However, the utility of applying the rule-bending mindset to life itself has been recognized in the popularization of the term “life hack.” Hopefully, we are whitehat life hackers. A life hack is like discovering emergent gameplay that is a logical if unexpected consequence of what occurs in nature. It’s a conscious form of human evolution.

If you’ve worked on a popular website, you will find a surprisingly high percentage of people follow the rules as long as you explain properly. Then again a large percentage will ignore the rules out of laziness or ignorance rather than malice. Then there are hackers and developers, who want to understand how the rules can be used to our advantage, or we are just curious what happens when we don’t follow the rules. When my seven-year-old does his online math, he sometimes deliberately enters the wrong answer, to see what animation triggers. This is a benign form of the hacker mentality — but now it’s time to talk about my experience with a lifehacker of the blackhat variety, who liked experimenting with my deepest insecurities because exploiting them served her purpose.

Verbal abuse is like a cross-site scripting attack

William Faulkner wrote that “the past is never dead. It’s not even past.” Although I now share my life with a person who is kind, supportive, and fascinating, I’m arguably still trapped in the previous, abusive relationship, because I have children with that person. Sometimes you can’t control who you receive input from, but recognizing the potential for that input to be malicious and then taking control of how it is interpreted is how we defend against both cross-site scriptingand verbal abuse.

For example, my ex would input the word “stupid” and plenty of other names I can’t share on this blog. She would scream this into my consciousness again and again. It is just a word, like a malicious piece of JavaScript a user might save into your website. It’s a set of characters with no inherent meaning. The way you allow it to be interpreted does the damage. When the “stupid” script ran in my brain, it was laden with meanings and assumptions in the way I interpreted it, like a keyword in a high-level language that has been designed to represent a set of lower-level instructions:

  1. Intelligence was conflated with my self-worth.
  2. I believed she would not say the hurtful things after her tearful promises not to say them again once she was aware it hurt me, as though she was not aware the first time.
  3. I felt trapped being called names because I believed the relationship was something I needed.
  4. I believed the input at face value that my actual intelligence was the issue, rather than the power my ex gained over me by generating the reaction she wanted from me by her saying one magic word.

Patching the vulnerabilities in your psyche

My psychologist pointed out that the ex likely knew I was not stupid but the intent was to damage my self-worth to make me easy to control. To acknowledge my strengths would not achieve that. I also think my brand of intelligence isn’t the type she values. For instance, the strengths that make me capable of being a software engineer are invisible to my abuser. Ultimately it’s irrelevant whether she believed what she was shouting — because the purpose was the effect her words had, rather than their surface-level meaning. The vulnerability she exploited was that I treated her input as a first-class citizen, able to execute with the same privileges I had given to the scripts I had written for myself. Once I sanitized that input using therapy and self-hypnosis, I stopped allowing her malicious scripts to have the same importance as the scripts I had written for myself, because she didn’t deserve that privilege. The untruths about myself have lost their power — I can still review them like an inert block of JavaScript but they can’t hijack my self-worth.

Like Alice using Humpty Dumpty’s logic against him in the xkcd cartoon, I showed that if words inherently have no meaning, there is no reason I can’t reengineer myself so that my meanings for the words trump how the abuser wanted me to use them to hurt myself and make me question my reality. The sanitized version of the “stupid” script rewrites those statements to:

  1. I want to hurt you.
  2. I want to get what I want from you.
  3. I want to lower your self-worth so you will believe I am better than you so you won’t leave.

When you translate it like that, it has nothing to do with actual intelligence, and I’m secure enough to jokingly call myself an idiot in my previous article. It’s not that I’m colluding with the ghost of my ex in putting myself down. Rather, it’s a way of permitting myself not to be perfect because somewhere in human fallibility lies our ability to achieve what a computer can’t. I once worked with a manager who when I had a bug would say, “That’s good, at least you know you’re not a robot.” Being an idiot makes what I’ve achieved with CSS seem more beautiful because I work around not just the limitations in technology, but also my limitations. Some people won’t like it, or won’t get it. I have made peace with that.

We never expose ourselves to needless risk, but we must stay in our lane, assuming malicious input will keep trying to find its way in. The motive for that input is the malicious user’s journey, not ours. We limit the attack surface and spend our energy understanding how to protect ourselves rather than dwelling on how malicious people shouldn’t attempt what they will attempt.

Trauma and selection processes

In my new relationship, there was a stage in which my partner said that dating me was starting to feel like “a job interview that never ends” because I would endlessly vet her to avoid choosing someone who would hurt me again. The job interview analogy was sadly apt. I’ve had interviews in which the process maps out the scars from how the organization has previously inadvertently allowed negative forces to enter. The horror trope in which evil has to be invited reflects the truth that we unknowingly open our door to mistreatment and negativity.

My musings are not to be confused with victim blaming, but abusers can only abuse the power we give them. Therefore at some point, an interviewer may ask a question about what you would do with the power they are mulling handing you —and a web developer requires a lot of trust from a company. The interviewer will explain: “I ask because we’ve seen people do [X].” You can bet they are thinking of a specific person who did damage in the past. That knowledge might help you not to take the grilling personally. They probably didn’t give four interviews and an elaborate React coding challenge to the first few developers that helped get their company off the ground. However, at a different level of maturity, an organization or a person will evolve in what they need from a new person. We can’t hold that against them. Similar to a startup that only exists based on a bunch of ill-considered high-risk decisions, my relationship with my kids is more treasured than anything I own, and yet it all came from the worst mistake I ever made. My driver’s license said I was 30 but emotionally, I was unqualified to make the right decision for my future self, much like if you review your code from a year ago, it’s a good sign if you question what kind of idiot wrote it.

As determined as I was not to repeat that kind of mistake, my partner’s point about seeming to perpetually interview her was this: no matter how much older and wiser we think we are, letting a new person into our lives is ultimately always a leap of faith, on both sides of the equation.

Taking a planned plunge

Releasing a website into the wild represents another kind of leap of faith — but if you imagine an air-gapped machine with the best website in the world sitting on it where no human can access it, that has less value than the most primitive contact form that delivers value to a handful of users. My gambling dad may have put his appetite for risk to poor use. But it’s important to take calculated risks and trust that we can establish boundaries to limit the damage a bad actor can do, rather than kid ourselves that it’s possible to preempt risk entirely.

Hard things, you either survive them or you don’t. Getting security wrong can pose an existential threat to a company while compromising on psychological safety can pose an existential threat to a person. Yet there’s a reason “being vulnerable” is a positive phrase. When we create public-facing websites, it’s our job to balance the paradox of opening ourselves up to the world while doing everything to mitigate the risks. I decided to risk being vulnerable with you today because I hope it might help you see dev and life differently. So, I put aside the CodePens to get a little more personal, and if I’m right that front-end coding needs every part of your psyche to succeed, I hope you will permit dev to change your life, and your life experiences to change the way you do dev. I have faith that you’ll create something positive in both realms.

Applying the Web Dev Mindset to Dealing With Life Challenges originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Design Handoff Pitfalls: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

February 21st, 2025 No comments

Design handoffs often fail due to misunderstandings over specs, missing assets, and poor communication between designers and developers. To avoid these pitfalls, designers should standardize documentation, provide clear context, and maintain ongoing collaboration throughout the development process.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

NordVPN Special Sale: Unlock Ultimate Online Privacy: Up to 73% Off + 6 Months Free!

February 20th, 2025 No comments

Take advantage of NordVPN’s limited-time offer to get up to 70% off plus 6 months free on select plans, ensuring your online privacy and security. Visit NordVPN now to protect your data…

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

How to Create Better Error Alerts: A Guide to Improving User Experience

February 19th, 2025 No comments

Effective error alerts inform, guide, and reassure users with clarity and empathy. Prioritize actionable messages, avoid jargon, and iterate based on feedback to improve user experience.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Human-Centered Design Through AI-Assisted Usability Testing: Reality Or Fiction?

February 19th, 2025 No comments

Unmoderated usability testing has been steadily growing more popular with the assistance of online UX research tools. Allowing participants to complete usability testing without a moderator, at their own pace and convenience, can have a number of advantages.

The first is the liberation from a strict schedule and the availability of moderators, meaning that a lot more participants can be recruited on a more cost-effective and quick basis. It also lets your team see how users interact with your solution in their natural environment, with the setup of their own devices. Overcoming the challenges of distance and differences in time zones in order to obtain data from all around the globe also becomes much easier.

However, forgoing the use of moderators also has its drawbacks. The moderator brings flexibility, as well as a human touch into usability testing. Since they are in the same (virtual) space as the participants, the moderator usually has a good idea of what’s going on. They can react in real-time depending on what they witness the participant do and say. A moderator can carefully remind the participants to vocalize their thoughts. To the participant, thinking aloud in front of a moderator can also feel more natural than just talking to themselves. When the participant does something interesting, the moderator can prompt them for further comment.

Meanwhile, a traditional unmoderated study lacks such flexibility. In order to complete tasks, participants receive a fixed set of instructions. Once they are done, they can be asked to complete a static questionnaire, and that’s it.

The feedback that the research & design team receives will be completely dependent on what information the participants provide on their own. Because of this, the phrasing of instructions and questions in unmoderated testing is extremely crucial. Although, even if everything is planned out perfectly, the lack of adaptive questioning means that a lot of the information will still remain unsaid, especially with regular people who are not trained in providing user feedback.

If the usability test participant misunderstands a question or doesn’t answer completely, the moderator can always ask for a follow-up to get more information. A question then arises: Could something like that be handled by AI to upgrade unmoderated testing?

Generative AI could present a new, potentially powerful tool for addressing this dilemma once we consider their current capabilities. Large language models (LLMs), in particular, can lead conversations that can appear almost humanlike. If LLMs could be incorporated into usability testing to interactively enhance the collection of data by conversing with the participant, they might significantly augment the ability of researchers to obtain detailed personal feedback from great numbers of people. With human participants as the source of the actual feedback, this is an excellent example of human-centered AI as it keeps humans in the loop.

There are quite a number of gaps in the research of AI in UX. To help with fixing this, we at UXtweak research have conducted a case study aimed at investigating whether AI could generate follow-up questions that are meaningful and result in valuable answers from the participants.

Asking participants follow-up questions to extract more in-depth information is just one portion of the moderator’s responsibilities. However, it is a reasonably-scoped subproblem for our evaluation since it encapsulates the ability of the moderator to react to the context of the conversation in real time and to encourage participants to share salient information.

Experiment Spotlight: Testing GPT-4 In Real-Time Feedback

The focus of our study was on the underlying principles rather than any specific commercial AI solution for unmoderated usability testing. After all, AI models and prompts are being tuned constantly, so findings that are too narrow may become irrelevant in a week or two after a new version gets updated. However, since AI models are also a black box based on artificial neural networks, the method by which they generate their specific output is not transparent.

Our results can show what you should be wary of to verify that an AI solution that you use can actually deliver value rather than harm. For our study, we used GPT-4, which at the time of the experiment was the most up-to-date model by OpenAI, also capable of fulfilling complex prompts (and, in our experience, dealing with some prompts better than the more recent GPT-4o).

In our experiment, we conducted a usability test with a prototype of an e-commerce website. The tasks involved the common user flow of purchasing a product.

Note: See our article published in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction for more detailed information about the prototype, tasks, questions, and so on).

In this setting, we compared the results with three conditions:

  1. A regular static questionnaire made up of three pre-defined questions (Q1, Q2, Q3), serving as an AI-free baseline. Q1 was open-ended, asking the participants to narrate their experiences during the task. Q2 and Q3 can be considered non-adaptive follow-ups to Q1 since they asked participants more directly about usability issues and to identify things that they did not like.
  2. The question Q1, serving as a seed for up to three GPT-4-generated follow-up questions as the alternative to Q2 and Q3.
  3. All three pre-defined questions, Q1, Q2, and Q3, each used as a seed for its own GPT-4 follow-up.

The following prompt was used to generate the follow-up questions:

To assess the impact of the AI follow-up questions, we then compared the results on both a quantitative and a qualitative basis. One of the measures that we analyzed is informativeness — ratings of the responses based on how useful they are at elucidating new usability issues encountered by the user.

As seen in the figure below, the informativeness dropped significantly between the seed questions and their AI follow-up. The follow-ups rarely helped identify a new issue, although they did help elaborate further details.

The emotional reactions of the participants offer another perspective on AI-generated follow-up questions. Our analysis of the prevailing emotional valence based on the phrasing of answers revealed that, at first, the answers started with a neutral sentiment. Afterward, the sentiment shifted toward the negative.

In the case of the pre-defined questions Q2 and Q3, this could be seen as natural. While question Seed 1 was open-ended, asking the participants to explain what they did during the task, Q2 and Q3 focused more on the negative — usability issues and other disliked aspects. Curiously, the follow-up chains generally received even more negative receptions than their seed questions, and not for the same reason.

Frustration was common as participants interacted with the GPT-4-driven follow-up questions. This is rather critical, considering that frustration with the testing process can sidetrack participants from taking usability testing seriously, hinder meaningful feedback, and introduce a negative bias.

A major aspect that participants were frustrated with was redundancy. Repetitiveness, such as re-explaining the same usability issue, was quite common. While pre-defined follow-up questions yielded 27-28% of repeated answers (it’s likely that participants already mentioned aspects they disliked during the open-ended Q1), AI-generated questions yielded 21%.

That’s not that much of an improvement, given that the comparison is made to questions that literally could not adapt to prevent repetition at all. Furthermore, when AI follow-up questions were added to obtain more elaborate answers for every pre-defined question, the repetition ratio rose further to 35%. In the variant with AI, participants also rated the questions as significantly less reasonable.

Answers to AI-generated questions contained a lot of statements like “I already said that” and “The obvious AI questions ignored my previous responses.”

The prevalence of repetition within the same group of questions (the seed question, its follow-up questions, and all of their answers) can be seen as particularly problematic since the GPT-4 prompt had been provided with all the information available in this context. This demonstrates that a number of the follow-up questions were not sufficiently distinct and lacked the direction that would warrant them being asked.

Insights From The Study: Successes And Pitfalls

To summarize the usefulness of AI-generated follow-up questions in usability testing, there are both good and bad points.


  • Generative AI (GPT-4) excels at refining participant answers with contextual follow-ups.
  • Depth of qualitative insights can be enhanced.


  • Limited capacity to uncover new issues beyond pre-defined questions.
  • Participants can easily grow frustrated with repetitive or generic follow-ups.

While extracting answers that are a bit more elaborate is a benefit, it can be easily overshadowed if the lack of question quality and relevance is too distracting. This can potentially inhibit participants’ natural behavior and the relevance of feedback if they’re focusing on the AI.

Therefore, in the following section, we discuss what to be careful of, whether you are picking an existing AI tool to assist you with unmoderated usability testing or implementing your own AI prompts or even models for a similar purpose.

Recommendations For Practitioners

Context is the end-all and be-all when it comes to the usefulness of follow-up questions. Most of the issues that we identified with the AI follow-up questions in our study can be tied to the ignorance of proper context in one shape or another.

Based on real blunders that GPT-4 made while generating questions in our study, we have meticulously collected and organized a list of the types of context that these questions were missing. Whether you’re looking to use an existing AI tool or are implementing your own system to interact with participants in unmoderated studies, you are strongly encouraged to use this list as a high-level checklist. With it as the guideline, you can assess whether the AI models and prompts at your disposal can ask reasonable, context-sensitive follow-up questions before you entrust them with interacting with real participants.

Without further ado, these are the relevant types of context:

  • General Usability Testing Context.
    The AI should incorporate standard principles of usability testing in its questions. This may appear obvious, and it actually is. But it needs to be said, given that we have encountered issues related to this context in our study. For example, the questions should not be leading, ask participants for design suggestions, or ask them to predict their future behavior in completely hypothetical scenarios (behavioral research is much more accurate for that).
  • Usability Testing Goal Context.
    Different usability tests have different goals depending on the stage of the design, business goals, or features being tested. Each follow-up question and the participant’s time used in answering it are valuable resources. They should not be wasted on going off-topic. For example, in our study, we were evaluating a prototype of a website with placeholder photos of a product. When the AI starts asking participants about their opinion of the displayed fake products, such information is useless to us.
  • User Task Context.
    Whether the tasks in your usability testing are goal-driven or open and exploratory, their nature should be properly reflected in follow-up questions. When the participants have freedom, follow-up questions could be useful for understanding their motivations. By contrast, if your AI tool foolishly asks the participants why they did something closely related to the task (e.g., placing the specific item they were supposed to buy into the cart), you will seem just as foolish by association for using it.
  • Design Context.
    Detailed information about the tested design (e.g., prototype, mockup, website, app) can be indispensable for making sure that follow-up questions are reasonable. Follow-up questions should require input from the participant. They should not be answerable just by looking at the design. Interesting aspects of the design could also be reflected in the topics to focus on. For example, in our study, the AI would occasionally ask participants why they believed a piece of information that was very prominently displayed in the user interface, making the question irrelevant in context.
  • Interaction Context.
    If Design Context tells you what the participant could potentially see and do during the usability test, Interaction Context comprises all their actual actions, including their consequences. This could incorporate the video recording of the usability test, as well as the audio recording of the participant thinking aloud. The inclusion of interaction context would allow follow-up questions to build on the information that the participant already provided and to further clarify their decisions. For example, if a participant does not successfully complete a task, follow-up questions could be directed at investigating the cause, even as the participant continues to believe they have fulfilled their goal.
  • Previous Question Context.
    Even when the questions you ask them are mutually distinct, participants can find logical associations between various aspects of their experience, especially since they don’t know what you will ask them next. A skilled moderator may decide to skip a question that a participant already answered as part of another question, instead focusing on further clarifying the details. AI follow-up questions should be capable of doing the same to avoid the testing from becoming a repetitive slog.
  • Question Intent Context.
    Participants routinely answer questions in a way that misses their original intent, especially if the question is more open-ended. A follow-up can spin the question from another angle to retrieve the intended information. However, if the participant’s answer is technically a valid reply but only to the word rather than the spirit of the question, the AI can miss this fact. Clarifying the intent could help address this.

When assessing a third-party AI tool, a question to ask is whether the tool allows you to provide all of the contextual information explicitly.

If AI does not have an implicit or explicit source of context, the best it can do is make biased and untransparent guesses that can result in irrelevant, repetitive, and frustrating questions.

Even if you can provide the AI tool with the context (or if you are crafting the AI prompt yourself), that does not necessarily mean that the AI will do as you expect, apply the context in practice, and approach its implications correctly. For example, as demonstrated in our study, when a history of the conversation was provided within the scope of a question group, there was still a considerable amount of repetition.

The most straightforward way to test the contextual responsiveness of a specific AI model is simply by conversing with it in a way that relies on context. Fortunately, most natural human conversation already depends on context heavily (saying everything would take too long otherwise), so that should not be too difficult. What is key is focusing on the varied types of context to identify what the AI model can and cannot do.

The seemingly overwhelming number of potential combinations of varied types of context could pose the greatest challenge for AI follow-up questions.

For example, human moderators may decide to go against the general rules by asking less open-ended questions to obtain information that is essential for the goals of their research while also understanding the tradeoffs.

In our study, we have observed that if the AI asked questions that were too generically open-ended as a follow-up to seed questions that were open-ended themselves, without a significant enough shift in perspective, this resulted in repetition, irrelevancy, and — therefore — frustration.

The fine-tuning of the AI models to achieve an ability to resolve various types of contextual conflict appropriately could be seen as a reliable metric by which the quality of the AI generator of follow-up questions could be measured.

Researcher control is also key since tougher decisions that are reliant on the researcher’s vision and understanding should remain firmly in the researcher’s hands. Because of this, a combination of static and AI-driven questions with complementary strengths and weaknesses could be the way to unlock richer insights.

A focus on contextual sensitivity validation can be seen as even more important while considering the broader social aspects. Among certain people, the trend-chasing and the general overhype of AI by the industry have led to a backlash against AI. AI skeptics have a number of valid concerns, including usefulness, ethics, data privacy, and the environment. Some usability testing participants may be unaccepting or even outwardly hostile toward encounters with AI.

Therefore, for the successful incorporation of AI into research, it will be essential to demonstrate it to the users as something that is both reasonable and helpful. Principles of ethical research remain as relevant as ever. Data needs to be collected and processed with the participant’s consent and not breach the participant’s privacy (e.g. so that sensitive data is not used for training AI models without permission).

Conclusion: What’s Next For AI In UX?

So, is AI a game-changer that could break down the barrier between moderated and unmoderated usability research? Maybe one day. The potential is certainly there. When AI follow-up questions work as intended, the results are exciting. Participants can become more talkative and clarify potentially essential details.

To any UX researcher who’s familiar with the feeling of analyzing vaguely phrased feedback and wishing that they could have been there to ask one more question to drive the point home, an automated solution that could do this for them may seem like a dream. However, we should also exercise caution since the blind addition of AI without testing and oversight can introduce a slew of biases. This is because the relevance of follow-up questions is dependent on all sorts of contexts.

Humans need to keep holding the reins in order to ensure that the research is based on actual solid conclusions and intents. The opportunity lies in the synergy that can arise from usability researchers and designers whose ability to conduct unmoderated usability testing could be significantly augmented.

Humans + AI = Better Insights

The best approach to advocate for is likely a balanced one. As UX researchers and designers, humans should continue to learn how to use AI as a partner in uncovering insights. This article can serve as a jumping-off point, providing a list of the AI-driven technique’s potential weak points to be aware of, to monitor, and to improve on.

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YouTube Unveils a New Red: A Bold and Subtle Brand Evolution

February 17th, 2025 No comments

YouTube has refreshed its iconic red with a new red-to-magenta gradient to celebrate its 20th anniversary, enhancing visual appeal and color consistency across devices. The subtle update improves accessibility, encourages user interaction, and reflects the platform’s ongoing evolution.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

The What If Machine: Bringing the “Iffy” Future of CSS into the Present

February 17th, 2025 No comments

Geoff’s post about the CSS Working Group’s decision to work on inline conditionals inspired some drama in the comments section. Some developers are excited, but it angers others, who fear it will make the future of CSS, well, if-fy. Is this a slippery slope into a hellscape overrun with rogue developers who abuse CSS by implementing excessive logic in what was meant to be a styling language? Nah. Even if some jerk did that, no mainstream blog would ever publish the ramblings of that hypothetical nutcase who goes around putting crazy logic into CSS for the sake of it. Therefore, we know the future of CSS is safe.

You say the whole world’s ending — honey, it already did

My thesis for today’s article offers further reassurance that inline conditionals are probably not the harbinger of the end of civilization: I reckon we can achieve the same functionality right now with style queries, which are gaining pretty good browser support.

If I’m right, Lea’s proposal is more like syntactic sugar which would sometimes be convenient and allow cleaner markup. It’s amusing that any panic-mongering about inline conditionals ruining CSS might be equivalent to catastrophizing adding a ternary operator for a language that already supports if statements.

Indeed, Lea says of her proposed syntax, “Just like ternaries in JS, it may also be more ergonomic for cases where only a small part of the value varies.” She also mentions that CSS has always been conditional. Not that conditionality was ever verboten in CSS, but CSS isn’t always very good at it.

Sold! I want a conditional oompa loompa now!

Me too. And many other people, as proven by Lea’s curated list of amazingly complex hacks that people have discovered for simulating inline conditionals with current CSS. Some of these hacks are complicated enough that I’m still unsure if I understand them, but they certainly have cool names. Lea concludes: “If you’re aware of any other techniques, let me know so I can add them.”

Hmm… surely I was missing something regarding the problems these hacks solve. I noted that Lea has a doctorate whereas I’m an idiot. So I scrolled back up and reread, but I couldn’t stop thinking: Are these people doing all this work to avoid putting an extra div around their widgets and using style queries?

It’s fair if people want to avoid superfluous elements in the DOM, but Lea’s list of hacks shows that the alternatives are super complex, so it’s worth a shot to see how far style queries with wrapper divs can take us.

Motivating examples

Lea’s motivating examples revolve around setting a “variant” property on a callout, noting we can almost achieve what she wants with style queries, but this hypothetical syntax is sadly invalid:

.callout { 
  @container (style(--variant: success)) {
    border-color: var(--color-success-30);
    background-color: var(--color-success-95);

    &::before {
      content: var(--icon-success);
      color: var(--color-success-05);

She wants to set styles on both the container itself and its descendants based on --variant. Now, in this specific example, I could get away with hacking the ::after pseudo-element with z-index to give the illusion that it’s the container. Then I could style the borders and background of that. Unfortunately, this solution is as fragile as my ego, and in this other motivating example, Lea wants to set flex-flow of the container based on the variant. In that situation, my pseudo-element solution is not good enough.

Remember, the acceptance of Lea’s proposal into the CSS spec came as her birthday gift from the universe, so it’s not fair to try to replace her gift with one of those cheap fake containers I bought on Temu. She deserves an authentic container.

Let’s try again.

Busting out the gangsta wrapper

One of the comments on Lea’s proposal mentions type grinding but calls it “a very (I repeat, very) convoluted but working” approach to solving the problem that inline conditionals are intended to solve. That’s not quite fair. Type grinding took me a bit to get my head around, but I think it is more approachable with fewer drawbacks than other hacks. Still, when you look at the samples, this kind of code in production would get annoying. Therefore, let’s bite the bullet and try to build an alternate version of Lea’s flexbox variant sample. My version doesn’t use type grinding or any hack, but “plain old” (not so old) style queries together with wrapper divs, to work around the problem that we can’t use style queries to style the container itself.

CodePen Embed Fallback

The wrapper battles type grinding

Comparing the code from Lea’s sample and my version can help us understand the differences in complexity.

Here are the two versions of the CSS:

And here are the two versions of the markup:

Markup Code Comparison

So, simpler CSS and slightly more markup. Maybe we are onto something.

What I like about style queries is that Lea’s proposal uses the style() function, so if and when her proposal makes it into browsers then migrating style queries to inline conditionals and removing the wrappers seems doable. This wouldn’t be a 2025 article if I didn’t mention that migrating this kind of code could be a viable use case for AI. And by the time we get inline conditionals, maybe AI won’t suck.

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Have you ever tried to adopt some whizz-bang JavaScript framework that looks elegant in the “to-do list” sample? If so, you will know that solutions that appear compelling in simplistic examples can challenge your will to live in a realistic example. So, let’s see how using style queries in the above manner works out in a more realistic example.

Seeking validation

Combine my above sample with this MDN example of HTML5 Validation and Seth Jeffery’s cool demo of morphing pure CSS icons, then feed it all into the “What If” Machine to get the demo below.

CodePen Embed Fallback

All the changes you see to the callout if you make the form valid are based on one custom property. This property is never directly used in CSS property values for the callout but controls the style queries that set the callout’s border color, icon, background color, and content. We set the --variant property at the .callout-wrapper level. I am setting it using CSS, like this:

@property --variant {
  syntax: "error | success";
  initial-value: error;
  inherits: true;

body:has(:invalid) .callout-wrapper {
  --variant: error;

body:not(:has(:invalid)) .callout-wrapper {
  --variant: success;

However, the variable could be set by JavaScript or an inline style in the HTML, like Lea’s samples. Form validation is just my way of making the demo more interactive to show that the callout can change dynamically based on --variant.

Wrapping up

It’s off-brand for me to write an article advocating against hacks that bend CSS to our will, and I’m all for “tricking” the language into doing what we want. But using wrappers with style queries might be the simplest thing that works till we get support for inline conditionals. If we want to feel more like we are living in the future, we could use the above approach as a basis for a polyfill for inline conditionals, or some preprocessor magic using something like a Parcel plugin or a PostCSS plugin — but my trigger finger will always itch for the Delete key on such compromises. Lea acknowledges, “If you can do something with style queries, by all means, use style queries — they are almost certainly a better solution.”

I have convinced myself with the experiments in this article that style queries remain a cromulent option even in Lea’s motivating examples — but I still look forward to inline conditionals. In the meantime, at least style queries are easy to understand compared to the other known workarounds. Ironically, I agree with the comments questioning the need for the inline conditionals feature, not because it will ruin CSS but because I believe we can already achieve Lea’s examples with current modern CSS and without hacks. So, we may not need inline conditionals, but they could allow us to write more readable, succinct code. Let me know in the comment section if you can think of examples where we would hit a brick wall of complexity using style queries instead of inline conditionals.

The What If Machine: Bringing the “Iffy” Future of CSS into the Present originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

The Dark Side of UX: Lessons from OnlyFans’ Addictive Design

February 17th, 2025 No comments

OnlyFans leverages a meticulously crafted UX to create a powerful sense of intimacy and exclusivity, captivating users while sparking ethical debates about manipulation and exploitation.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Top Features to Look for in a WordPress Directory Plugin

February 17th, 2025 No comments

What sets a lucrative directory website apart from an average one? 

Studies show that slow-loading directories lose 53% of mobile users, while outdated search filters drive visitors away. Result? Your revenue opportunities slip through the cracks.

A powerful WordPress directory plugin ensures lightning-fast speed, scalable growth, and multiple revenue streams. Features like advanced search filters, unlimited, custom fields, mobile apps, and secure payment gateways give your directory website the edge it needs.

In this blog post, we’ll break down the top features to look for in a WordPress directory plugin. Whether you’re building a business directory, restaurant directory, real estate listings, or classified ads website, these features will set you up for success. 

Before we explore further, let’s quickly define a WordPress directory plugin. 

What Are Directory Plugins?

Directory plugins are specialized tools that allow you to create and manage listings on your WordPress website. These listings can include businesses, services, events, members, or any other type of categorized content.  

What’s more, directory plugins provide features like search functionality, map integration, user submissions, and monetization options, making it easy to build a full-fledged directory website. 

Why Are Directory Plugins Important?

Directory plugins play an important role in transforming a simple WordPress website into a fully functional directory platform. 

As said, whether you’re building a business directory, job board, real estate listings, or a classified ads website, a quality directory plugin provides all the necessary tools you need to organize, display, and manage directory listings efficiently.

i. Simplify listing management

Managing a directory manually can be time-consuming and inefficient. Directory plugins streamline the process by providing an intuitive dashboard where you can add, edit, and organize listings with ease. 

They also allow users to submit their listings, reducing the administrative burden on your team.

ii. Enhance user experience

A well-designed directory improves the user experience by making it easy for visitors to find the information they need. 

Features like advanced search filters, map integration, and responsive design ensure that users can navigate your directory seamlessly, no matter whether they’re on a desktop or mobile device.

iii. Boost engagement and interaction

Directory plugins often include features like user reviews, ratings, and social sharing options. These tools encourage interaction and engagement that eventually help you to build a community around your directory. 

A local business directory with reviews, for example, can foster trust and credibility among users.

iv. Monetization opportunities

Directories can be a lucrative source of revenue. Many directory plugins offer monetization features such as paid listings, membership plans, and ad placements. These options allow you to generate income while providing value to your users.

v. Improve SEO and visibility

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for driving traffic to your directory. Directory plugins often include SEO-friendly features like customizable meta tags, schema markup, and clean URLs. They help your directory rank higher in search engine results, making it easier for users to find your directory website with ease.

vi. Customization and flexibility

Every directory is unique, and directory plugins offer the flexibility to customize your listings to meet specific needs. If you want to create a directory website of any niche, you can easily tailor the fields, categories, and designs to match your vision. 

vii. Scalability for growth

As your directory grows, you need a solution that can scale with your needs. Directory plugins can handle large volumes of listings and users without sacrificing performance. This scalability ensures that your directory remains functional and efficient as it expands.

viii. Integration with third-party tools

Directory plugins often integrate with popular third-party tools like Google Maps, payment gateways, and email marketing platforms. These integrations enhance functionality and streamline operations, saving you time and effort.

Top Features to Look for in a WordPress Directory Plugin

Choosing the right WordPress directory plugin is crucial for building a functional and user-friendly directory website. 

The ideal plugin should offer a balance of customization, performance, and monetization options. Here are the key features to consider. 

Multi directory facility

The multi-directory feature is an excellent choice for managing various directories within a single website. It provides a seamless experience for handling different niches, such as restaurants, or services, without the need for separate installations.

With this feature, each directory can have its own set of categories, layouts, and user management, offering the flexibility to cater to distinct audiences while centralizing operations under one platform.

Mobile app facility

With the rise of mobile browsing, a directory plugin with a mobile app (Android & iOS) option elevates the user experience by providing quick and easy access to your directory. 

Users can browse listings, submit information, and even engage in real-time notifications directly from their phones.

Moreover, native apps are optimized for faster load times and smoother navigation, which increases user engagement and retention.

Advanced form builder

Customizing listing submission forms is essential for gathering relevant data. An advanced form builder allows you to create and modify fields like checkboxes, text fields, and file uploads effortlessly.

This feature ensures your directory captures all necessary details specific to your niche, offering a tailored user experience and improving the directory’s functionality.

CSV bulk importer

For those managing large directories, a CSV bulk importer streamlines the process of importing and updating multiple listings simultaneously. This feature is crucial for quickly scaling your directory without having to manually input each listing.

The bulk importer ensures consistency across all listings, preventing errors and saving time on tedious data entry, thus allowing admins to focus on more strategic aspects of the directory.

Frontend listing submission and management

Frontend listing submission and management empower users to submit and manage their listings without accessing the back-end dashboard. This reduces administrative overhead and increases user autonomy.
A well-designed frontend management system ensures that users can update their listings with ease, improving the overall efficiency of the directory and keeping content fresh and relevant.

WooCommerce multivendor plugin compatibility

WooCommerce multivendor compatibility turns your directory into a dynamic marketplace, allowing vendors to manage their shops and products.

It also enables directory owners to monetize by offering paid listings or earning commissions on vendor sales.

Customizable listing fields

As mentioned earlier, every directory has a unique set of requirements. The ability to customize fields is essential for any directory website, be it a restaurant, doctor, lawyer, or real estate directory. 

Therefore, look for a directory plugin that allows you to add, remove, or edit fields such as text boxes, dropdowns, checkboxes, and image uploads. This flexibility ensures your directory meets your specific needs.

Advanced search and filtering options

A robust search functionality is essential for any directory. Users should be able to find listings quickly and easily. Hence, your next directory plugin should offer advanced search and filtering options, such as:

  • Category and tag filters
  • Location-based search
  • Price range filters
  • Keyword search

These features enhance the user experience and make your directory more valuable to visitors.

Responsive and mobile-friendly design

According to a study, over 96% of internet users access the internet via mobile devices. Meaning, that the majority of web traffic comes from mobile devices. 

A mobile-friendly design ensures that users can browse and submit listings seamlessly on any device. Additionally, a responsive design improves your website’s SEO, as search engines prioritize mobile-friendly sites. So, you should prioritize this essential feature in your directory plugin. 

User-friendly interface

A directory plugin should be easy to use for both administrators and end-users. Choose a plugin with an intuitive dashboard that simplifies the process of adding, editing, and managing listings. 

A clean and straightforward design ensures that users can submit listings without confusion, while admins can efficiently manage the directory without technical expertise.

Monetization options

If you’re looking to generate revenue from your directory, monetization features come into the priority. Here, your plugins should support: 

  • Paid listings (one-time or recurring payments)
  • Membership plans for premium access
  • Ad placements within the directory
  • Featured Listings
  • Ranked featured listing
  • Claim a listing 
  • Pay Per Submit

These features empower you to build a sustainable business model while delivering exceptional value to your users. 

Map integration (e.g., Google Maps)

Map integration is a play-maker for location-based directories. Plugins with Google Maps integration allow users to visualize listings geographically, making it easier to find businesses or services near them. 

This feature is particularly useful for restaurants, real estate, local businesses, and event directories. 

SEO optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for driving organic traffic to your directory. Look for plugins that offer SEO-friendly features, such as:

  • Customizable meta tags and descriptions
  • Schema markup for better search engine visibility
  • Clean and optimized URLs

These features help your directory rank higher in search engine results, attracting more visitors.

User reviews and ratings

User reviews and ratings build trust and engagement within your directory. They provide valuable feedback for businesses and help users make informed decisions. 

Ensure the plugin includes a review system with moderation tools, so you can manage and approve reviews to maintain quality and credibility.

Payment gateway integration

If your directory includes paid listings or memberships, secure payment gateway integration is essential. Your plugin should support popular payment options like PayPal, Stripe, or credit card payments. 

Multiple payment options improve user convenience and increase the likelihood of conversions a directory website owner desires.  

Scalability and performance

As your directory grows, it’s important that your plugin can handle increased traffic and listings without questioning website performance. 

So, speed and scalability should walk along with your directory plugin. Because fast loading times and efficient database management ensure a smooth experience for both admins and users.

Support and documentation

Reliable customer support and comprehensive documentation are critical when using any WordPress plugin. Choose the plugins that offer:

  • Detailed setup guides and tutorials
  • Responsive customer support (via email, chat, or forums)
  • Regular updates and bug fixes

A strong support system ensures that you can resolve issues quickly and keep your directory running smoothly.

Integration with third-party tools

To streamline operations and enhance functionality beyond the boundary, seal a plugin that integrates with third-party tools. For example:

  • Email marketing platforms (e.g., Mailchimp)
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) systems
  • Analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics)

These integrations help you automate tasks, track performance, and improve user engagement.

Pre-made full-site templates

Pre-made templates allow users to set up their directories in no time, eliminating the need to start from scratch.

This feature streamlines the process, saving valuable time while ensuring a professional, polished result.

Wrapping Up 

Selecting the right WordPress directory plugin is essential for building a scalable and user-friendly directory website. With the right set of features—like advanced search filters, monetization options, and SEO optimization—you can enhance usability and maximize revenue potential.

By prioritizing customization, performance, and seamless integrations, you create a directory that not only attracts visitors but also keeps them engaged. A well-optimized plugin ensures smooth navigation and a superior user experience, setting your site apart in a competitive market.

Featured image by Justin Morgan on Unsplash

The post Top Features to Look for in a WordPress Directory Plugin appeared first on noupe.

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Goodbye Bitly… New Preview Page is a Major Step Back

February 14th, 2025 No comments

Bitly’s new preview page, which adds an extra click and includes ads, undermines the simplicity and efficiency that made the service popular. Users now face the choice of dealing with interruptions or paying for a premium plan, making Bitly less appealing as a URL shortening tool.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags: